February 2, 2012

Five things Friday

Things I'm loving this week: 

1. This beaded necklace - I've had it for at least a year but have yet to wear it.  I got it at Old Navy for less than $2.00.  I just wasn't sure how/what to wear it with but loved it today and am excited to wear it more!

2. White tights?  Yes or no?  I found these at TJMaxx last weekend for $2.00 (clearly a pattern in today's outfit).  I'm not sure if I love them - thinking they might make me look like I'm 12.  What do you think? 

3. The truth of this Bible verse: 
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."  Psalm 37:7 

4. The movie 50/50.  Chris and I watched it last weekend and loved it.
It's one of the better movies I've seen in awhile.  

I ate it last night - it was DELICIOUS 
and you need to make it. 

Happy Friday and happy weekend!

Linking up to: 


  1. Cute outfit!
    That cookie dough looks like it would be so good!

  2. That necklace is gorgeous, what a pretty coral color! Happy weekend!

  3. I really like white or cream tights. I think that as long as they are a thicker material (like not translucent), they are fine for adults :)
    Also, Exodus 14:14 is similiar: The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

  4. Pretty necklace! I like the tights too...you can definitely pull them off :)

  5. the white tights are cute! they look cozy, too :) that necklace is stunning!

  6. We watched 50/50 this week too! It was pretty good! I love the color of your necklace!!

  7. Love your outfit! And that cookie dough looks amazing.

    FEST (a new blog about food, style & travel)

  8. Love this post! That necklace is SO cute, I wore white tights this week too - and I can't decide if it worked or not (looks cute on you!), and I've been dying to see 50/50 - so glad you gave it a good review :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. Ohhh that dip looks soo good!! :)

  10. Cute outfit! Love this post! Have a wonderful weekend. ♥Winona

  11. Cute outfit! Love that Bible verse!! And that Monster cookie dough looks amaze!

  12. I have trouble with white tights, too. I have some from my wedding and haven't worn them since. They look good with your outfit, though.


  13. That cookie dough dip would get me in ALL kinds of trouble!
    Seriously looks so, so delicious!

    Happy Friday, girl! :)

  14. I don't think I would have ever bought white tights, but I think you make it work, along with everything else in your outfit.

  15. Loving the outfit! You're just too cute :)

    And I've been wondering about that movie... I might have to rent it tonight!

    Have a good weekend. <3

  16. I'm loving the beaded necklace!!! I have been wanting to see 50 50. Maybe this weekend would be a good time since its supposed to be rainy!

  17. Cookie dough! Yum. That wouldn't last long here!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm now following yours :)

  18. So cute! Love your striped sweater

  19. Love the outfit :) Just looking at that cookie dough dip is making me gain weight.

  20. Thanks for linking up honey! Loving the outfit! Have a great weekend! Kori xoxo

  21. That necklace is gorgeous! And I have such a love hate relationship with tights...I feel like they make me look 12 too.


  22. HA! Ignore the F21 link. I meant to send it to a friend and accidentally pasted it here instead. My brain is really elsewhere today.

  23. love the necklace & i think the tights look cute too :] But, that cookie dough dip! oh man, making me drool.

    Today is the Wish! {out loud} Sunday link up on my blog, hope to see you link up! & enter my giveaway!


  24. hey! i found your blog on hollie takes notes.

    i love your outfit! and i watched 50/50 last night... so good. so sad. but so good.

  25. Featuring you today at Sugar and Spice!


  26. White tights look great, especially with an outfit like yours that has some other white in it. I always consider white hose quite feminine and thus think they might look better with "softer" footwear, rather than big, heavy boots. That's just personal preference, though!


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