June 28, 2012

High Five for Friday

 tank top: american eagle  shorts: jcpenny  shoes: charming charlie

1.  I debated about taking a picture of this outfit as it is far from post worthy.  As a matter of fact, when I bought this shirt a few years ago I somehow thought that having tigers on my shirt was cool.  Not so convinced any more but it is comfortable when it is really hot.    

2. The only thing post worthy about this outfit is my new shoes.  I love them! 

3. So I may not think tigers are cool, but I do still want a shirt with birds on it and a necklace with a giraffe on it, like this one.
Apparently my taste in animals have changed.
I also like elephants. 

Miniature Giraffe Necklace
It makes sense that it is sold out, because it was only $9.  

4.  I made these awhile ago but don't think I've share them with you.  

Long name, but best cookies ever. 

caramel pretzels cookies

5.  Jacob and Lauren got their wedding pictures this week and they are beautiful!!

Here's one of my favorites: 

I'll have to share when I get some more of them.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. YUM I'm gonna make those cookies!! Emailing this post to myself so I remember.. And I love your sandals! I definitely had a tigeronshirt thing a couple years ago too haha

  2. Cute shoes! Oooh, love that giraffe necklace!! So cheap! Those cookies look delicious!!

  3. I like the tiger tank! Cute, especially with the fabulous sandals!

  4. Love the shoes and the necklace! cookies look yummy, too!

  5. I love those shoes!!! I must google that store!!

  6. OMG! I got introduced to Charming Charlie when I was in Texas last month and I fell in love! I wish they had one in Oklahoma : (
    Those cookies look amazing!

  7. LOVE those shoes! and that wedding photo is gorgeous!! i can't wait to see more (i hope you share more!!) :) xoxo

  8. Cute and comfy! I'm lovin this little animal thing you've got going on. I have shoes kinda like that, with the whole rainbow deal, but the rainbow is on the heels. I've wanted a mini giraffe necklace for so long!
    I think you'll like this commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkB9OT2XVvA
    That mini giraffe is the cutest!

    Sorry for writing you, like, a paragraph!


  9. Those cookies sound sooo sinful and good! Cute wedding pic! Happy Friday. :)
    Carolyn http://sillyhappysweet.blogspot.com

  10. And I am on a diet...-_- hahaha... CUTEEEEEEEE OUTFIT girl!

  11. such fun summer sandals...so pretty.

    xo erica

  12. Fun wedding picture! Gorgeous shoes!

  13. Love love love your sandals! So cute :)
    And rock that tiger tank, girl! haha!

    Happy FRIDAY!

  14. I love your new sandals, so colorful and awesome paired with the denim shorts and tiger tank top! and yuuum, the cookies look so delicious.

  15. Oh those cookies...I haven't tried putting pretzels in cookies yet. Soon, very soon.
    I admit that I love shopping at AE because I like how their clothes fit and (I think) their clothes are well made. Sometimes I just order online though because they tend to address me as "Ma'am" in that store these days. I'm not sure what that's all about.

  16. What a cute wedding photo! Those cookies look amazing - and I love your new sandals!

    Hope you have a great weekend :)

  17. You look so adorable in all your pictures, as always! LOVE, love, love those shoes! And thanks for deciding what dessert I should make for me...those cookies look crazy yummy!

  18. Your sandals are SO cute with the rainbow chevron! Can't wait to see more of the wedding photos :) Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  19. Um, I think I have that shirt! And I kind of want to bust it out - because maybe together we can bring back "tiger shirts"...what do ya say? :) LOVE your new sandals too Katie - have a great weekend!

    The Other Side of Gray

  20. Love those shoes! Must go to Charming Charlie ASAP

  21. Don't you just adore Charming Charlie's? They have such cute pieces, like those sandals you're wearing. I was in their store down here in AZ recently & they did have giraffe necklaces. I noticed them because my bff is obsessed with giraffes.

  22. Really those shoes are worthy for a post by themselves. They're fab!

  23. I think your post is very post worthy it's the ultimate dress down/cute Friday look. Lauren looks so happy best wishes to her- also your DIY corner inspired me to buy my very first sewing machine. Wohoo!

  24. Okay, I need to go to Charming Charlie's NOW!!! Why do I always forget about that store? Those shoes MUST get on my feet!

  25. I kind of want that giraffe necklace too, it's really cute. I love your shoes!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  26. I think that's the perfect outfit! The shoes are fantastic. Hah I love elephants and giraffes too!

  27. Love your colorful sandals and that giraffe necklace is just so cute! Great photo at the end. Your blog is so cute =)

    Suzie Q

  28. Love those sandals! And the cookies look amazing!

    Have a great weekend! Don't melt!


  29. LOVING those shoes- I think the outfit is CUTE!

  30. Those sandals are SERIOUSLY to die for!

  31. those cookies look AMAZE!!! i'm obsessed with anything salted!!

    and i happen to love your shirt.it is like my secretl ifelong dream to hold a baby lion or tiger - they are seriously so cute!

    happy weekend chica! :)

  32. loveeeeeeee those shoes! happy weekend katie!

  33. I love love love those new shoes! So cute. I actually like the tiger shirt too...it's fun. Then again, the other day I was lounging around the house in a t-shirt with abstract butterflies on it, and Travis said "why you wearing that shirt Mama. It is NOT cute" So, what do I know? : )

  34. Dying over your shoes!!!! They are seriously gorgeous and that wedding picture is so pretty.


  35. aww, those cookies look heavenly!
    and i'm obsessed with your shoes!!!
    xo TJ

  36. Those shoes are adorable! And I will keep those cookies in mind. They look delicious!

  37. Those cookies look delish. I had someone make me chocolate chip cookies with potato chips in them! I love the salty and sweet combo together!

  38. As sandálias são lindas :)


  39. Loving those Charming Charlie sandals and those are my favorite cookies!!

  40. Love the shoes in that first outfit! I had never heard of Charming Charlie's before....thanks for the introduction!

    Pink Chai Style

  41. Cutest shoes ever! I am going to have to make my feet grow and borrow those! Love you!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Im loving those sandals, too cute and the colors are great!I love Charming Charlies, we have one in an outlet mall by our house....I could spend hours in there.

  44. those cookies look really good! Also love your colourful sandals!


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