March 5, 2012

a better friend

dress: Old Navy    tights: Target    boots: Kohls

I am working on being better at looking at challenges and trials as something that God has put in my life to teach me something valuable.  One of the lessons I'm learning through my struggle to get pregnant is what to say to someone who is struggling with something in their life.  I know people's intentions are good, 
but there are times when I have felt frustrated with people's responses to me.  

I know that God is using this situation to change me and make me stronger, more caring, and hopefully a better friend to others that are going through a tough time.  While every struggle is different and some are big and some are little, everyone wants to feel encouraged and loved when going through something hard.  

I'm learning that the best way to do this isn't by offering advice or telling them to relax and think positively, 
but by telling them that you love them, 
will listen to them whenever they need to talk, 
even if it is saying the same thing over and over.  
And most importantly telling them you love them.  

Thankfully God has blessed me with a few friends and my family that have done this for me and hopefully I will be able to do the same when others I know are going through something hard in their lives.

Don't forget to enter my headband giveaway at henning love!

On Your Heart Tuesdays
Cup Half Full
Call me blessed


  1. Happy Monday!! Your dress is so pretty on you. And I'm sorry to hear about the challenge your going threw now. I'm sending good thoughts your way. Wishing you all the best!!

  2. I love that dress and I think I may have those boots.

    Keep you head up - God has a way of working things out just when you least expect it.

  3. I can't imagine the challenge you feel you are facing. I can't really liken it to deployment, but it's what I can compare it to as a "big struggle" in my own life. It's hard to find people who understand your struggle and can support you in the way you need. I'm glad you have a support system!
    P.S. Love the matching tights and boots. That technique lengthens legs!

  4. Just found your blog, Katie.
    I really liked your post. I think you have a great attitude.
    It's so hard to wait for the Lord's timing sometimes, but it's such an encouraging
    thought to know that nothing happens outside of His plan for us! Keep
    praying and clinging to Him :)

  5. I MUST own that dress! So, so pretty.

    I'm so sorry for your struggle, Katie. Sending prayers your way...this too shall pass :)

  6. I love your dress & your boots too!! Sending you hugs & prayers..

  7. I love your are beautiful. Sending prayers your way. It will all come together, it aways does.

  8. Katie, I am loving this look on you, fab dress!

  9. Thank you for these words of advice. I have a friend right now in your situation and people say the most insensitive things. Yet, they don't mean to. It takes someone in your situation to give suggestions. Like, when I had my first miscarriage, I realized all the wrong things I had said earlier.

  10. thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and hugs your way :) thank you for being so supportive of my current challenge, and if there is anything i can do for you, please let me know!

  11. Sending some love your way :)

  12. love this. so glad I found your blog. I'm definitely following now. I can't wait to read more. If you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out my blog. It's all about the adventures of a small town girl taking on the LA fashion scene. xo

  13. I love you and love watching God teach you and grow you through this struggle...though I sure wish you didn't have to fight this particular battle. You are already such a good friend, and I believe this hard time is making you even more of who He made you to be. I love you and I never get tired of hearing about what's on your heart.

  14. Sending some bloggy friend love your way Katie! Loving that pretty dress :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. I can relate to this when my husband lost his brother and some people's "advice" for coping with it was not what my husband needed. I hope the people in your life are able to love and support you! Sending you hugs!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. Katie, you have a wonderful attitude. It is important to just "be" there for others.

  17. I'm visiting from Shanda's blog hop. I'll be praying for your struggles. I blog often about trials, how God helps us through, and prayer. I wish you the best.

  18. being there. listening. yes, that's where it's at! great words :)

  19. Such good advice and one that I need to be reminded about. It's easy for me to tell people what to do rather than just listen. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm going to check yours out now.

  20. I love you and will listen to you say the same thing over and over and over.

  21. Great advice! It's so true. I love you means more than any other words someone can offer.

  22. What a wonderful attitude to have in such a hard situation. This post is totally inspirational for me and challenges me to be a better friend/listener to people in my life in the midst of challenges! I know personally it is very hard for me when God's plan it to have me wait for something :)

  23. So true, loving people makes all the difference and Jesus is the example for how to do that well. Nice to meet you through Cup Half Full

  24. Cute dress! Remember It is Gods timing not ours. What is placed on my heart is the Story of Abraham & Sarah. Be patient & know He is for you.

    Thank you for your heart of God.

  25. katie,

    i read through a bunch of your posts. this one stuck out to me so much because of what you said about what we can do or say to those who are hurting. what has meant the most to me is definitely the people just saying "i'm here for you" or "i'm thinking of you, i know what you are going through is tough" or just simply hugging me and telling me that they love me. those things mean the most. you are so right. sometimes advice is well intentioned but can end up hurting.


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