March 25, 2012

Bang Phobia

Dress $3.50   Shoes $7:  both from Target  (read about this dress here)

On most days my bangs are more pushed to one side.  However, once in awhile, like this picture today, and against my amateur styling control they try to be full bangs.  Except they are still a little too short and there isn't enough of them.  But it makes me think that maybe I should go for full bangs at some point. 

And then I remember what my hair looked like when I had bangs.
Take a look: 

Remember the commercial (I think it was Sprite) "Image is everything"?
We were so cool. 

And this one is perhaps that best view of my full bangs in all their glory
taking up half of my head: 

So the question is 
Do I get bangs again? 
Or are these pictures enough to stay away from them? 

and I'm SO excited because tomorrow I get to do a giveaway from Shabby Apple!

Mingle Monday


  1. bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Too funny! Blast from the past!
    I'd say you could handle a little more bangs...just don't cut them like they were when you were little. lol

  2. I think "Image is everything" was Pepsi. If you have the VHS tape of "Home Alone", that commercial is mixed in with the previews...
    I had bangs until I was 19(!), and I don't think I'm ever going back to that. They do look good on you though :)

  3. cute dress!! and i love your bangs! you could definitely pull them off (and if you decide you do not like them, they will grow, and you have an excuse to wear cute headbands! though i do not think that will be an issue). :)

  4. I think the bangs are cute! Have a great week! Kori xoxo

  5. Love the dress and shoes!! You find the best deals!

    I think bangs would look great on you .... Just have your stylist give you more of an edge with the bangs and not the straight across look. Hope you know what I mean.

  6. You were such a precious little girl...bangs and all, you were so stinking cute! I think you could definitely pull off bangs now!

  7. Awww - I'm lovin' the bangs on you! I'm always to chicken to do it. But at least you have proof that you look cute with them :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. That striped dress is so cute! I frequently shop the kids section, although for some reason, I never thought to check it out in Target. Those photos of you when you were little are so adorable! I had bangs like those too when I was younger and then side swept ones as an adult. I think you're rockin the bangs!

    The Tiny Heart

  9. i actually think full blunt bangs would look darling on you!

  10. What a great find on that dress!! You are such a savvy shopper!

    I say go for it on the bangs. They looked cute back then, chances are they'll look cute now. Plus, hair always grows back!

    Hope you're having a great week Miss Katie!

  11. Love the pictures! Reminds me of some bangs I had as a kid!! I still have them, but let's just say they are a little more updated. Just tell your stylist you want more wipsy bangs (varied length) so it doesn't look like someone put a bowl on your head and cut them straight across!

  12. haha... I always had bangs too. I've been struggling as to whether I should cut them full across or not

  13. You're TOTALLY rockin' the bangs! I say go for it! But maybe wait until the fall when it's not so hot :D

  14. PS - I'm a Lauren! love your blog! :D hopped over from miscellany monday!

  15. Love the dress, you are so good at finding bargains! And I say go for the bangs. I think they look great on you!

  16. HA! I love bangs but if they're too much work I'd say no, otherwise why not they look great on you!

  17. Such a cute dress! And 3.50?? What a steal!

  18. I can't get over how cheap your dress is, and so adorable!!! I've been totally contemplating the same thing! I keep telling myself when my hair gets a little bit longer then I'll try some full front bangs like Zoey Dechanelle, but until then I'll keep my side bangs that always get pulled back because they drive me crazy!

  19. Hahaha. Well I love the bangs you have now! But if you want to get the heavy/full bang I say go for it! :) I just got bangs

  20. I think you look adorable is the first picture with bangs! So cute!

  21. I love your bangs in that first pic. So stylish....I wish that I could do that. I have the longer side swept bangs, which are often more annoying than anything!!!

    And those kid pics having nothing on my childhood bangs!!! Haha!

    Happy Tuesday!

  22. lol I had side bangs for years and then decided to do bangs bangs when I saw a cute picture of Reese Witherspoon. Needless to say, I wish that I had never gotten bangs bangs. They were cute for a time being but if you don't want them forever, you have to go through this terribly long drawn out process of growing them out!


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