March 22, 2012

5 Things Friday

1. I feel like I jumped right from wearing leggings, scarves and boots to skirts and sandals.
I'm not complaining.
Although my white legs are.

2. This quote on pinterest the other day:


The thing is I really did do this a handful of times.
When we first got married and moved into our place, I seriously turned into a paranoid freak for awhile. Convinced that someone was going to break into our house and attack me.
Definitely rolled off the couch, crawled behind it and hid for a good five minutes one time when someone knocked on our door.

3.  I made this delicious recipe this week.
Pretzel toffee.
You should make it right away.

4. My sister told me that my nephew Travis (who is almost 3) was looking at a picture of me and said
"Katie is so little. Like a sweet little child.  Oh Katie."

Now if a toddler told me that they hated my clothes, I'd think "they're just two. Can't trust em."
But if a toddler tells me I'm little and sweet (we'll keep out the child part.) - I believe him.


I'm not going anywhere but couldn't be happier or more ready for a week off of school.

Happy weekend!

High 5 for Friday
anything goes    serenity now


  1. That quote is so funny! I always crawl until I can get to the door and look out the peep hole.

  2. Love the outfit!! I have wedges similar to yours :)

    And seriously about the knock on the door! Whenever I'm home alone and i hear the doorbell koch knock and I'm not expecting anyone I become the strangest person that ever lived! I need to have it taped, haha.

    The pretzels look incredible and your nephew had me laugh outloud! Kids truly do say the darnedest things!!!

  3. Hahaha I am definitely that 1% - I crawly to my room and grab my pepper spray!
    Love that outfit by the way - wedges...adorable!

    Happy *almost* Friday :)

  4. pretzel toffee? is this real life?
    x jes

  5. Enjoy your break! Love the outfit. I can't wait until it's warm enough to wear wedges to school again :)
    Oh, and I totally crawl around like a ninja and peek through curtains. Sometimes I run upstairs to look down at the driveway to see what vehicle the visitor has.

  6. Love the quote! I used to get really scared right after I had my first child when someone would knock on my door unexpectedly. i'd bring her to her room and then go peek out the door, so if it was someone dangerous she would be safer than me :)

  7. That quote is hilarious! Love it! & yes I do that too!

  8. Hope you have a great break girl :)
    Isn't this weather fabulous!

  9. Girl, my legs are whiter than that! lol
    Yay for spring break!!

  10. I am TOTALLY a ninja when there's a knock or doorbell ring! How FUNNY! And that outfit is adorable: yay for sandals and skirts!

  11. Love your outfit! The pretzel toffee sounds super yummy. Aww...what a sweet thing for him to say. Have a great break!

  12. love the outfit! spring clothes are so fun!

    Erin @ life as a Losey

  13. Those wedges are so cute on you! My legs are super white too so don't worry.

    Haha, I'm so glad I have 2 dogs that bark when someone comes to the door! Enjoy your spring break, Katie! I'm so jealous :)

    The Tiny Heart

  14. That outfit is so cute! I love what your nephew said about you. That is just so precious. You always have funny snippets about life that I like to read to my husband. This was one of them!

    Have a great spring break!!!

  15. I love that Pinterest quote! I am definitely part of the 1%...I turn down the TV, muzzle my dog's mouth and stay as quiet as I can until whoever it is disappears. Pretty pathetic now that I see it in front of me but I avoid confrontation at all costs :)

  16. My legs are glow in the dark almost! I feel ya!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy spring break!

  17. #1....I'm pretty sure my legs are whiter than yours... ok maybe not, but I feel like they are.... ugh.

    #2....hahahahahaaa that one had me laughing for like a minute! SO funny

  18. Love all these!! My legs are most definitely whiter than yours!!

  19. I'm totally doing your pretzel toffee snacks for sure. I'm a big toffee lover!!! Cute outfit too.
    I found you over at the happy go lucky blog hop and now following you. I'd love for you to come check me out as well.

    Take care,

  20. What!?!?! Pretzel Toffee?!?! Genius!!!

    Happy Friday (and Spring Break!)


  21. hahah! That's hilarious because I do the same thing. Glad I'm not the only one. However, sometimes I get caught (we have a glass door) so then it's just really awkward.

    found the route

  22. I want some of the that pretzel toffee stat!

  23. i love everything about this post.

    and your outfit.

    and you.

    AND your blog :)


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