June 21, 2012

High Five for Friday

shorts: jcpenny  shoes: kohls  shirt: ?  necklace: ebay

1.  As much as I prefer skirts and dresses, I clearly don't hate shorts as much as thought, as this is the third pair in two weeks I've posted about.  

2.  99 cent Iced Coffees from Dunkin Donuts = summer love.

3. I finally organized my scarves and I love it.  I used a towel rod and shower curtain rings.
Now if only I could organize the rest of my closet.  
It's on the summer list.

4.  Last weekend we got sweet time with with our niece Gracie. 
Her 6th birthday is coming up soon and its crazy how fast she went from this

to this

5.  I spent some time making some new button links on the left side of my blog and have to say am pretty proud of how they turned out.  
 I've also attempted to up my social media and joined twitter a few weeks ago.
I am still incredibly confused and forget to look at it for days in a row.
Which maybe explains my embarrassing amount of 3 followers.

Want to follow me?  @4laurenlauren
Want to give me a twitter lesson too?

Happy weekend!


  1. LOVE IT! i just followed you on the twitters. girl if you need twitter help lemme know. i'm kinda addicted :)

  2. i love the way you organized your scarves. great little snippets, girl!
    xo TJ

  3. i love the way you organized your scarves. great little snippets, girl!
    xo TJ

  4. Iced Dunkin' in the summer is the best! And cute outfit! I am a new follower and would love for you to stop by The Jem Journal and follow as well!

  5. Cute shirt!
    I organized my scarves in a similar way; although, I don't have near that many! lol
    Loving the blog buttons! You're much more advanced than me--I deleted my facebook, and never started a twitter. haha.
    Interested in a button swap next month?

  6. Love how you organized your scarfs! Such a cute little girl!! I don't understand Twitter either, ha!

  7. wow you got that necklace on Ebay??? I need to stop by there more often! rolled up jean shorts are a staple in my summer wardrobe :) you totally rock them!

    The House of Shoes

  8. First, I LOVE those shorts. You have great legs and should certainly wear lots of shorts. Second, you have a crazy amount of scarves! Third, your niece is super adorable!

    Dossome :)


  9. Those shorts are so cute.

    Right now that iced coffee looks incredible. Wish I liked coffee!

    I just organized me closet and it needs organizing again, fun, fun.

    At least you have attempted to get a twitter account. I've avoided it like the plague.

  10. Your blog buttons turned out so cute!! I am in DESPERATE need of making a new one!!! Mine is pathetic!! Happy weekend, Katie!!

  11. The buttons are adorable! And I'm stalking you on twitter now :-)


  12. I love the stripes with the statement necklace, gorgeous color combo!

  13. Yay for shorts! I haven't bought shorts at JCP in awhile. That was always my go-to store. I'm following you on Twitter! DD makes me so happy. I can't believe those are only 99 cents.

  14. I am thinking of joining twitter too!! It is all so much though! The hashtag thing has me confused. Love the way you organized your scarves!!


  15. Love this cute & casual look Katie - that striped top rocks! And I love love love the way you organized your scarves! Have a great weekend Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. You look so cute in your casual shorts look, Katie! I still don't have a Twitter account (mostly because I have no clue how to use it), but I probably should join the rest of the world and get one. Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart

  17. I went to JC Penney last night looking for shorts like this and couldn't find a single pair. These are super cute on you!

  18. You make me want to run out and get some shorts! But I don't think I'd look as cute as you. :-) We just followed you on Twitter! :-)

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  19. your scarves look so nice and organized...can you come to my house?? wear shorts every day if you want, you look great in them!! happy friday!

  20. I need a better way to organize my scarves. They are thrown haphazardly over my necklaces right now!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  21. Love Dunkin Donuts coffee and your scarf organizer!

  22. I LOVE summer scarves! i should really organize mine! Happy Weekend love!


  23. I wore an outfit similar to that the other day. Only it was a green striped sweater. Very cute outfit :)


  24. Oh my gosh... I love that necklace. Thanks to Pinterest, I'm starting to think I'm the only person alive who doesn't have it. I may need to change that. =)

  25. Okay, seriously I LOVE that turquoise necklace, SO SO cute!

  26. You look so cute in those shorts! They're the perfect summertime staple. And your scarf organizer is awesome!

  27. Aww the last photo is so adorable! Love your outfit :)

    Sabrilett's Armoire

  28. Ahh, Dunkin' Coffee. (: Mm.

    Love your outfit!!


  29. you looks so pretty...and your beautiful smile is probably because you know how those scarves are so organized!

  30. Could you be any cuter??? Love that green and white top!

  31. You're inspired me to organize my scarves and belts...they are tossed in a drawer right now and it is SUCH A PAIN to get them out, haha!

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend, girl :)


  32. Lovin' the scarves girl! We don't get Dunkin' around here and I thought it was so weird when there was one on like every street corner on the east coast. Love the Shorts and the shirt! And way to use that necklace girl :)


  33. I'm terrible about looking at twitter too! I always feel badly when it takes me a couple days to respond! But eventually I get around to it.:)

  34. What a fabulous and clever idea for a way to hang your scarves!! Love your necklace too. :)
    Carolyn http://sillyhappysweet.blogspot.com

  35. Love the way you organized your scarves! Those shorts fit you to perfection.


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