April 30, 2012


shirt: old navy  dress: tjmaxx  shoes: kohls

A few weeks ago when I was having a rough week, a good friend dropped off a package with this beautifully framed poem in it.
The words were perfect and comforting and I've read it over and over again.  

Regardless of the circumstance, 
Regardless of the fear.
Regardless of the pain we bear, 
Regardless of the tear. 

Our God is in control 
Performing as he should, 
and he has promised in His word
to work things out for our good. 

But as a loving Father would, 
He sometimes let's us cry,
To cleanse the hurt from our heart, 
To wash it from our eye. 

Yet he gently gathers our tears, 
within His hands to stay, 
Until he turns them into jewels, 
and gives them back someday.  

I realized what a huge impact this small gift had on how I felt.  It made me feel comforted, loved and encouraged.  It has encouraged me to look for opportunities to make someone else feel the same way.   One of the blessings of the trials from this year is that I'm learning how to better love and encourage those who may be suffering.  

After reading this post, I love the idea about having goals for the week regarding how to make those around you feel loved.  This week I want to make it my goal to go out of my way to make someone feel loved and special, like my friend did for me.  


  1. i love your new blog design! it is gorgeous!! your outfit is lovely, too :)

  2. I love this!! What a beautiful poem and a sweet friend!

  3. Beautiful poem! Love your new blog design! :)

  4. wow. Goosebumps. What a beautiful poem. I needed this today :)

  5. SO much I want to say! a) I love your blog design b) I miss reading your blog everyday....the semester is so close to being over, and c) this poem is just pure beauty. You're such an inspiration and others around you are blessed and lucky!

  6. What a great poem! Don't you love friends who seem to know exactly what we need?! I think she's a keeper:)

  7. That poem was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you Katie! And I reeeeeally want that skirt. You are so cute!

  8. Love this post! That is a sweet poem and I love your idea to make others around you feel loved. I need to set some goals like that! More often I focus on whether or not MY needs are met, when I should be caring for those I love around me.

  9. What a sweet friend to give that to you! Such a good reminder :) Have a great week!

  10. What a great goal: to make someone feel loved and encouraged. That is what Jesus asks of us.

  11. @Laura PS I thought I figured out how to have my profile not set to "no-reply" but I'm not sure if it's working. Can you respond to them?

  12. Beautiful poem! So encouraging and comforting... the gift your friend gave... so simple yet makes such a difference. What a blessing, not only to receive but to look for opportunities to give!

  13. LOVE this! Sweet friends are the absolute best!

    On a side note, LOVE your outfit. You can't beat a knotted button down... adds the perfect touch of style to the structured look!

    It's an Easy Life

  14. cute top cute top!


  15. I love when friends surprise us with exactly what we need. :)

  16. I really do like this new design, Katie. I'm glad you were "gifted" some inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  17. That is a great goal!

  18. Such a sweet poem. LOVE your skirt Katie, and it looks so cute with the blouse tied like that :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  19. love that poem! thanks for stopping by my blog. this has been a rough day, and i think i needed the reminder in that poem. :)

  20. Regardless, you always look darling :) I love you're outfit... and such a great thing you're doing. Bravo to you!

  21. I've never read this! What a beautiful poem! Well you put a smile on my face every time I read your blog! Happy Tuesday friend!

  22. That poem is beautiful! What a great friend you have! I am going to have to pass that poem along. Thanks for sharing!

  23. What a sweet poem. I might steal it from you blog. :).

  24. gorgeous outfit! you are so pretty <3

    i love your blog girlie! saw you on on caseys page {thewiegands} & i'm happy to be your newest bloggy friend <3

    would love for you to visit back sometime and become one of mine as well!

    happy saturday!


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