April 17, 2012

Dear Lauren,

shirt: Old Navy  skirt: Target  boots: dsw  

I am glad you convinced me to buy this shirt many months ago, even though it wasn't on clearance.  I definitely got my money's worth.  Worn here, here and here.  

I wore the bracelet that we bought in Mexico two summers ago.  I so badly wish we were going back this summer!

(I think this is my brother's first appearance on my blog)

I think I need some serious psychology work done in my classroom.  I may just have some of the weirdest students this year that ever existed.  Here's an example:

After many times of me asking these two girls to put away a piece of red string that they were always playing with, I told them they needed to leave it at home.  This string had a name and was treated like a pet. 
Not too long ago the string came back.  I told the girls they could not bring it back and one of them asked in all seriousness, 

"What if it is invisible?" 

To which I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes and she replied, 

"I mean what if I put an invisibility cloak over it?" 

Invisible or not.  Leave it at home. 

You may be thinking that these girls just have a good imagination.  If you interacted with them daily you would think it was way past a good imagination and into incredibly weird.  

Want another really weird story?  Read this post.  Same girls.  

They also have secret codes and half the time I'm convinced they are saying and writing mean things about me.  
I think I'm turning into a crabby paranoid teacher. 

Maybe I'm the one that needs the therapy. 

Either way Lauren, come do some work in my classroom with your mad counseling skills.  

I'm starting to feel like the end of the year is far away.  

I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you in less than 4 weeks!

P.S. Want to win this headband from my shop?  Check out Melanie's blog

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  1. Super cute skirt and top! And I SO wish I was going to Mexico this summer too!

  2. Your bracelet & top = LOVE!

    And invisible red string...? Say whaaaaa?!

    4 weeks...you can do it :)


  3. You know, I've been having a "good" week with the kids. But you're right: deep down, they are weird.weird.weird. Some of them just show it on the outside! I'll miss them when school is out though! :)

  4. I totally relate to the weird kids! We always swear at work that we are going to write a book about the things we encounter on a daily basis. I've started doing a quote of the day of my fb of all the funny/weird/ridiculous things my kids say in class :) Haha!! My co-workers now submit things they hear for me to use as my QOTD! Ha! Your outfit is super cute!!

  5. Cute outfit! I hope June comes fast for you!

  6. hahaha you have some, um, inventive kiddos in your class!!!

    and why do you have to be sooo cute in everything you put on?! i love it!! i have been on the stalk for a chambray top!

  7. LOVE the skirt and bracelet!

    Interesting girls with the red string- HA bless your heart!

    Keep in touch!
    It's an Easy Life

  8. Love this outfit Katie - SO cute! And wow, a string? With a name? That is totally weird, haha :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. Just weird, plain and simple. My sil called me a couple years ago freaked out because one of the girls my niece friended at school was talking nothing but vampires, well, let me rephrase that...she thought she was one! LOL Yes, just about the time that trilogy was a huge hit!! Freaked my sil out big time, and even now both she and my niece call the girl strange/freaky/weird!

  10. Cute skirt, and I love that bracelet! I would definitely be a paranoid teacher, and that story was weird.

  11. Your chambray shirt was definitely a good buy...it's so versatile! I wear mine all the time :) That's weird about the string...maybe this means they need to get actual pets instead?

    The Tiny Heart

  12. The kids in your class are too funny. Love that bracelet from Mexico!

  13. How funny I just bought the same shirt from Old Navy. I found it in the clearance rack & I was disappointed when it rang up regular price but wanted it so bad I took it which is a bummer bc who likes to buy anything full price at Old Navy? They run sales ALL the time!

    Ha! That is both weird and funny about your students. I'd request evals on them all~haha

  14. Loving your outfit posts plus your entire blog! Your style and simplicity is amazing:)))

    Mac and Molls

  15. I don't know how teachers do it every day! I give you major props!! And, I still can't find a chambray top that I like...can I borrow yours? :)

  16. love your bracelet! I wish I could go back too (but at this point I'd take a vacation to anywhere!)

  17. i love the skirt and top together, amazing!

  18. Love the top and that bracelet!! ...and invisible cloak, makes me think Harry Potter! lol, thanks for the entertainment, teacher stories are the best! ;)
    xo, Jess

  19. girl...those are some wierd little girls lol! i remember reading about hem last time but this is very strange!! and i love your bracelet!

  20. Hey sweetie! You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

  21. I really like that shirt! & I kinda wish I had one just like it... ;)

  22. Love your chambray shirt! I am definitely a chambray believer! Your bracelet is so cute, pieces with a memory behind them are my favorite

  23. Love your chambray top! I find myself wearing chambray all the time, it's a neutral that's so, so versatile. Love this whole look on you!

  24. Love this outfit! I think I might need to go shopping now to kind of copy it! Hope you are having a fabulous day. xo

  25. I wish we were taking a vacay this summer too. Le sigh. Love the shirt!

  26. Such a cute outfits, I love the story behind your blog. So fun. Glad you found me, followed you back! :)

  27. Haha! I totally had a student like that last year. One time I caught her stealing and collecting ALL of the erasers from everyone in the classroom... SO strange!

    Anywho, I LOVE that TOP!

  28. yeah, that is most definitely weird! put an invisibility cloak over it, really?!

    p.s. my sister has that same shirt and she absolutely loves it! :)

    <3, Mimi
    Poshlocket Giveaway: Win a Shelly Fabric Choker

  29. I have that same shirt and I keep trying to find a skirt to wear it with - you've paired it perfectly!

    At least the two weird friends have each other! Nothing worse than being the only kid in the class. ;)

  30. Hi from Mingle Monday! :) I just bought a similar shirt from Old Navy at regular price too because I knew it'd get a ton of wear. I love the ways you've worn it so far!


  31. hilarious! what if it was invisible? totally valid question!


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