June 19, 2012

The $15 Rule

lace blazer: kohls  shorts: loft  shoes: target  necklace: ebay

If you haven't learned by now, you should know that I am very cheap. 
When I walk into a store I walk right to the clearance racks, and rarely look at anything else. 

Usually if something is more than $15 I don't buy it. 
Which partly explains why I have so many clothes, because I get them for really cheap. 

This lace blazer was an exception by two dollars, but I am pretty excited about it. 
I think I will be able to wear it all year long. 

And just in case you're wondering, I got these scalloped shorts for $7 from the Loft, 
 these shoes from Target were also $7, 
and I've already shared about my $15 necklace.

And I have to add a big thank you for all the encouraging and sweet comments on my post yesterday.  
I know I've said this before but I really had no idea the kind of connections and relationships I could make through blogging.  Reading your comments yesterday morning and throughout the day brought me peace, encouragement and happiness - so thank you!

Linking up to:


  1. Oh my gosh! You have no idea! I'm totally with you on the $15 rule! Unless it's something superrrr cute that I won't find any where else (like your blazer) I refuse to spend over 15 on most things.. Unless it's pants.. Cause those are important. Haha!

    Janette, the Jongleur

  2. Love this outfit!!! Plus, seriously, thank you soo much for your post yesterday. You are so genuine and honestly, even through your outfit posts, you can just tell that you are such a real and warm person. Side note....one night I deleted instagram off of my phone b/c all I was seeing was photos of people having fun without me. I told some close friends and they decided that we would all instagram a photo of something super mundane...I think I instagramed a cup of water at a restaurant and said...just drinking water. Anyway, I just really appreciate your blog and your fashion inspiration! :)

  3. I'm so the same way. Love a great deal. I love love love that blazer!! Wish we had that store.

  4. You need to come out to LA and teach me how to find deals this great!

  5. Suuuch a cute outfit!! I use thr $15 rule too! IF for some reason there is a piece that goes up to $20, I have to really LOVE it before I buy it (& not feel guilty about buying it!)!

  6. I love this $15 rule, that is such a great idea. You look so fashionable you would never know you are a bargain shopper!

    xo Jess

  7. I want those shorts!
    I would wear shorts every day of my life if it were appropriate.
    Kohl's is the one store I've actually stopped shopping at because the clothes I would buy there (albeit in the juniors' section) would be worthless after one wash.
    Even Old Navy clothes and Target clothes don't fall apart on me.

  8. So jealous of all your great finds, but especially jealous because I bought those shoes for $15 and was excited about it! :)


  9. I'm the same way about buying clothes!! I refuse to pay full price unless I'm absolutely in love!

  10. Those shorts are incredible! I am positive that I need them in my life now :)

    I need to go shopping with you! You find the cutest things @ the best prices!

  11. That blazer is so adorable <3 and love the shorts and your necklace :) perfect mix of shades and colors

    Sabrilett's Armoire

  12. Oh my goodness! You must be a shopping genius! Scalloped shorts for under $10, and that fab jacket for under $20!?

    I understand that blogging can be a tricky world, and I appreciate the honest connection I can make with wonderful fellow blogger like yourself. I hope that you and your husband are able to get through this difficult time stronger and knowing how blessed the two of you are despite the outcome. I am sending positive thoughts out for you two.

  13. $7???? I would love some scalloped shorts! your outfit is adorable :)

  14. Okay, I am hitting up Kohls TOMORROW in search of this lace beauty!! I love it!! And those scallop shorts were only $7??? Are you telling stories? This outfit is one of my faves!! High five!

  15. Wow the scalloped shorts are so cute, I can't believe you got it for $7!

  16. Fabulous! The shorts are way cute and can't beat that price! I am all about the sales. Some of my favorite outfits are my cheepest ones and I love to brag about them. I cannot believe that you got that necklace for only $15! I see it everywhere and I want one. Ill have to check out ebay!
    Ok so I come to your blog via the pleated poppy often enough because I love your style. Don't know why I am not officially following you. Well I am now! :)


  17. I love the shorts! Perfect for warm weather! :)

  18. What a lovely outfit. I wish I could follow your 15 dollars rule, but I don't have as much self-control! The scalloped shorts are just adorable.

  19. What a lovely outfit. I wish I could follow your 15 dollars rule but I don't have as much self-control! The scallop edged shorts are just adorable!

  20. Ahh, you found so many great deals! I really love those shorts! I'm pretty cheap myself when I go shopping...I think I have more like a $30 rule, haha.

    The Tiny Heart

  21. Love your $15 rule - and you look so cute while (mostly) sticking to that! I sooo want your shorts!!

  22. Love this $15 rule, and come to think of it, I usually follow the same rule. Not much in my closet is over $15-$20 and I'm proud of that! Cheap girls unite :)

  23. I've been wanting a bubble necklace forever and I don't know what I am impressed by more the lace blazer or the fact that you found anything at the Loft for less than $7!

  24. oh my gorsh!!!!! i love that outfit! i'm the SAME WAY. i refuse to pay a lot for anything. i go STRAIGHT to the clearance rack :)

  25. I need lessons from you Katie! Because despite your low budget - you always look so cute! And love love love this lace blazer - such an awesome find - and still so cheap :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  26. I have this rule at Forever 21, never spend more than $18 there because I know it won't last long and also it's just cheap material. I have a super hard time spending more than $25 on anything.

  27. I love this rule and you always look so cute! I usually try not to spend over $20 but I'll have to see if I can try $15 :)

  28. You are proof that you don't need to spend a lot of cash to dress nice and look cute!

  29. i love the blazer...definitely worth the extra $2! i am the same way...and in fact, i oftentimes think $15 is too much!

  30. LOVE that white blazer! You look awesome in that outfit! so classy :)

  31. Love that lace blazer! Omg, it is so super cute!

  32. wow. that lace blazer is AMAZING!
    and i love your $15 rule. Right now I'm just in a major thrifting phase and doing my best to get stuff under $10!

  33. I really love that blazer you are wearing. It's great!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  34. love this outfit girlie! & can't believe your got those shorts for only $7! go you!


  35. I love deals too!! These are awesome!!

  36. We do kinda match! Great minds think alike :) I'm your newest follower


  37. UM
    can I please have this entire outfit?!

    This is my favorite one that you've ever posted :)
    You look wonderful!


  38. UM
    can I please have this entire outfit?!

    This is my favorite one that you've ever posted :)
    You look wonderful!


  39. That's a refreshing policy. I read a lot of blogs that post about outfits that I could never afford. It's nice to see such a cute outfit in my price range! Have a great day!!

  40. I try to do really well with my spending but don't have a dollar rule. You found great items for under $15 or close to $15. That blazer is so pretty.

  41. YES! I hear you! I can't tell you the last time I spent $15+ on one item! I shoot for $10 or less, but if I really love it then I'll spend up to $15. It's a good rule of thumb for sure! :)

  42. Oooh me too girl! Although my limit is more like $10 unless it is an absolutely necessary item. ;) Love the scalloped shorts - they look great on you!

  43. Such great deals! I need to take you shopping with me :) Your shorts and blazer are amazing!!! You look gorgeous.


  44. I loooove those scalloped shorts...so cute! I'm a clearance rack girl too :) feels good to score a good deal!

  45. A blazer, and it's lace?! I love it even more! And I have been itching for a pair of scalloped short myself, good finds fellow cheap one :)

  46. Love this look! Those scalloped shorts and that necklace are amazing!

  47. Adorable outfit! The black and white combination is so classic and I love the bright statement necklace. And I have those same Target wedges in black. They're the best! There is nothing wrong with shopping on the cheap - I have the exact same habit. So glad that I stumbled across your blog today! Super adorable and I can't wait to read more!


  48. Love this outfit..the color combo is great..esp the pop of color with the necklace. So cute! Love your blog..new follower ;)


  49. 100% agree, I only ever shop in clearance unless it's a super cheap store already. I will very very rarely buy something over $10 for the most part, occassionally I'll "splurge" which means like $30 for a blazer (that's discounted) haha. Love it, we should definitely shop together.


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