April 29, 2012

fire alarm

(Now this outfit is far from post worthy, but I got my hair cut and colored and my friend that cuts my hair curled it and I loved it. So I figured my lazy Saturday outfit would have to do for a picture.)

I need to start by saying that I have an extremely low tolerance for loud or annoying noises. 
I'm convinced that I hear them louder than others.
Which make Chris' annoying sounds like scratching his throat unbearable to me.
But that could be a whole other blog post.
(Oh wait I kind of did that once already.)

There have been strands of time where one of the fire alarms in our house would beep sporadically and I can never figure out which one it is.  I'll stand under one and wait and then nothing.  I move away and hear it again.

Well yesterday it happened again.  I finally figured out which fire alarm it was and I had to get a ladder from the garage in order to reach it.
It took me forever to get it off and get the battery out.
Put a new battery in.
Climbed up to put it back.
Walked back into the kitchen and more beeping.

Took it out again, took the battery out and set it on the counter.
Walked away and it was still beeping.
With no battery in it.

I felt just like this:

(If you don't know this episode - watch the clip here)

But instead of throwing it down a garbage shoot it is sitting in my garage.
With no battery in it, and probably still beeping.

Linking up to: Mingle Monday & Mingle Monday


  1. Oh, the stupid fire alarms! For us, the batteries always die as soon as Scott goes away and I'm up in the middle of the night dragging a chair from alarm to alarm.
    You look just like me on the weekends! (Well, I could probably wear that kinda stuff on the weekdays too..)
    Have a great week!

  2. First of all, love the hair!
    Second of all, bahahahahahahaha. I hate that!! So glad I'm not the only one who compares my life to Friends' scenes.

  3. haha I love a good FRIENDS reference! That would make me crazy!

  4. first: your hair looks amazing!
    second: and I'm going to sound like the annoying preachy fire prevention lady, but I was told (by my family member that works for our fire district) that it's best to just change out all of the batteries in all of the detectors when one starts beeping. That way they are all on the same lifecycle. ;) Still, TOTALLY annoying. AND I love that episode of friends! Have a great week!

  5. LOL! Fire Alarms, annoying..

    I love your hair!

  6. LOVE the new hair Katie - so pretty! Your Saturday outfit looks like my Sunday outfit :) And I HATE technology/beeping things...so confusing!

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. Love you new haircut! Looks amazing. And, been there done that too. So annoying!!

  8. Your hair looks great! And your lazy Saturday outfit looks a lot like mine :)

    So annoying about the smoke alarm! Ours goes off randomly sometimes too and it drives me nuts.

  9. Love your hair! Stunning, as always. I think I need you to teach me how to dress on lazy days. On lazy days I think I look like a potato. You look adorable! Lessons, please?!?

  10. Your hair looks so pretty, Katie! And smoke detectors are so annoying with the beeping!

    The Tiny Heart

  11. Looks like you did some sprucing up here too, I love it! And your hair is soo purdy, definietly picture worthy :) THOSE STINKIN' FIRE ALARMS. They are like men, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. haha

  12. I love your hair!!!! See you on Sat. I hope. Grandma D

  13. I think you hair looks fabulous! I hate that fire alarm beep. Oh so annoying! It drives my puppy crazy! I mean freaking out all over the place. It is awful. I totally forgot about that Friends episode but I definitely feel that way when the alarm goes off.

  14. You hair looks super cute! And I am the same way about noises...I think I hear them louder than anyone in my house...the fan clicking is the one that drives me nuts most!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  15. Your hair looks fantastic! I hate when those fire alarms chirp & you CAN'T figure out which one it is coming from! So annoying. Happy Monday (is there such a thing?)

  16. Oh that clip from Friends just brought back memories!! Love that but sorry that you had to be annoyed by all of the beeping. :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  17. Oh now I hate fire alarms. I have a vaulted ceiling and the alarm in the vaulted part ALWAYS seems to die. I constantly want to smash it like Phoebe did. Loving the outfit! xo

  18. In seriously dying laughing! That's happened to me before but as I'm reading your post the friends episode pops in my was and that's all I can picture you doing! And then you have the episode clip! Too funny! And your hair looks great by he way!!

  19. I am so like you! I cannot at deal with loud and/or repetitive noises!

  20. Yep. Sometimes fire alarms can be inconveniences like that, especially when they're not working like they should. Anyways, it's all good because at least you've got one set up at your house; you didn't skimp on that bit of prerequisite for home security. On the other hand, you should maybe look into other versions of that sort which aren't wonky and work twice or more times as effectively and as precisely as the one you have. But at least you're kept safe with stuff like that in your house, and that is always a good thing to have.

    Lida @ #1 Security Services

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