April 19, 2012

High Five for Friday

pants: jcpenney  shirt: target  jacket: loft  shoes: old navy 

1. I got this jacket a few years ago on clearance and remember debating if I should buy it .  
I just found it again in the back of my closet and am glad I did!  

2. My tree necklace.  Found here

3. The other day I was helping a student answer a question about how to prove if a statement about the Summer Olympics was true.  She said she would just ask me.  When I told her I was no expert on the Olympics, she said, "Well you did run in them?"  So glad that running a marathon is the same as the Olympics in the mind of a third grader.  

(and don't be fooled - Chris did not run the marathon.  Or did his khaki shorts and video camera in hand give that away?) 

4. I bought a groupon the other day for a mystic spray tan.  I'm going to test it out to see if I'll do it for my brother's wedding.  I'm slightly terrified because all I can think of is this: 

watch the scene here

5. And then that reminds me how much I miss Friends.  I am in serious need of another show to watch.  Preferably one that is funny, slightly dramatic and overall happy.  And on netflix.  Any suggestions? 

Have a great weekend!  Remember I'll be putting on my party shoes on Saturday!

One more day to enter my giveaway on Melanie's blog!

drab to fab   5 days 5 ways
High 5 for Friday


  1. I love Friends! and Ross is ridiculous in that episode, "I'm an 8!" Have you ever watched Scrubs? It is kind of reminded me of Friends...

  2. Ha! That episode of Friends is SO FUNNY. Have you watched Big Bang Theory? It's hilarious!

  3. hi katie! thanks for your comment! I chased that sunset until I found the perfect spot for the shot :)

  4. I love that episode! Here are some spray tan tips- shower before. Do not put any lotion or anything on your body before hand. Afterward be sure to wash your hands and feet right away. Hope that helps! Don't worry you'll be fine!

  5. Hahaha I love Friends!
    I'm watching it now, actually...best show ever :)

    The only show that I keep up with now is New Girl!

    Happy Friday, girl!

  6. That's possibly Ross' best episode..after "PIVOT! PIVOT!" and "We're-still-married-don't-tell-Rachel-see-you-later".
    In case you haven't heard it a million and 8 times on my blog: DEXTER/TRUEBLOOD/MADMEN/WALKINGDEAD.
    Have a lovely Friday!

  7. Cute outfit! Miss friends too! That was always good for a laugh.

  8. That jacket is so cute! Glad you found it again :)

    Aw, Friends, that episode was hilarious! Although I've always been a bigger fan of Seinfeld myself.

  9. haha my coworker bought a groupon and spray tanned last night so i gave her the runthrough like all day - she was so nervous! but after talking about it for like 2 hours, i think her nerves calmed down ;)

    and i didnt know you ran a marathon - where have i been?! thats awesome!!

    virtual high five coming your way for those blue pants! love 'em!

  10. Love those blue pants! And I totally miss Friends - big time. Hope you have a great weekend Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  11. right now I'm loving How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and it is awesome! It has has that "laugh out loud" effect on me like Friends does and it also has a storyline... you should check it out :)

  12. haha love that episode! as long as you follow all the directions for the tan, you will be good to go. I always get them for special events.

    happy friday :)

  13. Haha that was a hilarious Friends episode! I've never gotten a Mystic Tan but I love airbrush tans (the kind where someone actually sprays you instead of the booth). Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  14. Ahh love this post! I love love love Friends!!

  15. There is no replacing Friends, girl! I have it on all day in the background, timeless. Although, How I Met Your Mother is pretty stinking funny. Thanks for the pop in on my blog!

  16. I love that episode of Friends! Also the one where he bleaches his teeth! lol Good memories!

    Here my H5F:



  17. Love your pants!! the cobalt blue is soso cute!
    I do spray tans at my work and I LOVE them...I've never done the one's in the booth though?!
    My only tip...keep your hands in a fist...it will help so your palms don't get tan, it will look more natural!

  18. I want blue pants like that so badly! lol
    OMG, I love that episode! I'm thinkin about getting a spray tan next week.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi again! I grabbed your button for my Bloggy Friends page. I hope you'll come grab my new button :)


  21. How I Met Your Mother filled a Friends void for me. Sadly, I have worked my way through all of the seasons on Netflix, and now need a to find a new show to obsess over.

  22. I got mystic's for 2 years straight when i was a hairdresser full time! they're great! email me before you go, ill give you some pointers :) also, have you seen How I Met Your Mother? its on netflix and quite hilarious :)

  23. Looking adorbs as always!

    Love your new bloggy deisgn features!!! I need to get some of mine updated so badly!!! Did you do it yourself?

    Anyway, happy Drab to Fab Friday!


    Have a lovely weekend :)

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice


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