March 6, 2012

What I wore - pants refashion

This was probably the hardest sewing project I've done, as I'm still a beginner.  
It's the first time I've really altered an item of clothing. I've had these pink pants for many years but haven't worn them in the past few years.  Instead of buying a pair of colored skinny pants I decided to use these to make my own.  

I followed this tutorial for directions.  She is a pro at sewing, so I'm sure it took her much less time. I'm pretty sure doing the first leg took about an hour, while the second only 15 minutes.  I also put the pants on and off at least 20 times to make sure I had pinned or sewed in the right place. 
While they're not perfect, I am a quite proud of them!  

Photobucket       Photobucket

I also couldn't decide what to wear with these pants and therefore changed my clothes before I went to work.

  Which do you like better?

Don't forget to enter my headband giveaway at henning love!

Linking up to: 


  1. I love the pink pants!! Way to go sewing such a big project. I love the jacket and stripes with the skinny pants

  2. You are always creating something awesome :) Love this! My favorite look is the white shirt! I think it'd be cute finished off with a scarf!

  3. You did a great job! Maybe pair with another pastel color and a blazer? Cute!

  4. These look fantastic! Seriously like a new pair of pants!

  5. Is there no limit to your talent? You are amazing! I like all the tops, but the blazer and stripes is my favorite look. Awesome!

  6. How creative! I love the skinny pants. I'd probably do a tank and/or tee, and a scarf. My husband wishes I'd learn to sew. Maybe I should..

  7. Good job, lady!! I have always wanted to sew. So proud of you! They look awesome!!

    Because Shanna Said So

  8. You did an awesome job Katie!! They look fabulous...and I really like them paired with the denim top.

  9. The "after" look is my fave, very cute look.

  10. I won't ever stop being amazed at your talent. You are just so crafty. And all of your outfits look great. For real ALL of them. You can pull off any look my dear.

  11. i love how this turned out. looks so great :)

  12. I'm impressed! I followed you from Transatlantic Blonde because I am obsessed with pink pants. Good job!

    Katie- Hems For Her

  13. They look awesome Katie! Love the stripes & blazer :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. Your "new" pants look awesome! I saw this tutorial on Merrick's blog and I wish I could sew!

    The Tiny Heart

  15. is there a word greater than impressed? because that's what I am! love the way you styled that outfit with the denim top. you seriously have skills. remember how when you were little and wanted to cut Barbie's hair and then it just kept getting worse and worse because you tried to make it even - until Barbie had a triangular bob? I'm fairly certain that's what it would be like if I attempted this!

  16. those pants are so cute. LOVE them! i wish i could sew, been searching for a sewing machine!

    happy wednesday
    xx :: ashlyn

    let it be beautiful

  17. i CANNOT believe you made those into skinny jeans!!! LOVE IT! they are super cute, girlie!

  18. Ooh, I like them SO much better now! You look awesome!

    lace, etc.

  19. VERY impressive!! Love the 'after' look! So slimming! I just may have to take a gander in my closet. ;)

    xo, Jessica

  20. Wow, I love the new look. Great job! :)

  21. Love those pink pants!! Great Job :D

  22. Great Job there - I must say, I really like the after look much better.

  23. Love these! you did such a great job - they look so much more modern cropped. I am trying to think if I have any pants I can do this with!!

  24. Awesome job! I have some older pants that I would love to do this with. I also have some 'skinny' jeans that aren't really skinny on my chicken legs that I want to alter. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  25. love how it ended up looking! great job xx

  26. WOW! Well done! You totally changed the look. I'm so impressed. I used to sew, but would never have attempted this.. Now you've inspired me!

  27. i think they look better - pale pants with wide legs are hard to pull off - they look much chicer with the skinny look!

  28. What?!? These are awesome! Makes me want to dig out my sewing machine!

  29. Thank you for linking up your project !!
    This week’s linky party is up!!! i hope you will stop by and link up another fabulous project...

    Claire x

  30. I have these Old Navy pants from forever ago, that's awesome what you did!!


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