April 16, 2012

Random facts

shirt: forever 21  pants: Old Navy  shoes: Kohls

I'm at a loss of what to write about today, so . . .

Are you ready for some completely random facts? 

In high school I wore sweatpants or soccer shorts about 5 days a week.  Now I think I am just making up for lost time.  

 I love almost all reality TV shoes, but survivor is my favorite. 

I set two alarms every day I have to work because I'm afraid I won't wake up, even though I've never overslept. 

I love Ben Stiller and any movie he is - I'd marry him if I wasn't married to Chris. 

My toenails will be forever changed because of three marathons - but it was worth it!

I want to be a back up dancer for a rapper.  

One of my life goals is to be on the Price is Right. 

I hate the word "reimburse" and the phrase "it's all relative."

Chris is the only boy I've ever held hands with. 

I want to be one of the Fanta girls in the commercials, but I can't sing and am not tall with skinny legs.

I'd rather spend money on clothes than food any day. 

I use to say I wanted three weddings when I was younger (all to the same person) just to get married again.  And I kind of still do.  

I want to work in an orphanage at some point in my life and I'd like it to be in Jamaica. 

definitely random

Happy Tuesday!

Check out Melanie's blog for a chance to win one of my headbands!


  1. I love fun facts! Super cute outfit today and those wedges are adorable! Have a great evening!

  2. Love your top and the wedges go so well with it :)

    And this "I want to be a back up dancer for a rapper" cracked me up! I NEVER would've thought!

    Have a wonderful night, girl!

  3. Love this.
    The fact that Chris is the only guy that you've held hands with. My heart just melted. Sweetest Thing Ever!!

    And I would love to work in an orphanage someday as well....except I would probably end up adopting wayy too many children. I have a soft spot for kids.
    Happy Monday!

  4. I can totally relate to the two alarm clocks! Although I do have to say it saved me once from oversleeping so you never know!

  5. Finally!! Someone who understand my dream to be a back up dancer!! LOL

  6. Random facts are fun! My toenails are all messed up because of a dozen years of soccer. Not sure if it was worth it :p

  7. So fun getting to know someone better with random facts.

  8. You are so cute! I would spend money on clothes vs. food any day...and I think if Chris is the only boy you've ever held hands with, you guys definitely deserve 3 weddings, because that is SO darn sweet. Love your lacy top and those wedges Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. The lace top is so pretty! I loved the random facts post :) I'd also love to have 3 weddings because wouldn't it be fun to wear different dresses and wedding day looks?

    The Tiny Heart

  10. This was so fun!! I went to the Price Is Right before Bob Barker retired! We slept on the street for tickets. None of got "called down", but we were on TV! It was soooo much fun! And, I would rather spend my money on clothes any day....I am okay with starving! ;)

  11. i loved your blog, you are looking so elegant, i am following you if you follow me too i would be so happy :)


  12. Ohhh, I love this!! Great way to get to know you a little bit more :) I would love to go see The Price is Right, whether I was pick to be on stage or not!! Especially when Bob Barker was the host, ha!

  13. i want to be a back up dancer for a rapper too!!! maybe we can form a group?! ;) loving your blog... would you like to follow each other?

    xo's, Vanessa


  14. These facts are so much fun!! I so want to be a back up dancer too. Or if it's a good daydream I'd be a rapper. :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings


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