March 4, 2012

More weekend please

I'm always sad when Sunday night rolls around and I gear up for another week. 
Luckily I had another nice weekend, filled with a Friday night home with Chris, a baby shower Saturday, dinner  with my family for my dad's birthday, and some time with my future sister in law.  

Here's what I wore to the baby shower on Saturday: 
This is the first time I've tied my shirt like this, unless you count when I was eight years old. 
I am still undecided if it is a little too eighties or not.   

 shirt: Old Navy  dress: Kohls   boots: dsw  socks: American Eagle

I should probably add what I wore to school on Friday. 
What? You don't celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday at your work? 

And I had multiple students tell me there is no thing 3.  
Yes there is when thing 1 and thing 2 are already taken.  

Lauren in law brought home this old sweater that she wanted me to make some leggings and scarf out of. 
I've wanted to try that for awhile but didn't have the right kind of old sweater to use. 
It was super easy and took less than 20 minutes altogether.  

She gave me these pieces:
the arms cut off and the bottom half of the sweater

First I made the leggings by cutting off the extra fabric on the arms and pinning the top part down. 

Then I sewed the top on both of them. 

I did the same thing with the bottom half of the scarf.  
Pinned and sewed. 

And that is it!
A new pair of leggings and scarf for Lauren. 
Of course, first I took a few pictures of them. 
You know, just to make sure they look right. : ) 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

and make sure to check out henning love for a chance to win one of my headbands!

Linking up with:
Mingle Monday
sunday best


  1. OH I love the sweater into leggings and a scarf! Such a great idea!

  2. I totally want to make a scarf and leg warmers from an old sweater! This is such a great idea. I will have to go thrifting this week! ;) I also love that blue and white striped shirt - looks really cute on you.

  3. Love that you wore a Thing 3 shirt :)
    SO cute!

    And that green dress - love that color!

  4. Wow the scarf and leggings turned out so great!! I will have to do that :)

  5. I seriously wish I was half as creative as you...
    I'm glad you had a good weekend, and I agree, Sundays suck because you know your weekend is over : (

  6. Love everything about this post! I'm so glad I got to spend time with you this weekend! I missed you so much! Annnnnddd I'm super glad I get to do it all again next weekend! Thanks for sewing my stuff you're the best you crafty, crafty, beautiful woman. Love you!

  7. i like the knotted-chambray :) i think you can definitely pull it off. and the scarf and leg warmers you made are magnificent!

  8. I'm loving the boot socks! I wish I had gotten all crafty like that this weekend :)

  9. I hate Sunday nights as well! Loving the scarf you made, and your shower outfit - so cute :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. The scarf and leggings are such a cute idea! I definitely have to try this out with one of my old sweaters!

    The Tiny Heart

  11. Cute outfit & I was just thinking last night that I love Sunday mornings but dread Sunday evenings! Visiting via Meg at Henning Love!

  12. You have a nice blog out here.;)Love your striped sweather; you look very cute.;)

  13. Came over from Meg's! Love how you turned sweater into the scarf and leggings. And, I had to laugh because my oldest daughter's friend celebrated in her classroom with cute Dr. Seuss treats the other day!! And lastly, we have a lot in common...I'm Lauren, my youngest daughter is Katie and I have a niece named Lena! LOL

  14. Haha we def celebrate dr Seuss in teacher world. I loved much fun! Looks and sounds like a fab weekend.

  15. Hi from Mingle Monday! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the scarf and leggings!

  16. You MADE an eternity scarf and leggings out of a SWEATER? You have skillz! Share some of that with the rest of us, please:-) Cute outfits! Happy mingle Monday!

  17. Just entered your giveaway at henning love. These outfits are all awesome, especially Thing 3, I love it!

  18. Super crafty boot socks! Love this Monday Mingle submission. My assignment this week was all about styling--one top, six looks:

  19. Wow that looks AWESOME. For some reason I feel like if I started cutting up my sweaters it wouldn't look quite as cute as yours, ha. Great post!



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