June 17, 2012

I will never wear . . .

romper: old navy  wedges: shoe outlet 

I've learned to no longer say that I will never wear certain fashion trends. 

I remember in high school saying I would never wear capris.  I may have said the same thing about leggings.  I'm glad I learned my lesson because I was tempted to say the same thing about rompers.
And now I own three of them.
The only thing I really dislike about rompers is the whole going to the bathroom ordeal.
Especially in a public restroom.  It just doesn't feel right. 

Romper # 2
 H & M

Romper #3
Old Navy

I do have to say that I am pretty sure I will not be wearing floral printed jeans or jumpsuits any time soon.  

 jump suit | Piperlime
source                                        source

But again, I will never say never.

Are there any styles that you swore you'd never wear, but now do? 


  1. Haha leggings and skinny jeans, and jeggings. You're right, never say never!

  2. You know what? I never say I would never wear something. I try everything. If it looks good I buy it, if it doesn't I don't.

    Rompers look great on you!

  3. I swore no leggings, then no leggings as pants, then no skinny jeans. Broke them all. haha. I agree, don't ever say you'll never wear anything!

  4. Oh, so many things! Leggings, skinny jeans, capris, strapless dresses (was I crazy?!) I have learned to never say never! Though I am with you on the jumpsuits and floral pants...
    By the way, I love the pic with Chris wearing little tiny Lena Bean. So sweet!

  5. I have the same issue with rompers! But i still love them. And I will TOTALLY wear floral jeans! But I have definitely said I will never tuck in my shirt with a belt. So nerdy. I've been doing it all week ;)

  6. Uggs..skinny jeans...pants tucked into boots...leggings...
    I never really thought about rompers. If I was on a warm vacation, I'd wear one for sure!

  7. I love rompers but I can never find any long enough (: Those floral jeans are so cute and I bet you could totally pull them off too (;

    Dearest Lou

  8. I swore off wedges for a while...I know...Crazy talk! You look darling in rompers btw.

  9. I also said I would never wear skinny jeans...and stuck to it for several years until once I tried some on and was like...these look good! I still say I'll never wear Uggs or the cropped shirt style, and I think I'm sticking to those!

  10. You are rockin' the romper! It looks so cute, and I love those adorable wedges Katie!


    The Other Side of Gray

  11. hahaha i relate to this post so much. i always said the "i wont ever wear rompers" deal and i own three as well. they're so comfy! but you're right, having to be about 100% naked to go to the bathroom....so awkward!

  12. Dang, you're rockin' those rompers! I believe I've said that I would never wear skinny jeans, pftt! I own like 4 pairs of them and I wear them ALL THE TIME. IDK what I was thinking. But I too, am not big on the floral jean either. ;)

  13. I always said I would NEVER wear skinny jeans! I'm in agreement with you about the floral jeans. I remember I had a lovely pair of floral jean shorts when I was in 8th grade!

    BTW, Love the jean romper and those shoes are fabulous!!

  14. I said the same thing about rompers and now I own one :D I think they're so cute! I definitely agree about using public restrooms while wearing one though... so weird.

  15. see i'm on the no-romper train right now... but i'm always afraid to say never... you look adorable!

  16. I swore I would NEVER be caught in leggings and rompers. The leggins I gave into a while ago but the romper was harder for me to try on. Once I did though I loved it!

  17. That chambray romper is SO cute! I have one romper and I love it, although I agree about the whole going to the bathroom thing. I usually wear mine as a swimsuit coverup :)

    The Tiny Heart

  18. The black romper is adorable!! I think as long as they fit right, rompers are really cute!

  19. I definitely don't think I'll be wearing a romper anytime soon. I just don't think I have the right body type for them. But you make them look super cute! I love that denim one. Oh and I definitely think I'll be trying out floral jeans...I've been on the prowl for some!

  20. Girlfriend, I wish I could pull of a romper like you can!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Mingle Monday and spreading the word! You are TOO sweet! :)

    Consider me your newest and happiest follower!

  21. That denim romper is too cute on you!

    I am the exact same way with this trend: I resisted it for a while, but now I own 2 different short rompers, and two that feature a pant length. Apparently I'm hooked!

  22. i never thought i'd wear leggings again, and now they are a staple in my closet! i love the h&m romper (aside from potty issues)!

  23. Wow, you are rocking that romper! I don't think I will ever wear one, but again, I said that about skinny jeans, and I wear those all the time!

  24. Me too! Legging and Skinny Jeans were mine, actually neon too and I've worn them!

    Xo Megan

  25. you're ADORABLE in a romper! never say never! too cute.

    xxo, Vanessa

    *ps: my first wedding planning post is officially up!

  26. Oh your rompers are so cute!! I especially like the one from Old Navy.

  27. Totally know what you mean! I used to think I'd never wear Sperry's...and though I haven't yet I kinda want them!

    For the Record

  28. love that denim romper! cute blog, let's follow each other! xx

  29. You and rompers are like me and maxi dresses! I have become a little obsessed! Loved the ones you got! And you are right, never say never because I think you would be adorable in floral skinny jeans!!

  30. Cute! I could never find a nice length of shorts for myself...so I didn't wear them...ever! Then the bermuda length became trendy and now the mid-thigh...I always hated that short short length that I called crotch walker length..lol~ I actually think the jump suit would look good on you...worn at the right time! I don't like floral print pants either~

  31. Capris & floral jeans are two trends I just can't do. The rompers look great on you!

  32. You look fabulous in a romper! I can't wear them because I have such a long torso but you totally pulled them off!

  33. Hahaha I love this because I'm the same way. The second I say I'll never, I start to convert!

    You look great in the rompers (I especially love that top one!). I'm still a little nervous to try them myself!

  34. oh my! ive been on the hunt for a romper! this is sooo cute!!

  35. Haha! I remmember saying the same thing about capris. I love rompers but I don't think they look as cute on me as they do on you!

  36. Haha, rompers do seem like a hassle if you have to go to the bathroom. I don't really have any rules against any trends, but I know I wouldn't wear something if I knew it wouldn't look good on me.
    xx Kara
    Sprinkles in Springs


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