April 3, 2012

7th grade flirt

shirt and belt: Old Navy  (read about shirt here)  pants: ?  shoes: dsw

The other day I was coaching for my girls on the run team and some of the junior high track team was also outside.  As I was running around the track, one of the boys jumped in front and me and kept moving back and forth, zig zagging so I couldn't run past him.  Apparently he thought this was some form of flirty.  And apparently he didn't realize I was a teacher.  Due to the fact that it was the Monday after spring break, and I had already had a pretty crappy day, my only response was, 

"Seriously? Stop it." 

I mean, he needs to learn rejection at some point, right? 

And clearly I need to learn how to not look like a 14 year old. 

Linking up to:


  1. One of my boys though it was cute to ask me for my "digits" in the middle of my lesson… I feel your pain… and so does my studnet… all the way from in school suspension.


    hope your week gets better
    oh and as always LOVE your outfit!

  2. Ha! He totally needed to learn! You look adorable :)

  3. This is why I don't work in a middle school or high school. I have parents who have told me I look "16". I mean, I'll take it! But it can be a very awkward start to PT Conferences!

  4. Ha! That's why I teach Kindergarten... I look like I'm 14 too! But hey- in a few years, when everyone looks 40+, we'll look like we're still in our 20's!

  5. Where is your shirt from? It's adorable with that yellow belt and it looks comfy - I'm always looking for soft comfy button-ups (usually they are way too stiff!)

  6. haha! this is so awesome. i drive school bus and one of the junior high boys made a comment to his friend that 'so and so has a crush on the bus driver'. seriously kid. get over yourself. :)

    and ps. i'm so sorry that this past week has been so rough. i'm praying that God uses this time to show Himself so powerful and strong and real in amazing ways to you and your hubby.

    happy tuesday friend!

  7. Haha 7th graders are getting gutsy these days!

    Stop breaking hearts and looking so cute over there!

  8. Haha that is too cute! Looking 14 is definitely not a bad thing though - it means you'll always look young! :)

    sorelle in style | ENTER OUR GIVEAWAY

  9. Hahaha, aw, that's too funny Katie! Looking young isn't so bad - except in a situation like that! Love the olive green blouse with the yellow belt :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. Oh I want a yellow belt so badly! It'd look so cute with my Easter dress. I wonder if I could convince the boyfriend to go shopping with me this weekend. ;)

  11. Haha Katie! People always think I'm a HS student...it drives me nuts!

    The Tiny Heart

  12. ha ha totally happened to me before. Sometimes these attitudes need to be nipped at the bud. BTW, thanks for coming by earlier and for your sweet comment. Following you now :) Don't be a stranger! x

  13. I need help on the not looking 14 too. It will come in handy one day when we are old, ya know?

    Love love love that outfit!!!

  14. hahhahahahaha.....Oh that's adorable.

  15. Too funny! You should be flattered! Gotta love those 14 year old, horomone crazy boys! This made me smile!! Get it girl! ;)
    Because Shanna Said So

  16. Cracking up! I'm a teacher too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  17. Seriously the funniest story I've heard all day!!
    -barbie @ www.styleofamrs.blogspot.com

  18. I love this blouse and its color!

    xxx Anita

  19. That is so funny! Love this outfit.

  20. Love the shirt and belt and I imagine that boy's embarrassment once he realized who you were! haha. I use to coach a middle school dance team and EVERY time they had a rain day they would make the kids wait in the gym for their busses and the chaperones would always scream at me to get in the gym!!! LOL....when we get older we will appreciate being confused for school age kids!

  21. hahaha LOVE your response! so funny!


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