April 26, 2012

High Five for Friday

dress & jacket: Old Navy   flats: Target 

1. I was happy to discover that I could wear this dress like a skirt, expect for the fact that there is a little tie as part of the dress around my waist.  Hence the string going down my shirt, and it annoyingly kept hanging out all day. 

2.  Did you notice the sweet new links and buttons on my blog? I am SO happy with my new design.  I was lucky to find Chelsea, who just started a blog, and has some awesome graphic/designing skills and helped me out.  She sent me the images so fast and told me how to add them to my blog.  You should go check out her blog too!  Thank you Chelsea - you are awesome and appreciated!

3.  I made this chex mix for Lauren's bachlorette party.  It was delicious.  
Chris even said it was the best dessert ever.  
But if you recall that happens often. 

recipe here

4.  I pretty much turned into Viola Swamp at school the last two days.
Do you know these books? 


Summer countdown: 27 school days 

5.  I found two different bird canvases that I liked and combined them to make this:

It is now hanging on my wall right above my sewing machine.  
I love how it turned out and love the reminder that God is my refuge.  

Happy weekend!


  1. Oh my gosh- did you have a crazy day at school too?! FDKJASHFVJSAVA I definitely had the summer countdown in mind today! That chex mix looks deeelish and I adore your new blog design! I'll have to check Chelsea out! Happy weekend!

  2. Too funny on the little string with your dress. I do that type of stuff, allllll the time. I find it very hard to believe that you, of all people, have turned in to the awful Viola Swamp! Love the canvases! Have a great weekend!

    It's an Easy Life

  3. I love those bird canvases - you picked an awesome verse to add to them! They look adorable. Also I love your blog's new look! too cute!

  4. your blog looks great!! also, elijah loves those books. we especially like the one where viola swamp comes to teach the football team how to actually play football. so cute!

  5. I've been Viola Swamp all week! I'm at the point where I love the kids (and don't want to send them off to 5th grade!), but I dislike the system.
    I've always been uncomfortable wearing low necklines, so I turn cute dresses into skirts, more often than not. No one can tell!

  6. Yay, so happy I could help you out Katie. Did you get the header that I put in the folder as well? Or did I forget to put it in?

    The birdie canvases are awesome! I loveee.

  7. goodness...i had a lot of catching up to do! seriously love your outfit for the bach party! and your husband...how freaking funny...just like a kid with a new toy!! and i LOVE your new blog design!!!along with that chex mix that i just bookmarked!! and loving all your outfits from this week as always!! ok...i guess im done! happy friday! woo hoo!

  8. So, does the Chex mix live up to its name? : ). I love your canvases...so cute. You are so gifted!,,

  9. That outfit is so cute Katie - love the jean jacket, and the teal+yellow! And oh my goodness - that pic of Viola Swamp totally brought back memories of elementary school. Great new blog design...hope you have a fabulous weekend :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. Cute post! When did you get the shoes at Target? I've been looking everywhere for yellow flats! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays...I like those sweet canvases too!

  11. Cute yellow flats and new layout! Your buttons look adorable :)

    Viola Swamp!! I remember those books... takes me back

  12. wow that chex mix looks amazing! must make that ASAP

    happy friday xo

  13. Great idea to do a dress as a skirt. I did a skirt as a dress last week for one of my posts (I think it was last week). Anyway, I like being able to wear things different ways. It keeps the wardrobe interesting!



  14. Viola Swamp....haha. Hilarious. I am off to make some of this Chex yumminess asap!

  15. Your new blog design looks fabulous! Hehe I remember reading Viola Swamp when I was younger and thinking she was the perfect drawing of a witch. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. I have that trusty Old Navy dress! Never thought about making it into a skirt! Very clever, my lady! And, I am LOVING all the additions to your blog! Super duper cute!!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  17. Love the birdy signs!

  18. I always try to turn my dresses into skirts too but same thing ...there is always something going on on top that makes it look bizarre. Yours isn't too noticable though:)

    I love the changes on your blog! The colors are right up my alley.

  19. Viola Swamp! What a throwback! .. love that outfit too! Have a great weekend!!

  20. That chex miz looks amazing!!! Happy Friday. BTW...I nominated you for the lovely blog award on my post today. ;)

  21. Like Lauren, I wondered how Chris felt about the name of the Chex Mix (but as your mom, I don't think I really want to know). It was delicious, though, as I was able to have some before the party. You are amazing, dear daughter!

  22. Love that dress/skirt! haha
    And your new buttons are adorable!

  23. Love the stripe skirt & yellow shoes - i've been on the lookout for some fun yellow accessories! Thanks for the chex mix recipe - it looks amazing!

  24. I loved those books!!!

  25. Such a beautiful idea of converting a canvas art to meaningful art!! Love ur stripes too! And LOL at the chex mix description! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    NY Style Examiner

  26. hi katie! :) this is my first time to come across your blog and i do think it is actually sweet to create a blog for lauren and lauren! i love reading all your past and present posts and you dress up awesomely! <3

    followed you! :)

  27. Katie
    I have been following you for some time now and I love seeing all the outfits and hearing about your days. You are just a good kiddo! That is one of the reasons I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!! Please check out my post at
    http://myturn-evelyn.blogspot.com/ for all the details.

    Keep it up

  28. I spotted your new design first thing!! I love it!

    And 27 days - ahhhh I am so jealous!! You are gonna have an awesome summer and its coming So fast!!

    Love your outfit. I'm going to have to try this dress as a skirt thing ;)


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