June 27, 2012

It's OK

 dress: jcpenny  sandals: target

It's OK that this dress barely passes the bending over test and may just be a little too short. 
Which is why I've only ever worn it with leggings, like here or here

It's OK that when my mom and I eat frozen yogurt we go there for lunch because we eat enough for it to count as a meal. 
(This picture looks like the cup is really half full.  Trust me. It was all full.) 

It's OK that I fail miserably at taking care of plants.  

It's OK that I got hooked watching the show Pretty Little Liars and am almost done with the first season. 

It's OK that when I was driving in the car today I thought of a perfect "It's OK" idea and now can't remember it.  I assure it was really funny and would've been my best yet. 

Linking up to It's OK Thursday


  1. I love pretty little liars! Let me know when you get caught up to this season!


  2. Love the dress and sandals! And you should totally think of doing posts where you show a bunch of different ways you wore one thing (like how you linked to those other two outfits with the same dress), because you've made them look like entirely different pieces! It's awesome :)

  3. bahaha. The bending over test--never heard it called that, but I do it too!
    I hate it when I forget a good blog idea!

  4. love this! i need to watch pretty little liars. i've heard it's so good!! and you are adorable!

  5. I am also no good at taking care of plants. I try so hard, but I just don't have a green thumb. Oh well! Also, I just started watching Pretty Little Liars too, and it is so addicting! I can't stop watching.

  6. My plant currently looks exactly like that. How am I ever going to have kids if I can't even keep a plant alive!

  7. Ha- you're so funny! That yogurt looks delish, my favorite topping is sprinkles. I also kill my plants... I have a vase of dead flowers that I still haven't disposed of... yikes!

  8. I love this post and you know what...that's ok! :) hehe

  9. You can tell school's out when the leggings get put away :)
    I kill plants too. I didn't even buy flowers this year. Mine died last year.

  10. I love PLL! Its so addicting. And I kill plants too :( sad!!

  11. frozen yogurt!!! yummy! and love your dress missy!


  12. Yeah my mom's the green thumb in our family. I should be called a plant murderer with the way I kill 'em. Have fun in Michigan and rock that dress, girl :)


  13. I'm the same way with plants! Such a fun dress!!

  14. Ha, your poor plant! Don't worry girl, I don't have a green thumb either. I am surprise that cactus my grams gave me is still living ;) And would you believe that I've NEVER had frozen yogurt?? I gotta get on that!

  15. i have a few of those dresses myself! i love yours..it looks great on you! is it ok that i took my kids to dairy queen last night before dinner??

  16. My stomach just rumbled looking at the fro yo - that sounds like an AWESOME lunch! And love the floral print dress - too cute :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  17. That sounds like the perfect lunch! I do the same sometimes too!! All the toppings go in all the food groups!

  18. That floral print dress is so cute! Is it bad that I don't think it's too short? Haha. Frozen yogurt sounds like an awesome lunch to me!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter to win a custom clutch!

  19. Enjoyed reading - new follower~ hope you will follow back!

  20. Haha, I love these! Actually I am wearing a skirt that is also just a tad bit too short to pass the bending over test. You look super cute in that dress! I too, am a plant killer. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. Cute dress! Definitely okay to have frozen yogurt for lunch! Yum!

  22. hey girl! don't forget to check my post from yesterday! you are a winner! :D

  23. What??? Frozen yogurt doesn't count as a real meal? LOL

  24. Such a cute dress..and it is a great length for summer :)

  25. Froyo is totally a meal. It's one of my favorites. :)

  26. I really, really love your bright sandels, they seem like they could take the simplest dress and really jazz it up with that color! This is such a beautiful dress as well, Im always a sucker for a pretty floral pattern. :)

  27. Plant killers unite! I kill even the plants that claim to be easy to care for.

  28. Oh my gosh I LOVE that dress! You are the cutest! xo

  29. the bending over test....haha! love it. the rule at my church growing up was that shorts and skirts had to be longer thang your finger tips which i always thought was unfair b/c I have go-go gadget arms! i like the bending over test MUCH better. and ahhh i need to watch PLL still!

  30. the bending over test....haha! love it. the rule at my church growing up was that shorts and skirts had to be longer thang your finger tips which i always thought was unfair b/c I have go-go gadget arms! i like the bending over test MUCH better. and ahhh i need to watch PLL still!

  31. Okay, love this post!! :) I just got obsessed with the show Pretty Little Liars. I just started the second season, and let me tell you, it is so good. You're frozen yogurt looks delicious! My favorite treat.

  32. I personally love the dress even if it is short since its summer I think it is okay!


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