May 8, 2012

Dear Lauren and Lauren,

dress: banana republic outlet  belt: old navy  necklace: world market

I went to World Market last weekend to buy Chris some olives, cheese and crackers for his birthday.
(Yep, we roll out the expensive gifts around here for birthdays.)

And I found this necklace for $6.00.  I love it! 

I am SO excited for this wedding weekend ahead!

It's funny because I almost feel like I've been more involved in your wedding Lauren then in my own.  Maybe that's not true and maybe I don't remember well enough since it was seven years ago.  But I was also pretty much a baby when I got married and my mom helped me an unbelievable amount, so maybe it is true.  

Either way I've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time!

Lauren I can't wait to see you and give you a huge hug tomorrow night.  

Lauren in law you will make a stunning bride and I can't wait to see you marry my brother.  

Getting to be with both of my Laurens is right up top on my happy scale. 

Love you both! 



  1. Ahhh so cute! I am absolutely in love with that necklace. And what a steal! Aren't things so much cuter when they're cheap? I just had a family wedding this past weekend and it was a blast! Hope you have fun!

    The House of Shoes

  2. Lady, you've got style! I'm loving your outfit posts- all the way in Australia!

    xo em

  3. Such a cute necklace! We love going to World Market too, such a neat store. Have fun on this wedding weekend!

  4. I have a dress just like that from the Banana Republic Outlet!
    You must've been a baby when you got married if it was 7 years ago! We're coming up on 3 years and that makes me feel old.

  5. LOVE the dress! And that necklace is ADORABLE! The fact that it was only $6 makes it even cuter!!

  6. That outfit is awesome!!! And that necklaces is beautiful!!! I am in love.

  7. very very cute necklace, well the whole outfit is!!! :)

  8. Adorable dress! Love the necklace too. Have a wonderful weekend with the Lauren's!!

  9. i love you necklace! and the splashes of color in your outfit!!! Eric's bday is friday!;)
    hope your week is going great so far...sounds like you are super excited for the wedding!

  10. Cute! I love that dress, and I LOVE World Market. We don't have one near us, but back in California I would shop there all the time - they have such cute scarves and jewelry... for cheap!

  11. Wow, looove that necklace, and your whole outfit! I hope you really enjoy the wedding festivities! :)

    stopping by from What I Love Wednesday!

  12. That skirt dress is SO cute and your necklace compliments it so well. I love how your belt picks up the color in the necklace too. You have such a fun weekend to look forward to!

    The Tiny Heart

  13. LOVE this outfit Katie! That dress looks great on you, and what a cute necklace - love the pops of color. Wedding weekends are awesome...hope you have a blast :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. Love the entire outfit, Katie! The dress is perfect on its own, but the shoes, belt, and necklace just pull everything together!

  15. Nice dress! =)

    If you want, take a look at my blog - it would be great if we could follow each other on Blogger and/or Bloglovin and Facebook! :)



  16. I JUST went to World Market the other day and loved all of their jewelry! That necklace is GREAT! Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you!

  17. Okay, I need to hit up World Market...I haven't been in there in, thank you for giving me reason to go!! Love the necklace!!

  18. I've found some great jewelry at World Market in the past. Love your necklace!

  19. What a gorgeous dress! Loving the yellow belt.

  20. I've seen a few yellow belts on the WIWW circuit today and I'm loving them! (And thinking I need to go pick one up for myself.) Cute outfit this week, as always!

  21. Oh cute!! xoxo

  22. Cute! BTW lovin the new look:)

  23. Hmm...I have a very similiar looking dress from H&M. I never even thought of adding a yellow belt. Thanks chica for the lovely idea!

  24. That necklace was $6?! Amazing - it's so fun!!

  25. I love World Market, and am smitten with that necklace! Great find!

  26. cute outfit! I have been looking for a dress like that for forever! I love the yellow belt with it :)


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