June 14, 2012

High Five for Friday

shirt: target  shorts: ?  shoes: tjmaxx

1. I've had these shorts for a really long time, but they used to be at least 10 inches longer.
really long shorts and really short legs = really unflattering
I almost got rid of them but decided to just cut them off instead.
I'm pretty happy about my new pair of shorts!

2. Ever since I made my neon shirt I've wanted more neon. 
I got this shirt for $8 at Target last week and love it. 
So much I wore it again this week.

3. I'm super happy about my new nail polish color.  I want jeans this color, but a $2 bottle of nail polish is much cheaper so it will have to do for now. 

I only wish these were my nails.  Mine more resemble the doing of a seven year,
which is why I rarely do them.  

4.  I made this orzo pasta salad a week or so ago and loved it. 
Somehow cooking with orzo makes me feel fancy. 

5.  Chris and I just finished watching the first season of 24 and are ready for season 2.  
I love having a good show to watch episode after episode together.  

Hope you have a great weekend! 


  1. I just finished 24! I loved it! So good :)

    I love that nail color too. I believe Target has pants that color. I saw it there not too long ago.

    Love your neon top and your sandals!

    Have a great night!

  2. Love the neon and gray skirt combo! That fingernail polish color is to die for!

  3. i'm giving you a virtual high five because i'm SOOOO ready for friday AND because you are killing it with the neon lately!! love love love!

  4. Loving all the neon! Katie is too. Baylor had neon shirts for basketball season this year. Love the mint nail color as well. Need to get my nails redone tomorrow. Might have to go with a similar color!!

  5. I love that nail polish color!! perfection!! and keep up the neon.... in love!


  6. I love that mint nail polish. It's a more subtle mint than the color I found. I actually found a pair of mint jeans after searching for months...and then I ruined them in the wash.
    Penniless Socialite

  7. I wasn't feeling the neon thing when it started up in February (because all bathing suits must be put in the stores in February, right?), but now I'm loving it. I was thinking that I need some neon nail polish today.

  8. I love both neon shirts, such a great bright color :)

  9. I'm obsessed with neon, that shirt is adorable!


  10. Ok, I love all of your 5 things today! I've been craving some neon lately, but am concerned that maybe I'm too old. Is there an age limit? And, I feel fancy when I cook with orzo too. Or quinoa. Love you sister!

  11. I love the brightly colored and pastel colored jeans that are so "in" this season. I knew I had to get at least one colorful pair while they were "in style" so I can wear them for many seasons to come...but jeans are expensive. I did manage to find a turquoise pair at Aeropostale on clearance for $10! Hurray!

  12. Love all the fun neon! And that orzo salad looks yummy, and very fancy ;)

    Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend.

  13. Love that nail color and neon colors! Happy Friday!

  14. im loving neon too! i may need to stop by target ;-) seriously...you post the best looking recipes! happy friday!!!

  15. I love that neon yellow too! you know you made a good purchase decision when you want to wear it every week!

    also, that orzo looks incredible. I wish I was at home this weekend to make it - I'm going up to VA to see the fam. Not complaining though! I will still be eating good food I just won't have to cook it.

    Have a great weekend Katie! oh wait, every day is a weekend for you now ;)

  16. Umm I want that neon shirt now! I don't have on that color yet :) Have a great weekend Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  17. I got some neon T's from Target too!

    Jayme @ HLNC

  18. You are so stylish! I always love all of your outfits so much. :) And that nail polish color is awesome!

  19. I have that same mint polish and I LOVE it! (so much that I probably need a new bottle soon). I love how you paired the neon top with the grey skirt so the neon is still subtle :) Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  20. cooking with orzo does make you fancy! i think i will make some for dinner tonight. (cause i'm fancy like that!) have a great weekend!

  21. I have that same nail polish and I love it... I also want a pair of skinny jeans that color but haven't had luck finding them. Have a great weekend, Katie!

  22. Neon is the best in the summer for showing off a nice tan :)

  23. Neon looks gorgeous on you! I also like how you cut off the shorts. Cute! Hope you have a great weekend!

  24. New follower from Wiegand hop! Your summer look looks fab! Love for you to follow back when you get a chance.


  25. Yum. I love orzo salad. May have to make some this weekend. Have a great weekend Katie!

  26. I have some long shorts that I should cut off too! Thanks for the idea~ I love that nail polish color also, I painted my nails a deep blue this week (a new color)..and although I liked it...my nails were stained a bit even after taking it off! You look cute in the pics as always~

  27. Love your outfit and I especially love those tee's!

  28. Igreat idea for the shorts...I tend to have the same problem. And I agree...there is nothing better than having an entire season of a show to watch when you want. Love it.

  29. LOL!!! My nails are the SAME way...why is that? Is there a Pinterest tutorial on painting nails because this girl needs it! Keep it up with the neon...my fave right now. Have a great weekend!!

  30. Love both tops, I need more neon in my closet for real, the nail polish is gorgeous <3

    Sabrilett's Armoire

  31. definitely loving all of this neon! so fabulous!!!
    xo TJ

  32. Neon is such a fun way to jazz up a look. These are lovely looks!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend~
    x, Anna

  33. 24 is my favorite show EVAR!!!!!!! yes! i got my husband hooked, too. SO GOOD. and that neon shirt is the BEST! love it!

  34. I LOVE that nail polish color. I own it and it was the best $2 I spent in a long time!


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