March 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday

  Dress & Scarf: Old Navy   Shoes: Target

When I sat down tonight to write this post at first I thought of multiple things that seem hard in my life right now - the recent news of Chris' grandpa's poor health, the continual wait to get pregnant, situations at my job, the small amount of time Chris and I seem to be able to spend together lately . . . .  

I feel like I could be justified to complain and be sad about a handful of things today, but I also know that there are so many good things in my life and that I often forget how lucky and blessed I am.  

Tonight I am thankful for: 

1. A job that is so close to my house. 

2. A husband that I love and miss when I don't get enough time with him.  

3. Warm weather today and the happiness of spring and then summer around the corner. 

4. A God that uses trials to bring us closer to Him and closer to each other.  
And  who promises to work for the good of those who love Him. 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 

5. Videos like this to feel loved by my family:


  1. What a lovely post! Isn't it nice to take time out to remember the little things we have in our lives, the things that make everything worthwhile and the hard things not-so-hard? :-) xxx

  2. Sorry things havent been great, but you do have the right attitude to find the positives!

  3. So glad you were able to turn things around as see the positive. Stopping by from Kate Says Stuff, fairy wishes and butterfly kisses to you

  4. i normally wouldn't do this except you recently asked your readers to point out typos...i believe you meant "trials" instead of "trails". still, even read as "a God that uses trails to bring us closer to him..." is certainly true. he uses long bumpy trails which show us our need of Him. thankfully, sometimes he uses trails lined with flowers just to show us His loveliness, too!

    i'm always appreciative of your honesty :)

  5. love this. way to turn your situations into good. :)

  6. Beautiful post, and your dress is so cute! I would like one like that I think ;)


  7. Great attitude! Makes it so much easier if you can find one or two small things to be grateful for.

  8. Beautiful post! The weather hear yesterday was gorgeous as well. Have a blessed Thursday!!

  9. Love your Springy green dress - so cute! And that video melted my heart :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. a great reminder of all the things to be thankful for :)

  11. Loving that emerald green on you! You have such a positive outlook on life, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  12. I love Thankful Thursdays for forcing me to be Thankful about something! I love your list, so well said.
    PS Love the green dress too!!

  13. you are right on, always look a the positive, never dwell on the negative. This is a wonderful thankful list. Thanks for linking up :)

  14. You are so pretty! I love those shoes!

    You are wise and strong for having a "glass half full" attitude. No matter how bad things seem, there are always things to be thankful for. Thank you for reminding us!

  15. I love the outfit! Target is my most favorite store ever! ha
    That video is so adorable!! It is so true, no matter when life gets you down, you always gotta count your many blessings, they'll always out-way the bad!

  16. Oh geeze, that video is just the absolute cutest! I hope you and your husband get to spend some more time together soon!

  17. love the green dress- so festive for march! xo

  18. sSuch a great dress! I awarded you the Lovely Blogger Award! Go check it out! :) Have a great week!

  19. 1. You won a give away?! Awesome. 2. I saw this post after getting home from work and I watched thr video of Travis 5 times. I love how much he loves you 3. You look so cute. This outfit is so you. I love it!

  20. Cute dress, shoes and scarf! Love it all!

  21. You're adorable!! Thanks so much for linking up at Live Laugh Linky! Hope to see you again this week :)

  22. I love the "Thankful Thursday" idea! We should all be a little more thankful. Cute outfit too!


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