February 5, 2012

Lace love & Snickers

I am loving all things lace and was so excited to find a tutorial on how to make this lace scarf.  
I used a green silk fabric for the backing part.  I struggled a little bit with the part where you sew the lace ends together, flip it around and sew the silk together - but I figured it out.  
It really was pretty simple and I LOVE it! 

My family came over for dinner on Saturday night for my mom's birthday.  
Her favorite candy bar is Snickers so I made this recipe, which did taste exactly like Snickers.  
And to no surprise, Chris told me this was his favorite dessert ever.  

I also made these Savory Spinach Bites.  And despite my brother only eating one bite, because it tasted too much like spinach - everyone else loved them! 

I love you so much and could not have been blessed with a better mom.
Thank you for listening to me, loving me and being one of my best friends!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Totally trying those recipes!

  2. that scarf is magnificent! i want to try it! mmm spinach bites :) think i will be trying that recipe, too!

  3. those bars are making my mouth water! Hello, Btw!

  4. omg dear those recipes and scarf looks fantastic!

  5. Ohhh boy! You should NOT have showed me those bars. I'm bookmarking those to make the next time I need something sweet! :)

  6. Your scarf is beautiful! And oh man, those Snickers bars....I die. YUM!

  7. Ohhh Katie - I LOVE this scarf - it's so pretty! And, I love how you paired it with the pastels :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. ohmygosh! Those snickers look amazing x100! Make sure to check out my blog! If you like what you see, please follow! I follow back :)

    Best Wishes,

  9. thanks for your comment~! I agree 100%! I followed your blog-- that scarf is gorgeous! If you like my posts, feel free to follow along! :)

    Have a great Monday,

  10. I love that scarf!! (and I'm going to pretend I never saw the recipe for the homemade snicker bars, if it's all the same to you! heheheheh)
    I may have to give one of those scarves a try though. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. So impressed that you made that scarf yourself! And those snickers bars are making me drool. :)

    The Tiny Heart

  12. Congratulations, this was the top viewed link at the So Creative party last week!


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