March 29, 2012

High Five for Friday

 Dress: Forever 21       Boots: DSW      Necklace: Kohls

1.  I know it's officially Spring, but it is still cold.  So I'm still wearing boots.  

2. Today's outfit gets two pictures and two numbers because this is my new favorite dress. 
I just got it from Forever 21 for $10.  

3.   Remember this necklace I wore in yesterday's post?

My friend and I made these necklaces the other night. 
Although slightly tedious due to poking three little holes in each triangle, it was totally worth it. 
Paint chips, a chain, some jewelry rings, and about 30 minutes and I had a new necklace. 

Read more about how to make it here.  

(Tip: Put the paint chip/triangles on a cereal box or something like that to poke your holes through.  This way it didn't bend the corners of the triangles.)

4.  I had two custom orders for two little families of sock monkeys for Easter baskets.  

Want your own sock monkey? Check out my etsy store.
(I'd be happy to do a custom color/order too!)  

5.  I recently made this for dinner.  
So easy and delicious!  

I already had shredded chicken in the freezer and frozen pizza dough, which made this recipe even easier!

6. Bonus number today because you need to enter my giveaway for a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple if you haven't already! 

Have a great weekend!

Linking up to:


  1. Love this post! The striped dress is adorable! I love forever 21!

  2. Your necklace is awesome - what a great DIY! And I love your stripe shirt!

  3. I live in Florida where it's like ALWAYS hot and I'm almost always wearing boots. LOL I don't belong here. The "garbage bread" looks so good!!

  4. That red striped dress is fantastic!
    I love red & I love stripes :)
    It looks great on you!

    Happy almost Friday, sweet girl!

  5. Gorgeous outfit! And that buffalo chicken garbage bread looks yummy! And I'm proud you made pillows: I want to see pictures!

  6. 1. Love that striped dress!! I just recently bought two shirts that have bold wide stripes, in neutral colors though. I would love to get something with more color!

    2. your hair looks dang good in that second picture. Super shiny and the perfect shape. Thought you'd like to know ;)

    4. I want you to make sock monkeys for my future kids!

    5. trying this SOON!

  7. That dress is darling on you! And the necklace...omg...almost fell over when I saw you MADE it. How talented are you?! I love it!

    Oh and your sock monkeys are the cutest I've ever seen. Next time I need a shower gift, I'll be placing an order :)

  8. love the first look, amazing and omg with that garbage bread..mmmmm.

  9. we are twins!! i have the same striped dress from forever, but mine is pink and orange :) your sock monkeys are AMAZING!!!!!! and the necklace - magnificent :) happy friday pretty lady!

  10. Loving that red & white striped dress - looks SO cute on you! And those sock monkeys are awesome :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  11. Loooooove that dress!! Your dinner looks delicious!!

  12. i think boots should be worn all year round! haha and that chicken pizza looks so yummy! such a dangerous, but lovely, post! :)

    visiting from high five for friday! have a lovely weekend!

    -sarah grace

  13. I'm so impressed with that DIY necklace, I thought you bought it! Those sock monkeys are so cute...whoever gets that Easter basket is going to love them! Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. How awesome that you made that adorable necklace!

    Love this striped dress and it looks great with the boots :) I hope you have an amazing weekend!

  15. Super cute dress. I am loving stripes so much this year and that is a great color. Very versatile.

  16. You are really crafty. The necklace and sock monkeys are darling. I hope we get to craft together this summer. I love you.

  17. I saw the Chicken Garbage Bread on pinterest too! I'm so glad to hear about someone who has tried it and loved it :)

  18. Hey Katie! I'm trying to figure out if I set up my account right so that I can comment. I just love reading your blog! :)

  19. I really need to start taking advantage of Forever 21. It's on the other side of time so I never go there. Have a great weekend!

  20. Good deal on the dress! Love the paint chip necklace :)
    -barbie @ Style of a Mrs.

  21. I love the pink sock monkey! Too cute!
    Also, what is this tasty looking thing called Garbage Bread!!? I think I might need some!

  22. mmm i made that garbage bread too. so good!

  23. I looooove that necklace!!! It's so wonderful! You always have such cute outfits! :)



  24. Ooh! Fun and beautiful look! Thank you so much for linking up with me at Drab to Fab last week! Hope you'll join me again friend!

    Have a great weekend :)

    Happy Easter!


  25. Love the necklace, love the DRESS!

    Thanks for linking up! : )


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