March 15, 2012

High Five for Friday

 dress: Kohls   shirt: Old Navy 

1.  The last two days have been above 75 degrees, which is about 20 degrees higher than normal. 
Which means I dug out some of my summer clothes yesterday and am hoping the warm weather stays! 

 2. Apparently this is what it looks like to have a baby.  
At least in the mind of an 8 year old.  

3.  I made these for breakfast the other week and they were delicious!
I'm thinking I should make them again this weekend.  

pb banana oatmeal breakfast squares 

4.  I made this little set of bean bags for one of my friend's son's birthday. 
It's always easy for me to find gifts to make for girls, but boys are a little more challenging. 

They were really pretty easy.  
I cut out the squares and then used double sided adhesive to iron on the letters. 
I sewed around the letters, then sewed the bags front side in. 
Flipped them around, filled them with beans and then sewed around the edges of the beanbag. 

My only advice would be to make the hole big enough so it is easier to put the beans in. 

I'm happy with how they turned out and hope he likes them!

5.  My spring break is one week away.  I don't have any big plans but am so excited for a week off of school!

Happy Friday! 


  1. what a cute gift! I love the ON shirt tied too, that seems to be popular right now - the colors look great against your hair!

  2. Oh I am loving that denim shirt with the maxi! So cute!

  3. Hey, I'm just impressed that the 8 year old seems to grasp what a time line is (and can spell) better than my 10 year olds...
    Happy Friday!

  4. Super cute girl! I need one of those denim shirts, so versatile!

  5. cute maxi skirt! you seriously come up with the best gifts :) the bean bags are adorable!

  6. loving the maxi dress with the button up shirt... you're so smart. will need to try that. and that picture is HILARIOUS.

  7. The bean bags are fantastic! Any little boy would love those!

  8. Oh my gosh! Number 2 is hilarious! HAhaa!

    Love the button up tied over the maxi :)

  9. Pretty skirt!!

    Those bean bags are awesome...I bet he will love them!

  10. I'm so jealous of your weather...and those PB oatmeal squares look delish!

  11. That breakfast looks so yummy!
    And good job on the bean bags girl :)

    Happy Friday!

  12. That drawing totally just cracked me up. Have a fab weekend! Happy St. Patty's Day! XoXo

  13. Love your maxi skirt & that chambray top! Jealous of your 70 degree weather too...sigh. And kids are the funniest - looks like she is pooping out a baby. Or about to sit on her baby's head :) Have a great weekend Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. first off - LOVE the maxi and i am currently on the hunt for a chambray button up. love the way you paired these!!

    those bean bags are so adorable. i cant' believe you made them!

    hope you have a good last day before spring break and have an amazing and relaxing time off!!

  15. Those oatmeal squares look like they'd be so yummy for breakfast! The bean bags were such a cute and creative gift and I bet he will love them!

    Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. LOVE those beanbags! you did a great job! I am also enjoying this amazing weather - I hope it lasts!

  17. Bahahhaa about the drawing of giving birth. Little kids are great.

    ~em at small girl, big world

  18. pretty look!

    xo Nav

  19. Bean bags are ADORBS!!!! Do you have a tutorial posted????

    And LOL at the childbirth picture. If things only seemed that clean (from what I hear) LOL.

    Happy Friday girlie!

  20. that drawing made me giggle! kids are so cute. ;)

    & the beanbag gift for a little boy is a great idea! boys are definitely more of a challenge to sew/craft for.

  21. Great job on the beanbags. You are really using your sewing machine. The oatmeal squares look good. Is the recipe on Pinterest?

  22. I went shopping for clothes today and I wanted to cry. It was SO frustrating. If only I can be as cute as you! You make it seem so effortless with all of your awesome outfits.

    Maybe I should make and eat some of peanut butter {love that stuff! especially crunchy} banana oatmeal squares to cheer me up. C:

    Thank you for your comment on my "i am happy" post... I'm happy it's the weekend too. Hope you have a great one!


  23. I'm laughing out loud at that drawing! :) You are looking so cute in that outfit!

  24. HA. That baby thing is hilarious!!! And the beanbags you made are so cute. Great job!


  25. I have to make the granola squares! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday!!

  26. Katie, you have such great variety in your outfits and seem to be able to pull everything off well!

    Thanks for sharing this last week at Drab to Fab :)

    Have a great weekend :)


  27. Thank you for linking up this fabulous project!!
    I hope you will stop by and link up another great project

    Claire xox


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