April 5, 2012

High Five for Friday

shirt: Loft  cardigan: Gap skirt: TJMaxx  

1.  I was reading a real fashion blog the other day and it was giving tips on taking good outfit pictures.
One piece of advice was take pictures in new and interesting places. 
 You mean you don't want to see my deck every day?
  Welcome to my back yard.  
So much more exciting.

2.  Thank you for all your encouragement and sweet comments on my post on Monday.  I think this whole blogging thing has been a great hobby, distraction and source of encouragement with everything happening this year.  

3. One of my best friends sent me this yellow bracelet in the mail this week just to say she was thinking of me.  It made me feel so loved.  And this other bracelet I saw on groopdealz for only $12 so I had it engraved with our wedding date as an early anniversary present to myself.  

4. It was a struggle going back to school on Monday.  I spilled coffee on myself in the car, left my purse at home, my key wouldn't work to get into school and I realized my grades for report cards were due that day instead of the next.  I texted Chris to tell him and his response was 
"Want me to throw coffee on myself and throw my phone out the window and call it even?"  
Sometimes he does know the right thing to say.  

You should make it. 

Mine didn't look this pretty, but I'm sure tasted just as good.  

Happy Weekend!!


  1. What a lovely backyard you have! :) I'm totally digging your red stripes!

  2. i am in love with your outfit!!!!!!! so so pretty! i am horrible about my pictures haha. i should probably invest in a tripod, and someday - a better camera? haha

  3. That pizza sounds SO good! I love good Thai food!

    And that is the sweetest thing that your friends sent you that bracelet! Nothing like good old snail mail :)

    Have a great weekend, girl!

  4. Love that maxi skirt! Happy weekend!

  5. My favorite is his response to your bad day- such a guy thing! Love the bracelet idea with your anniversary. That is such a cute idea!


  6. At least there is some pretty green grass in your yard! I agree that blogging is such a great distraction and hobby :) Happy Friday!

  7. i have like 4 spots around my house that i take outfit pics at! wish i had some more interesting locations haha!

  8. pizza looks yummy and i love how u have styled maxi and stripes.

  9. that pizza sounds delicious!

    Keep doing what you're doing :)

    Happy Easter

  10. Hehe, I'm always taking my photos in the same spot too! Your bracelets are so cute and I love that you got your wedding date engraved. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  11. Love the new photo background :) And Chris' comment was hilarious! Have a great weekend Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  12. Awe, sweet girl, hang in there. Read your post from Monday and I am sorry everything hit all at once. Keep the faith and He will take care of the rest! Take some time to relax and enjoy the weekend. You deserve it! xoxo!!

  13. You look so comfortable and cute! Love that maxi skirt :)

  14. thanks for your comment! I love the cardigan! yes I should also change my location more for the photos, but well better on the balcony than no photos at all!

    xxx Anita

  15. So, I totally thought I have been following your blog for like months now, but just realized I am not actually following, just keep coming back...haha.. SOOOO I made it official finally, even though I have been reading for a while! hahaha

  16. Love your maxi skirt! I've been dying to find one :) That yellow bracelet is so cute...what a sweet friend you have. I love how you got your anniversary engraved on the other...brilliant! Also, I'm completely intrigued by that thai pizza :)

  17. love that outfit! Thanks for linking up!

  18. Yes! I think changing up the background is a good thing! I really like your skirt! It's hard for me to find dress clothes lately...and that looks comfy! ~Lisa

  19. I love flowy maxi skirts, and this looks adorable! (I am awful about taking pictures in new places, I just slowly migrate around my street.)

  20. Love that outfit, you are precious, my dear!

  21. А тут интересно!:)
    Я подпишусь к тебе,если ты подпишешься ко мне,буду отслеживать твои посты:)

  22. Lovinggggg your outfit in the first pic, I gotta get my hands on a maxi shirt that does make me look preggo. haha. And those bracelets are darling, what a great friend you have :) {And hubby, you know, for "getting" you that early anniversary gift}

    PS - I'm your newest follower!

  23. **Does NOT make me look preggo. Oops. Get it to gether Katie, get it together!

  24. Ha! I totally wondered where your deck was when I saw your outfit picture. It's hard to switch it up too much when you have to use a stand, though, right? I remember you saying you use a stand - so whatever works is great in my book. I just like to focus on the looks you put together! Thanks for partying with me at Drab to Fab. Here's the link to this weeks, party! Come on back to share more of your lovely looks.


    Have a lovely weekend! :)

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice


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