May 9, 2012

It's OK

cardigan & shirt: ?  pants & shoes: kohls 

It's okay that Chris was gone last week for 9 days and I slept at my parents every night.

It's okay that despite all your good tv show suggestions, somehow I started watching 90210 and somehow am already on episode 23. 

It's okay that Chris has been watching Vampire Diaries nonstop.  Yep. There is some quality tv happening in the Vale house these days. 

It's okay that one day when I wore these shoes to school I walked by a bus driver and she said, "Oh how nice. You wore your slippers to work today."
Nope. Not slippers.

It's okay that years ago the only item of clothing Chris could name of mine that he didn't like was this shirt due to the little gathering at the top.  
I should ask him again if he's added anything to the list.  
I have a lot more clothes now. 
Or maybe I shouldn't. 

It's okay that when I was trying on my bridesmaid dress last week, Chris was trying to zip it up and the clasp at the top popped off.
Not a good sign when you're already have a low self esteem day.
I then sat on the floor in almost tears trying to find it and freaking out that my dress is too tight.

It's okay that due to the tight dress situation I went out and bought some extremely flattering underwear that stretches all the way up to my boobs.
I also bought pretty much a corset and have yet to decide which will be better because I'm slightly afraid to put my dress on again.   

Maybe it's about time since the wedding is on Saturday. 

Linking up to: It's OK Thursdays


  1. Ha- I do the same thing when Nate is gone! Either I sleep at my parents or they come to me (although now that they're four hours away, it's a bit more difficult to plan)!

  2. My brother always says that I'm wearing slippers when I wear ballet flats...what the heck! haha! I love the first picture...cute pose, girl!

    :) xo

  3. cute cardigan!

    xo Nav

  4. Ahh! The dress thing would freak me out too! When did you get it fitted?? I'm sure it's not you. Dresses are stupid.
    I spent most of high school watching 90210 re-runs. Maybe I can make that my summer 2012 project...

  5. I learned not to ask my boyfriend if he likes my clothes. I get a lot of shoulder shrugs and 'eh'. I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings, or he doesn't care. Either way.
    Also, blame the dress. It's all the dresses fault. That's what I would tell myself as I ate two cupcakes while crying.

  6. You are so funny! I have a pair of "miracle panties" too...bought for a bridesmaids dress. Gotta love em! And 90210 is totally one of my guilty pleasures :)

  7. I'm so incredibly happy that your watching Vampire Diaries!!

  8. hahaha Katie I loved this post! TOO funny! And hey, sleeping along is scary.... dress clasps pop off on the regular.... there is nothing wrong with a classic movie marathon.... boob underwear was invented for a reason and we should all be thankful!!

    Hope the wedding goes great! You will look fabulous :)

    It's an Easy Life

  9. My neighbor actually thought I was wearing slippers too when I was wearing flats! He doesn't seem to know much about women's fashion though so I'm not offended :)

    The Tiny Heart

  10. found your blog through the link up! I have to admit... I'm a Vampire Diaries fan as well! Slightly ashamed? Possibly

  11. Ohh Katie, cheer up! Those clasps they put on those dresses are for the birds, they don't hold crap! That has happened to me plenty-o-times. Wear your gut-sucker and dawn that dress proudly :)

    P.S. - I love that you stayed with your parents, I HATE sleeping alone too :)

  12. don't you hate those days. your shoes are cute, you are beautiful, dresses shrink in the closet all the time, and did i say you are beautiful? i hope you feel better soon!

  13. Love your skinny jeans and "slippers" :) I'm sure the dress will look beautiful on you Katie...those stretchy undies sounds kind of amazing!

    The Other Side of Gray

  14. this is too funny! I'm sure you will look great at the wedding. And I'm sure you won't need it, but if you do but Spanx can do wonders :)

    also, 9 days is a long time to be without a husband! No wonder you stayed with your parents.

    Have fun at the wedding this weekend!!!

  15. I hate it when dress fittings go that way ....but I'm sure you will look fabulous! Have a great time!

  16. I had a scare with a bridesmaid dress a few years ago! It was definitely a bad moment since it was a few days before the wedding. I am sure you will look fabulous!

  17. Ah, I hate when people think flats are slippers, lol. Makes me feel awkward wearing them but sometimes they are not just cute but necessary.

  18. aww love this girl! im a lil nervous for my bridesmaid dresses coming in but praying it all goes ok!

  19. I TOTALLY own some of that oh so flattering underwear, and it helps for sure! Bet the dress will fit like a glove when you put them on :)

  20. I have a pair of shoes that everyone calls slippers too! I always have to defend myself and say that they aren't slippers haha.

  21. I hate sleeping at my house when I'm home alone! And I like that shirt! ;o)


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