May 17, 2012

High Five for Friday

 shirt & skirt: jcpenny  belt: target  shoes: dsw

 1. This skirt is in desperate need of some ironing.  I really only use my iron when I am making a project, but should probably take it out more often.  The intended pleats of this skirt are pretty impossible to find. 

2.  One of my students just told me last week that his last name is not spelled Elliot but is spelled Elliott with two t's.  I've been spelling it wrong on everything the entire year, and he decides that I should know when we have three weeks left of school.  

3.  I plan on making this popcorn this weekend as a thank you to my parent volunteers.
And I look forward to many taste tests along the way.

Cinnabon Popcorn
Cinnabon Popcorn | The Girl Who Ate Everything

4. Tonight is open house at my school.  Today I had the students write a little thank you flower to their parents for something they've done throughout the year.

Apparently I've failed to teach my students how to spell. 

And it appears that one of my students had a life crisis this year without me knowing it.

5.  Monday was our 7 year anniversary and I woke up to these beautiful flowers and a card titled The best 7 years of my life.  

If I knew how to use twitter I believe I might write something like #luckywife

One summer goal - figure out twitter.  


  1. I also know nothing about Twitter. And I don't plan on figuring it out. #dontquotemeonthat

    Don't worry. I've probably done wrong by some kids this year too :)

  2. Gorgeous flowers! And that popcorn looks yummyyy! Have a great weekend!

  3. The student notes cracked me up!
    Too cute :)
    What grade do you teach again?!

    Love the flowers...good job husband!


  4. Iron, what's that? (I hate to iron) Popcorn looks super yummy. Love the kiddos notes! sweet. Twitter? I haven't even figured out, nor gotten on FB!!!

  5. Oh man, those kid notes are too funny! And twitter is totally over my head...I gave up on it a long time ago. Your flowers are beautiful!

  6. Haha - love the hashtag (I had to google what it was). Love the color of that skirt Katie, even if it is a little wrinkly. Have a great weekend :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. i suddenly find myself wanting to be one of your volunteers! that popcorn looks UHG-mazing!!

    and happy anny again - love love love that you've been together for 7 years!

  8. Haha, that is so funny about the kid putting "rock bottom" on that note!

    That popcorn looks amazing. I need to try it!

  9. I love your ombre skirt, it's so pretty! The notes from the kids are very sweet. I don't know how to use Twitter either, so you're not alone. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    Enter my Giveaway!
    PS I saw you entered my giveaway but you need to leave the link to the product for it to count!

  10. that rock bottom card is pretty sad. i hope she's doing ok!! and that popcorn might need to be in my house this weekend! have a great weekend!

  11. happy 7 years to you and your man!

  12. Hahaha I loved the "hit rock bottom"!

    Those flowers are amazing :)

    Happy Friday!

  13. love this! and i LOVE your blog. we have SO much in common. :) happy 7 year anniversary! that is so awesome :)

  14. Gorgeous flowers! Love your skirt. I hate ironing so I only do it when I really have to.

  15. congratulations on 7 years! that is so exciting. and wonderful!

    I'm loving that story about your student. so cute.

    and maybe i need that popcorn....tonight!!!


    wardrobe girls

  16. Whoooa!!! Rock bottom! HA! If only they knew! Hope your last 11 days fly by!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  17. Haha, I don't use twitter either. In fact, I don't even get those hash tags everyone uses all the time. Oh well. You can't win them all. That is hilarious about your students, what grade do you teach again? And that skirt is fantastic, ironing is so over-rated. You sit down once and it's ruined anyways! Have a good weekend Katie :)

  18. love that skirt and belt :)

    happy anniversary, girl! love those flowers, so sweet!

  19. hey Katie!! thanks for your comment on my blog!! I noticed you said you liked the headband I was wearing.. and I thought to tell you.. you can get it here :


  20. What a GORGEOUS outfit - I love that skirt. So perfect for summer!


    I was dying with laughter reading those flowers that the kids wrote to their parents! hahahha! you are too funny girl!

    hope your weekend is sweet:)

    love Katie

  22. ha hate when i look back and realize how wrinkled clothes were :) found you via the wiegands xo

  23. Too funny about the student who just decided to inform you that you spelled the last name wrong. Kids are funny like that, aren't they? Also loved the "rock bottom" comment. I have a feeling reading your blog is going to make me miss teaching.


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