June 18, 2012

The Real Deal

One day last week this is the outfit that I posted.  

I had every intention of wearing this outfit longer than an hour.  
But after I got home from running one errand I changed right into a tank top and boxer shorts and spent a majority of the day laying in bed, feeling quite miserable.

It was the farthest thing from cute or fashionable.

Honestly, the rest of the day was a pretty bad day, which you would have never known. 

This is how I looked most of the day.

It made me think.  I could be a little tricky on this blog of mine.  I can share my outfit and share my instagram pic of my caramel frappacino and how happy it made me
 (which is true, but only momentarily). 

But I can leave out how really rough my day and week last week were. 
Chris and I are in the middle of our fertility treatment.  
I was at the doctor 7 days out of 10 last week.  
I had my blood drawn each of those days, was giving myself shots every night, dealing with some rough side effects, and am in what feels like an incredibly long waiting game.

Overall that day I felt quite miserable, physically and emotionally. 

I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing just the happy or the good of my life or anyone else's.  That is enjoyable to read.  
I love blogs that are all happy, and blogs that are all real, and ones that are a mix of the both. 
You share what you want to share. 

The lesson more for me is that you have no idea what some people are going through. 
People whose blogs you read, people you see at the store or maybe even some of your friends. 

Which makes me want to have a little more compassion and little more love for others. 
Because I probably have no idea what hard things they are dealing with. 

Plus it makes me feel a little better when I read certain blogs or look at certain instagram feeds.
 I know no one's life is perfect, everyone has their stuff going on and life will always be a mix of good things and hard things, whether people decide to share it or not.


  1. It's good to be open if you're comfortable with it. I'm finally ok with not posting when I feel like crap. I used to feel like people might forget about me and stop reading. Sharing on a blog is completely therapeutic.

    All those shots and dr. visits are tough. Just keep in mind the reason for all of the pain/discomfort...a baby!!

  2. "Which makes me want to have a little more compassion and little more love for others.
    Because I probably have no idea what hard things they are dealing with."

    I absolutely love how you worded that, girl!
    Seriously couldn't have said it better myself!

    Thinking of you while you're going through this :)

  3. This post completely hit at home with me.

    It is so true. You never know what a person is going through. Not everyone shares the difficult. It is hard to share it.

    I am thinking of you during this time. I hope that God gives you peace of mind. Sometimes peace is all we need to get us through.

  4. Sooooo true. This post really rang true to me, you know that. I hope you are feeling a bit better and your waiting game is coming to an end. I can only imagine how hard that wait must be. Thinking of you!!!

  5. :) Thanks for sharing your struggles with us Katie. You know I'm praying for you girl.

  6. You are so right...everyone has a story whether they share it or not. I hope your treatments are going well...please keep us posted. Praying for great results!!

  7. Sorry to hear you had a bad week. I loved your honesty in this post. I know it felt good for me to blog about our hardships in our journey through bringing the girls home etc. Thinking of you!!

  8. So sorry for all you are going through! I'm praying for you!
    Alesha <3
    P.S. Thanks for being real!

  9. Katie... you are beautiful. Can I just say that? You are. Even in the midst of your struggle, your heart seems so sweet and genuine. Hang in there, girl. I will definitely keeping you in my prayers!! Seriously. Adding you to my list in my journal right now. xoxo linds {{www.rubygirlblog.com}}

  10. You too? Ugh. at least you have that amazing necklace to cheer you up

    Xo Megan

  11. I'm glad you decided to share with us. We're here for the ups and downs. I'm sorry you weren't feeling very well : (

  12. New reader here... I can't remember if I've commented or not yet on your blog. haha...but I love this post so much. My husband and I have gone through 2 years of infertility, and it was a long time before I revealed our struggles on my blog. Going through this has taught me the same thing...that you really don't know what people are going through behind the scenes, especially in the blog world where everything always seems so polished. I've learned to try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for the reminder today, and for being so candid.

  13. I am going through this same, long, horrible journey as you, and it has not been a fun one at all.

    But I really liked your post, and I think it is so great that you shared it with your readers (something I have yet to do) :)

  14. God bless you for being honest! I hope the struggles now are worth it later and I hope the ickiness goes away soon.
    I give you credit for looking good in that picture. I mean, I don't even attempt it if I feel sick, much less look good enough for the self-timer :)
    (Why do self-timer pictures always look worse than pictures someone takes???)

  15. Katie:) You are seriously a gem:) I love your honesty in all of this, and Kev and I are still praying for you in this situation! Muah! Love Katie

  16. one, you look oh so fabulous, girl!
    second, i can only image how hard this past week has been. sending many prayers, luck and well wishes your way that everything that you desire may come true!!!! :)
    xo TJ

  17. This post is so true! I think in our society today (facebook, blogs,twitter) people generally only like to share things that are happy or make their lives seem almost perfect. But it can be so cathartic and comforting to share what is really going on. I wish I had the courage to do this more often on my own blog...thanks so much for sharing! You are in my prayers!

  18. I really like when people share the non - perfect moments in their life...it totally reminds you that you're not the only one out there who might be having a bad day, and it helps me remember that things will be OK again. Sounds like you had a tough week Katie, but glad certain things (like caramel frappuccinos) can cheer you up a bit...those totally do it for me too :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  19. The dress is really nice!
    I hope you feel better now ;)

  20. Thank you for having the courage to share this very real moment with us, Katie. Life is not always rainbows and sunshine. I'm sorry you're going through a rough time, and I hope that these struggles you're experiencing now turn into something positive down the road.

    The Tiny Heart

  21. i love how you shared this with us. now we can pray for you and be here for you ;-) i hope this week is going better ;-)

  22. what a great post katie - this is so true but i'm SO glad you shared this. hoping and praying you feel better and that this treatment works for you guys. keep us posted - we care about you!

  23. Gods blessings sent from Australia.
    I pray your treatment works, what a lot of anxiety you must be feeling.. BUT, the photo of you in your pretty dress is lovely..so be encouraged.
    Good things come to they who wait..
    Just believe..you are going to be blessed.

  24. girl this is awesome- i think you totally have to share the "real" stuff in life - or else we get trapped in a cycle of self-deception. katie, you are beautiful inside and out - i'm praying for you during this stressful time... my sister went through the SAME thing so i know exactly how tough it is. xoxo

  25. This is such a perfect post! It's so true that you have no idea what is going on in someone else life. So just be nice to everyone! And the little things can make someone's day even when they aren't feeling great. Thanks so much for sharing part of your journey with us. And the cool thing about your blog is just that...it's yours! To share or not share anything you want. Sending you lots of positive thoughts!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  26. Amen sister, hang in there! There will be light at the end of the tunnel, promise!

  27. I always find it so refreshing when blogger's share what's really going on behind the scenes. I'm sorry that you're going through such a tough time right now, but I'm so glad you had the courage to share your story.

    Hang in there!

  28. I LOVE this post! It's so true, we just assume that everyone's lives are perfect and that's not the case at all. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well with the treatment and I hope it all works out well for you! I'm SURE it will! Get some rest cute girl!

  29. Loved how real & honest you are! Praying!

  30. There is nothing I love more than a real, honest, raw post. Not a post about all the glamorous things going on in life, a post about the heart of the matter...how you're really feeling. Praying for you and sending hugs your way, sweet friend! You are strong and I'm so proud of you for all you're going through. Keep us updated!

  31. Thank you so much for your honesty! I love this post... a great reminder to have compassion for other people, we have no idea what they are going through!

  32. i love open and honest posts...not everyone has a perfect life, right? i'm sorry to hear that you are having a bad week. i didn't know that you were going through fertility treatments. best of luck to you with that! you're in my thoughts!

  33. Gosh, Lauren, I just truly love your honesty. My heart breaks for you right now! Thanks for being willing to share your happy moments and your struggles with us. You are so right - everyone has something going on below the surface and it's good to remember that when we look at our blog friends' "perfect" lives. Thanks for this post and I hope you feel better soon!

  34. Aw, I'm so sorry you had a rough day! But I love your honesty...it's totally okay to hang out in a tank & shorts all day & enjoy a frappuccino for a pick me up. :)


  35. Thanks for sharing this with us...it doesn't seem fair sometimes but God has a plan! Keep on praying!'

  36. I appreciate you being so open. I think we all struggle from time to time and it is nice that you shared. I hope things get better.

  37. Katie, my heart goes out to you and your hubby. Such a tough time. All the uncertainty and waiting and hoping. You are a beautiful woman, and I know God has great plans for you. Thanks for sharing this trial with us. Now we can pray for you!

  38. New follower...found your blog from Living in Yellow. My name is Katie, too, and although I have a daughter, I dealt with severe infertility and struggled to get pregnant. My little girl is the result of 5 IVFs. Just wanted to send a little hope your way....I really believe that God has a plan for us all and that when you desire something so badly, it will be fulfilled. Perhaps not when we want it (right away, of course!) but in His time, when it is right. Looking forward to sharing your journey :)

  39. This post is so true. While I was spending 11 months at Children's Hospital while my son had brain cancer I will never forget running across the street to the bank and standing in line. I remember thinking to myself that no one here has a clue what I am going through. After my son passed away I was standing at the bank close to my house and I remember thinking about that day and I knew that their WERE other people going through bad things. It might have been the lady standing behind me or the bank teller. We never know what is going on behind someones smile.
    I had to share this because it really hit home with me. I look at things so differently now.
    I found your blog through Living In Yellow. I love it.
    Good luck with everything. I hope you get some good news soon. :)

  40. Well said girl. I found you over at #FF and as I have entered the more "public" blogging scene, I have found myself feeling more pressure to post daily (or nearly daily). And with that, I find I am more superficial and post only happy things. But, when I come across one of those seemingly rare honest and authentic blogs, I realize THAT is the reason I blog. To connect with other people about real life issues.

    Anyways, thanks for your honest post!


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