February 6, 2012

It's been about a year . . . .

This time, about one year ago my husband started something that has changed our marriage and our relationship with each other and with God.   It was also around this time last year, that my grandpa was fighting pancreatic cancer.  Through more conversations with him, I learned of what a passionate and devoted prayer he was.  I always knew that he prayed for his grandchildren and family, but I didn't know to what extent.  My dad spent lots of time with him while he was in the hospital and shared with me that at night he would go through each of his grandchildren and spouses lifting up prayer requests for big and small things in each of our lives.  I took so much comfort and encouragement knowing that so many of my needs were being lifted up to the Lord by him, every night.  

This time last year, we also heard a sermon about husbands taking care of and praying for their wives, which caused Chris to start a routine that has been such a blessing in our life.  He now prays for me, our families and friends every single night.  He has yet to miss one night since last February.  One day in March last year after he had prayed for us I was talking about what an example my grandpa would leave behind and Chris said that when we're 80 years old we can tell our grandchildren that starting in February 2010, we prayed for our family every night too.  

With that being said, we have now been praying for the exact same prayer request every single night.  
We have been praying for me to get pregnant and for us to start our family.  
So far God has yet to answer our prayer.  
I know that God is waiting for His perfect timing to give us a baby, and after a year of praying it is becoming a challenge to not grow wearing in lifting up the same prayer request night after night.  
I've been finding great comfort and encouragement in verses like this:

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."  Psalm 37:7

In the next week we'll be starting a process that could be our answer to our prayers. 
I'm excited, nervous, scared, and hopeful. 
For today, I'm working on being patient and trusting that God's timing is perfect. 

Linking up with: 

Mingle Monday


  1. What a testimony, Katie! It is so hard to hold back our human nature, our wanting for OUR time and not His time: thank you for sharing your strong faith in His time!

  2. I love that y'all have committed to prayer. It sounds like such an easy thing, but it actually a hard discipline to hold on to. I'm going to pray for you guys (right now, so I don't forget). Love you!

  3. Your faith is truly inspirational, Katie. You are so right, it's all in His time. I hope the new process brings blessings (or just one sweet little blessing!) your way.
    PS that dress is super cute!

  4. I love this!! Your Grandpa sounded like a wonderful man! My husband & I need to start praying together, besides at the dinner table! I believe it would make us even closer.

  5. What a lovely piece of yourself to share. I wish you all the best and hope your prayer is answered soon!


  6. Aw Katie - this is such a lovely post! Hope your prayers are answered :) And loving the pattern on that dress - so cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. I sent up a prayer for you and you baby wish today. Your faithfulness to God is a real encouragement!

  8. Oh sweet sister, I love you and your heart so much. What a beautiful testament your marriage is. I too am lifting you and your request to the Lord.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh Katie, what a lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing your faith. Just know that another little prayer for a baby was sent up, too! :)

    (PS - you look adorable!)

    lace, etc.

  11. Oh this is just so beautiful! What a wonderful husband you have. Praying for you both, and for a sweet little one to make an entrance into your life soon!

    I'm your newest follower and absolutely love your blog already! I would be so thrilled if you stopped by mine and followed as well. Have a wonderful day! :)


  12. It's so wonderful to pray together for the start of your family! I'm sorry you've had to present that same request to the Lord for so long though. It took 11 months for us to be able to get pregnant with our son, and it's not looking like it's going to be much easier for us to get pregnant with our second baby. I know how hard it is. Saying a prayer right now for your upcoming treatment to work, and for you to be blessed with a sweet baby! Looking forward to reading more!

  13. Sending love and prayers your way for a baby. God will provide when the time is right!

    Just stopping by for Mingle Monday! <3


  14. Waiting is so hard, and God seems to use it in our lives again and again. Hoping He answers your prayers with a big "yes" really soon. Blessings!

  15. Hey lady, I nominated you for a blog award....just put the post up. Check it out. I hope you get traffic to your blog from it. ;)

    Because Shanna Said So

  16. I meant to post this commnet first, be strong and continue your faith in Him. He will provide. It looks like you have lots of people praying for you. Big hugs to you!!

  17. So wonderful to hear your prayer warrior story. God's timing is always perfect and it sounds like you know that full well!

    Stopping by from mingle monday!

  18. I love this! I also believe God has perfect timing for everything!

  19. How wonderful to have so many people praying for you sweet Katie! I love reading your blogs. I love you and have been praying for you for many many years! Love, Mom

  20. You have all my prayers and I know God will pick the perfect time:)

  21. Cute dress, Katie. And what an amazing legacy your grandpa left and that you and Chris want to leave for your family! Blessings on starting the new process, and thank you for sharing your heart with us!

  22. oh katie... thank you for sharing your heart... and for being so brave in putting your story out for all to read. i am very much walking through a similar journey... and "waiting" has been my word this year... but it's been neat to see how God has transformed that word for me.. and reminded me that i'm not simply waiting for a child... but i am waiting for Him... waiting WITH Him. i'll be praying for you in your period of waiting. if you get a chance read psalm 25... so good.

  23. Wow!!! Beautiful!! Wishing you all the best :) I am sure God will deliver, He always does :)

  24. My grandfather battled pancreatic cancer as well. I still think about him all the time, and trying to remember how he was before the cancer changed him so much physically. Thank you for sharing such heartfelt thoughts with the world.

  25. what a great legacy katie knowing your grandpa was praying for his family and now your husband will too. God will provide at the right time, I know that is hard to accept after a year of praying that He will provide but He will Katie He will!!

  26. Katie I love your open and sincere heart. You've been in my prayers since I have meet you and have shown Jacob and I what a Christ centered marriage looks like and I am forever grateful. I love you.

  27. What a great post! You faith is inspirational. I'll keep you and your sweet hubby in my prayers. I can't wait to see a sweet baby bump underneath all of your adorable clothes sometime in the future! : )

  28. What a lovely pieces! Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting from Mingle Monday btw..

  29. Such honesty.. I really like your blog & I'm glad you found me so I could find you. I will be praying for you, new friend! And that is a promise. Just be thankful you have a God to trust in who loves you and loves your baby :)


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