March 28, 2012

It's OK . . .

Blazer: Forever 21   Pants: Kohls  Shoes: Old Navy  Necklace: handmade (will post on this soon!)

It's OK that I paid full price for this blazer from Forever 21 ($25).  I rarely buy something that isn't clearance or really cheap but I've wanted a striped blazer for a long time.  And it is SO soft and comfortable!

It's OK that whenever I do this workout video, which is meant to work your abs the whole time, I feel it way more in my butt.  Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? At least something feels sore, right? 

Jillian Michaels - 6 Week Six Pack (DVD)

It's OK that I've started looking the in the little girls section at Target in case I find an amazing deal like I did on the dress I posted about on Monday.  

It's OK that my friend and I made Chubby Hubby bars for dessert last night, but left out the flour and opened my oven to this disaster: 

(those are crushed pretzels.  they look like worms.)

It's OK that I didn't realize that something looked terribly wrong before I put it in the oven, as I have made this recipe a few times. 

Thank goodness for try number 2: 

so much better. 
Then add a layer of caramel and chocolate and you get these: 

chubby hubby bars. chocolate, caramel, pretzels, peanut butter.
Recipe here

It's OK that I ate one after breakfast and one after lunch already today.  And one for an afternoon snack.

It's OK that I went on a walk by a river with two of my friends and one of their little boys, and while everyone was standing around, the stroller (thankfully with no baby in it) blew into the river. 
We then spent about 20 minutes trying to get her phone out of the river using all sorts of random things in our cars, like a windshield wiper and laundry basket.  
We finally did it, but her phone may not not recover. 

It's OK that I am dreading spring break ending and having to go back to school. 

On the plus side you still have two more days to enter my giveaway for a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple!

Linking up to It's OK Thursday


  1. Still an amazing deal for the blazer!!!

    Omgoodness, glad there was no baby in the stroller but sorry about the phone.

    And is it bad that I laughed outloud about your dessert making episode? It happens to the best of us :)

  2. love the blazer dear! I may have to start looking at that section in target too! :)

  3. I love that blazer! So Cute!

    I just tagged you in my post! Check it out!


  4. haha I wish I had been a spectator for that stroller/lake incident!

  5. I love that blazer!! I have a hard time buying stuff at full price as well! But blazers are totally in and I doubt I'll find one on sale.

  6. what a fun blazer! and full price, isn't a bad price!

  7. Haha It is ok your still pretty dang cute in those outfits despite the price or what section you find it in :)Sounds like a crazy but adventurous week for you.

  8. Love that dress!!! I'm a new follower from Mingle With Us blog hop! I love your sense of style, and your photos are great :)

  9. Loveeee the blazer! And it's ok that you are so stinkin adorable in every post!!!

  10. You're adorable! I love that striped blazer on you, and $25 definitely is not a bad price. I'm the same way, I always try to find deals on items and hate paying full price!

    Have a great day :)

  11. Oohhh LOVING that striped blazer - SO cute! And it is totally OK to have breakfast AND lunch AND afternoon dessert - you ARE on Spring Break :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  12. That striped blazer is so cute! I feel like it's justified to spend full price on an item if it's from a store like F21 or Old Navy because the prices are low to begin with! You've inspired me to shop at the Target kids section and I really don't know why I haven't thought of it sooner (since I already shop at other kids sections!)

    The Tiny Heart

  13. No shame in paying full price for that blazer...It's an excellent score!

  14. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. There is nothing better than Spring Break! Enjoy the rest of it.

  15. Ok that blazer is wonderful! So is your blog! :)

  16. Love the blazer and totally would have paid full price for it too {bargain shopper here}! And that lake story...OMG! By the way, I'm your newest follower and hope you'll follow back at :)

    p.s. - I would love to swap blog buttons! Let me know if you are interested!

  17. Cute blazer! Totally worth the price!! :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  18. I have that blazer too and LOVE it!! I think you and I are seriously on the same wave length! And, why didn't I ever think to shop in the girls section? Genius!!

    Because Shanna Said So

  19. LOVE that striped blazer! omg, it's great.

  20. Stroller in the river!!! Thank goodness it was missing a baby!

    Love your blazer.
    Happy almost Friday!

  21. i think its totally ok you are cute beyond words and have the sassiest taste! and heck yeah - if you find deals like that in the jrs it up girlfran!

  22. Its ok. I eat brownies for breakfast all the time ;) those look really yummy and your outfits are super cute!


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