May 21, 2012

Someday . . . .

 shirt: discovery  pants: express  shoes: target

Someday I will get to celebrate Mother's Day as a mom. 

Someday I will not have to fight the jealousness in my heart as I watch my friends get pregnant and have babies.  

Someday I'll make crafts, projects and buy baby things for my own baby.  

Someday we won't be praying every night for a baby, but will be praying for a baby we have. 

Someday when we talk about what we'll name our babies it will be because we have one on the way.

Someday my strong desire to be a mom will be fulfilled.

Someday this will all just be part of our story. 

. . . and hopefully someday very soon I will be pregnant and we will hold a baby of our own.

In the next few weeks Chris and I will start our next phase to try to get pregnant.
The chances of it being successful are high, as well as our hopes, but I know that God is the one who is ultimately in control of it all. 

I'm feeling nervous and scared to start the process again, 
but excited that this could be the end of our struggle and the start of our family.

I'm daily working to give it up to God and am thankful for his control and comfort in our lives.


  1. oh girl I am praying for you as you start this new round!

  2. Sending prayers your way! It will happen!

  3. Praying for you: God is with you both during this time and He always has you in His hands!

  4. Beautiful post. I'm with you on all of those somedays and you are so right. Someday very soon. Good luck girl. Keep me posted, will be thinking of you.

  5. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. My best friend had to go through fertility treatments, and I am happy to say she is about to have her second baby this week! I have hope that this will happen for you, as well!

  6. Keeping you and your hubby in our prayers. I appreciate your honest post...because I am feeling a lot of those same feelings!

  7. This just breaks my heart. Praying for you Katie! Hopefully good things are coming your way. I always like to remind myself that God knows our hearts, and therefore knows exactly what we desire the most. :)

  8. I'm praying for you and your husband. It breaks my heart to see you along with so many other woman deal with the trials of getting pregnant. We're going to be trying this summer and it is something I continually pray for. I'm praying that God will continue to fill you with hope and wisdom, and that His plan will be shown to you two!

  9. praying for you!!!! you're going to be an amazing mother!!

  10. Praying for you, this post is amazing......I sent it to someone who needed these exact words, today. Your post popped up while I was searching for the words to send her way.....if that isn't God's timing, I don't know what is!

  11. I love you and am praying for you, Chris, and the niece or nephew I will someday get to snuggle and spoil. You are an amazing woman.

  12. Aw Katie - such a sweet post! You will have all us fellow bloggers thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  13. I'll be thinking about you Katie and hoping that your wish for a baby becomes a reality!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my giveaway!

  14. Everything will work out when the time is right. Sometimes the best things are worth the wait!

  15. I will say a prayer that everything works out. Good luck with the new phase.

  16. Prayers coming your way! It's all in His time!! I know you will have that baby bump very were meant to be a mom and God knows that!!!

  17. Sending happy thoughts and prayers your way. Hoping your "someday" comes very very soon!

  18. Oh Katie, you're in my prayers! Best of luck to you in the this new phase!

  19. what a great little post! i can't wait to celebrate mother's day as a mom too! best feeling ever! and i agree, someday this will all just be part of our story!
    xo TJ

  20. You will certainly be in my prayers as you and your husband begin this process!

  21. I love you both so much and your constantly in my prayers. I can't wait to have a niece or nephew 5 minutes away! I love you!

  22. Just said a prayer that God will give you the desire of your heart.

  23. Awww girl this is precious! Praying for you xoxo

  24. Keep praying, it will happen :)


  25. Great post.

    Praying your dream comes true soon!


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