April 23, 2012

sometimes I'm a really good wife

pants: express (at least 7 years ago)  scarf: gap  shoes: dsw
(please ignore the fact that my pants are in desperate need of being ironed.  oops.)

 Overall I think I'm a pretty good wife.  And thankfully Chris makes it really clear that I make him happy.
Chris is actually pretty easy to make happy, which I appreciate. 
But sometimes, something makes him so incredibly happy and he can't stop talking about it.  After a lot of searching and debating about what lawn mower to buy, he finally found a great deal on a John Deere riding mower.
Now we don't need a riding mower. Our yard is not that big.  
But despite the slight increase in lawn mower budget and that it is not a huge need, I agreed with Chris that he should get it. 

I feel pretty good about my decision after I saw how unbelievably excited he was.  
All within 10 minutes he said to me:

"Did you see my mower?" 
"Did you go sit on it in the garage while I was gone?"
"Want to go sit on it when I get home?"
"Aren't you just so excited to ride around on my lawn mower?" 
"I'm going to go hang out in the garage with my John Deere."

Happy Husband.  Happy Me. 

and posts like this have to make up for ones like this, right?

linking up to: true beauty files


  1. funny post! you're a GREAT wife! :) I love the scarf too! :)

  2. haha, you are an excellent wife! You'll have the best yard on the block :)

  3. So cute! I've never actually seen one of these in person!

  4. Ha! That's hilarious! Nate was the same way when I agreed to a boat. Something we don't need, but it'll make him happy! And your outfit is fantastic! Super cute pants and scarf combination!

  5. skinny minny cute patootie! love the outfit!

  6. Love it! Sometimes a simple yes makes all the difference. I say no way too much. If only a money tree surprisingly popped up in our yard... Happy for you and your hubby and your new addition :)

  7. Oh my goodness after much discussion my husband bought himself a kayak... Can I tell you the Sunburst (which was it's color, but has become it's official boating name) may as well be a complete addition to the family. I'm surprised the 10-foot wonder hasn't come to dinner yet! :)

  8. such a cute outfit! love those mint pants! way to go for goin with him on the lawnmower. sounds like he's a happy camper :) xoxo linds of www.rubygirlblog.com

  9. Wow. Just like my husband with the silly snowmobile.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who still wears pants from seasons/yearsandyears ago. Some never go out of style!

  10. "want to go sit on it when I get home?"

    this is SO something my boyfriend would say. like, exactly something he would say.

    that is too funny!

  11. "want to go sit on it when I get home?"

    this is SO something my boyfriend would say. like, exactly something he would say.

    that is too funny!

  12. I live that he asked if you sat on it while he was gone! So cute. His enthusiasm is one of my favorite things about him. And now, if possible, Travis will think he's even cooler because he has a John Deere!

  13. You ARE a good wife:)
    And I absolutely love your scarf! Such a fun way to tie the outfit together.
    x, Anna

  14. This is the cutest thing!! Love how it's the little things that make him happy! You are a good wife :)

  15. Loving those pants... I can't believe they are that old. Gotta love a classic pant :) And husbands... aren't they so funny when it comes to that stuff? My dad is a John Deere FREAK! Must be a guy thing...

  16. Aww, that's really cute! Sounds like you got major wife points for letting him get the riding mower. :)

    The Tiny Heart

  17. That is so darn cute! You ARE a great wife Katie...oh boys and their toys :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  18. THAT is too cute! He reminds me of my fiancé Randy. Maybe I should let him get his way sometimes ;o)

  19. Too cute! Yes, happy hubby, happy you! So worth it sometimes!!

  20. my chris is easy to please too and i can just hear him getting that excited about something so silly!

    jordy liz
    jordy liz blogs

  21. Love this post...because it is so true! Glad your husband is enjoying the lawn mower!

  22. oh my gosh I LOVE this post!!! boys will be boys, huh?! cute Chris :)

  23. After a lot of searching and debating about what lawn mower to buy, he finally found a great deal on a John Deere riding mower. Now we don't ... johndeererideontoys.blogspot.com


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