May 20, 2012

Dress your Age

 shirt: forever 21  jeans: kohls  shoes: target

It never fails that every time we have a parent event at school I get some comment about looking too young to teach.  As the years have gone by, they have become fewer, but there is always at least one. 

At open house last week one of my students' grandpas came up to me and asked me how long I've been doing this.  When I told him 5 years he replied, 

"What, did you start when you were 12?" 

Why, yes I did.  Isn't it amazing they let 12 year olds teach 9 year olds these days?

After telling him I started after I graduated college he then began a long string of odd questions like, 

So is that your desk over there?

Do you sit there all day?

Do the kids really sit in desks like this? 

Do they sit there all day? 

Needless to say it was a long, very awkward conversation.  

 Now it just makes me laugh, whereas it used to make me feel self conscious,
 but as people always tell me, I know I will appreciate it someday.  


  1. I get that all the time too! I reassure them I graduated with a degree and that I am certified to teach in the state of Texas. Ha! And yes, I know I'll appreciate it when I'm actually 35 and look in my twenties. Someday!

  2. You totally will LOVE that one day sister! Be thankful :) As long as they're not questioning your ability to do the job, but just more so that you don't look old enough to.... you roll with that all. day. long! :)

    It's an Easy Life

  3. I love that shirt!! I worked at an alternative high school for a while and I remember one day one of the secretaries saw me in the hallway as I was coming in and she asked me if I checked into school yet. I was like, "Umm, I actually work here!" You will appreciate it when you get older!! - My parents have always looked really young and up until a few years ago, some people even thought my mom was my older sister.

  4. GIRL you are so not alone!
    This happens to me ALL THE TIME.
    I finally got over it because I'm not looking any older haha!

    Hope you had a great weekend :)

  5. ok, grandpa?? grandpas go to these school events? this is why I work in higher ed ... it's bad enough when the parents come. ;)

  6. I love the color underneath the white top! It's so pretty.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. bahahahaha. I HATE when people have awkward convos about how young I look

  8. People always think I'm years younger than I am. Just the other day I tried to buy spray paint at the craft store and got carded! I may look young but 17?!! My mom always tells me some day I will be happy when someone thinks I'm younger than I am, but right now I hate it!

  9. Oh I totally get that all the time... Everyone thinks I'm 18 when I'm really 23 haha. But I always say, hey I'll get the last laugh when I'm still lookin young when I'm old ahhaha! So don't fear! :)

    The House of Shoes

  10. LOVE that lace top Katie - so pretty! And what an obnoxious comment - that must get old real quick!

    The Other Side of Gray

  11. I think they expect all teachers to be 60 something with gray hair and glasses! LOL

  12. Love your top! I think its nice to get the young compliment.

  13. i taught high school for a few years after college and it was the SAME WAY for me. i used to get asked for a HALL PASS. by my colleagues!! gah. it was frustrating, but eventually i used to make jokes right back. you look gorgeous btw!!

  14. I get comments like these fairly frequently. Apparently everyone thinks I'm in HS and it drives me nuts!

    Enter my giveaway!

  15. I get comments like these fairly frequently. Apparently everyone thinks I'm in HS and it drives me nuts!

    Enter my giveaway!

  16. God love Grandpa...the older they get, the more their mouths filter! And, you WILL appreciate it one day...I get sad now when I don't get carded for alcohol...precious as always!!

  17. i say enjoy the fact that you look young...i never did when i was young, and now i'm not young anymore! =) ok, i'm not old either, but you know what i mean. maybe just start telling people you are the doogie howser of teaching and let them think you are a total phenom!

  18. At least once a week, I get the same kind of question. Whatever. If it makes me look more impressive, I'll take it!

  19. My bestest friend is a teacher and she gets the exact same thing!! What is wrong with parents these days?!
    ps i love that shirt!!


  20. I get this alot but my hubby gets it ALL the time {which will irk me when we are REALLY old!}Any time we have repair men or what not come out to the house and he aswers the door they always ask him if his parents are home?LOL
    Grandpa did have some strange questions though!

  21. love the color peeking through :)

  22. love the color peeking through :)

  23. And what's with his fascination with desks? Odd. I'm with everyone else...enjoy looking young. You'll appreciate it more and more as you age (says your older sister!) Love the outfit too : )

  24. Cute! Love the bright pink peeking out.

    Ah, Grandpas never fail to make me laugh. How silly! On the bright side, looking young is NOT a bad thing :)

  25. Uhg, I get that all the time too. Some chick at the bar last Saturday told me I looked like I was 19. It wasn't until I showed her my id that she believed I was 24, soon-to-be 25. But you know, I'd rather look 19 than 25 anyways. Twenty-five is too close to 30, haha.

  26. It's funny the way we will appreciate someone thinking we are younger when we are older.

    And Grandpa is funny, hehe.

  27. Too funny!! I say, dress it up cute while you still can!! :) lol~ Love your outfit by the way~!
    ~Lisa @ OC

  28. Too funny! But yes, so awkward!! Since most of my coworkers are in other offices across the country, I always get the "you sound so young" and someone even asked once "are you sure you're old enough to make this decision?" RUDE!

    haha. however, since one of my biggest fears is getting old, i think this is an awesome compliment!! and psssh, whatever - you always look rocking!

  29. You look lovely!
    I just found your blog(:

    Mind checking out mine?
    I'd love it if you'd publicly follow me!

    -XO Abbigayle Rashae

  30. Such a cute outfit...and definitely a strange grandpa asking silly questions!

    Don't forget to check out my Shabby Apple giveaway!

  31. The combination of lace and leopard is super cute. Some day you'll love hearing how young you look :)


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