March 12, 2012

a confused husband


Sometimes I think my husband is confused about my blog.  
He is confused that I know about other bloggers and talk about them like they are my friends. 
He is confused because he thinks that soon I could easily have 30,000 followers.  
He also fails to remember sometimes that I have a blog and rarely reads it (which really is okay with me).
Last night at my parent's house, my sister, Chris and I were talking about my blog and my sister asked Chris if he reads it.  

After he said that he doesn't look at it often and sometimes forgets I have a blog, I told him it's a good thing because I write about him at least once a week.  I told him I even had a whole day a week dedicated to things that annoy me about him. 
  So maybe he should start reading it more often.  

Speaking of annoying, I am incredibly easily annoyed.  Definitely makes the list of my personality flaws. Chris does a lot of things that annoy me, like pick at his teeth, and chew really loudly. 
 If you ask Chris what annoys him about me, he would say that I have so many things that annoy me.

Here's a picture of Chris picking his teeth.  
Now I know I'm making a ridiculous face, but mine is intentional.  I was trying to get Travis to make our monkey face.  

Here's the monkey face. 
and Chris is still picking his teeth. 

While there are some things that annoy me about him, no doubt in my mind that I am an incredibly lucky woman to be married to him! His positive qualities FAR outweigh his annoying habits.
More about why I love Chris and our marriage.   

and I figured I should end with a more attractive picture of both of us. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. bahahaha. I love that he doesn't understand your blogger friends. Typical guy!

  2. My hubby is the same way...and I am easily annoyed too! For example: I get so annoyed when he puts his dirty dishes on the counter next to the dishwasher...but not IN the dishwasher. I wish I could just be thankful that he doesn't leave his dirty dishes all over the house... :)

  3. Hehe, hubby doesn't understand blogging either and often asks me why I talking about my blogging friends so much.... I respond simply now, "you'll never understand".... But honestly I'm glad he doesn't ;)

  4. Y'all are so cute! And my hubby is the saaaaaaame way about blogging. He thinks I'm crazy. Love that green and white striped shirt! Perfect for spring.

  5. My boyfriend is similarly weirded out regarding blog friends ("Wait, why do people care about our lives? Really? I doubt that many care..."). So glad it's not just us! Love your blog! Found you through Mingle Monday!

  6. Hahaha! My boyfriend knows about my blog, and reads it to see if I talk about him! In fact, just a few days ago I had him do a guest post for me!! I think he gets annoyed sometimes that I'm blogging instead of watching tv with him though, but he'll never truly understand!

  7. haha this post is so funny. Wade does read my blog, but only if I post it on twitter. Otherwise, he's not too sure how to find it.

  8. My husband says he's been reading my blog to "keep up with me". I don't think he's ever asked me anything about it though! I like the idea of saying you have a post about his annoying habits. Then, maybe Chris will start reading regularly!

  9. I guess I should start to read it regularly!

  10. this is hilarious!! im glad im not the only one whose husband's loud chewing drives them batty!

  11. such a sweet post! and hilarious :) i love the pictures! and i definitely feel like/refer to you and some of my blogging friends as real friends :)

  12. OMG I thought I was the only one whose better half wasnt keeping up with my blog, glad to know I am not alone!!
    This was a really cute post, I must say, The BF annoys me when he chews his food really fast like he's just been fed after days...

    Dropping by from Life of Meg.

  13. Lol your husband is too funny! Eric actually reads mine but maybe bc we aren't married yet lol! I love your monkey face! Have a great day girlie!

  14. Hahaha - too funny! I feel like I make fun of my hubs at LEAST once a week maybe more, so it's in his best interest to read it :) But there are definitely things he doesn't get - like how I got SO excited to go on my first blog date.

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. Haha this post is hilarious! Occasionally when I'm writing a post, the hubs will ask if he can read it but he doesn't know how to find the blog on his own!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. I love this... my husband doesn't read my blog either! He totally doesn't get why I have one and why I follow so many other blogs. I think he is dillusional too about how easy it is to get followers!

    Love your green stripes!

  17. Haha that's so cute. My husband doesn't read my blog unless it's a post about life (read: him). Haha.

    See Me Rwar

  18. Hahaha! That is so funny! Ian and I are the same way. I'm easily annoyed, so he's easily annoying ; ) hahahaha.

  19. I love how real you are in your blog :-)

  20. Hahaha! Bet he reads that one ;) Love your pretty green stripes :)

  21. Love your outfit! And your hubby is adorable as well as your kid. :)

    Cathy@digitizing service


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