March 13, 2012

Dear Lauren,

It was so good to see you this weekend! Come back!

Dress & Tights: Kohls    Boots: DSW

Thank you for purchasing this same dress in pink first and going back to Kohls with me so I could buy it in white. 
I'm happy I finally found a lace dress.  
And thanks to a 30% off coupon and $5 gift card, I got it for only $14.  

Thank you for laughing at all my jokes and thinking I'm funny. 
You always boost my self esteem.    

Thank you for giving such a meaningful talk at Lauren's shower this weekend.
Your wisdom, advice and encouragement about marriage was appreciated by everyone there!

You'd probably be embarrassed for me if you knew what trouble I went through to take this outfit picture. 
My real camera is at our parents and Chris wasn't home today. 
Let's just say it involved an older camera, random things to prop it up, a hair tie, and a wasted 20 minutes of my life. 

and thank you for having the cutest kids in the world.  

I could have used some more Yumz and more Travis today. 

Can't wait to see you in 8 weeks! 


Linking up to: 


  1. You did it! (took a picture without your good camera!) It WAS a fun weekend and you did a great job at the shower too. Thanks for all your work.

  2. I just love that dress!!! Yay for coupons and gift cards!!

  3. That dress is gorgeous! Lace is so pretty!

  4. I am SO going to Kohls tomorrow and looking for that dress. I have a 30% off coupon too! What brand is it??

    SUPER cute - you totally rocked it!

  5. That dress looks like a dream on you! I want one!

  6. You look great !!

    Dear, I am hosting FoxHouse international giveaway currently, where you can win $50 worth of Apparels and Shoes...Would mean a lot...Just click the link below to enter :)

    Enter FoxHouse giveaway and win $50

  7. Ahhh those pics are SO cute - love the little munchkins! And that dress is really pretty - I'd be happy to trade :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. That dress looks great on you and I love the navy tights! Your outfit looks like spring and that makes me happy!

    p.s. those kids are stinkin adorable!

  9. That lace dress is so pretty and what a deal for $14!

    The Tiny Heart

  10. I'm totally running to Kohls NOW and trying to find that dress. I'm so jealous, I never find anything good there! :)

  11. Lovely lace dress! I love your last post about your hubby and he doesn't understand blogging :) I live in the same world!

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  12. yay for cheap adorable dresses! Khols always surprises me in a good way. I need to stop by there again

    The House of Shoes

  13. We miss you so much! Travis spent a good portion of his morning running around saying, "where's my Katie? Where's my Chris?" I feel the same way! I love you...and you look beautiful in your new dress!

  14. I lovvee the lace dress! May need to stop over at Kohls at lunch:)

  15. Love the lace dress....can you tell me if it's cut small or got some stretch to it? Thanks and love your style!

  16. I just came across your blog and I love it! You do have really cute outfits, I can see why your two Lauren's wanted you to document these! :)
    I love that you and your sister are so close! I am the same with my sister, yet we live 300 miles apart and only get weekend visits, but sounds like pretty much the same shopping, laughing our heads off kind of time you two had! Gotta love sisters! :)
    Look forward to reading more from you!!!

  17. That looks so cute. I am a new follower. I would love it if you came over to my new blog and followed me too. @

  18. That dress is so sweet. I love the lace!

    See Me Rwar

  19. ooh, i loooove that lace dress!
    your blog concept is neat, kind of like my sister and i sharing a blog to stay connected. have a wonderful rest of the week!

  20. The smock is absolutely fabulous

  21. LOVE the dress!! LOOKS fab - way to rawk it with the jeans!


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