July 1, 2012

Someone to Laugh at

 shoes ($6), tee ($8) and skirt ($9): Target

I'm making it a new goal of mine to laugh at my husband more often. 
You may think this sounds mean, but it was pretty much requested. 

Now I do think Chris is funny, but sometimes, ok most of the time, I don't laugh at him. 
I find myself thinking (while he is doing something that he is hoping gets a laugh) 

"Would someone else be laughing at him if they were seeing this?" 

And the answer is probably yes.  

But after seven years of marriage, I guess I am not quite as amused anymore.  
But it is time to change that. 

So next time he is making up his own rap songs in the car, or comes into the kitchen making ridiculous (slightly annoying) sounds and noises, or treating Molly like she's a human, or making up a joke that he thinks is so funny he can barely get the joke out . . . 

I am going to do my best to throw out a completely amused, impressed and genuine laugh. 

P.S.  Want to follow me on instagram?

instagram pic
Sometimes I feel like a loser, and continually scroll through my instagram feed without seeing any new pictures. Which only means I need more people to follow, so leave me your name so I can follow you back.

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YOLO Mondays  Monday Meet Up


  1. Very cute post! I bet your hubby will love your laughter. :)


  2. Cutest outfit ever! And, my Katie agrees. She wants to know where you got your bracelets...she wants them bad!!! Okay, and talking to your dog like it is human??? We NEVER do that. (I kid) Oh, and I have had instagram since I got my phone, one of my first apps and I think I have like two pics on it taken while at Katie's orientation like 2 weeks ago!

  3. Love the outfit and the husband inspiration. I think I need to laugh at mine more also instead of rolling my eyes at his jokes, oops!
    I'm bybreenah on Instagram, but it doesn't get updated very often considering the iPhone I use isn't a Phone any more and is on the busted side, haha!

  4. Such a cute outfit, the neon is so fun! Nate always makes me laugh, but then sometimes it gets to the point where I have to tell him to stop b/c you can see the "wheels" in his brain going so he can think up something else ridiculous to say! Love husbands.

  5. bahahaha. This is great! I bet he'll appreciate that! Love the outfit!

  6. Such a cute post, yay for funny men! Love your neon top... perfect for these hot temps lately! I love instagram, and you can find me, my adventures in cooking, and my pug @jesshereandnow

  7. After 10 years if marriage in in the same boat! I've even noticed I don't listen when he talks. Oops!!

    I'm following you on intstagram - I just joined last week and I'm already addicted :) my name is @lalempe

    Have a great Monday

  8. You are so cute! Andi want those shoes...love em.

  9. Awww...I'm sure Chris is absolutely hilarious! Love that neon shirt...I went out and bought it after I saw you wearing it, because clearly I need a neon tee in EVERY shade of neon :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  10. After three years of marriage I don't laugh as often at my husband. I need to do that more too. I really love that neon t-shirt. So cute!

  11. I'll have to keep an eye on myself and make sure I'm still laughing at Angel a couple years down the road. In reality, guys in general (or at least the ones I know) tend to be so funny and strange that I have no problem laughing at them.

  12. haha aww this is kinda a cute and flirty post! I like that you still want to make your husband feel good!

    and I LOVE the neon and stripes on you - perfect weekend outfit!

  13. Good luck with the laughter :) I'm sure your husband will be grateful! You look adorable - love the colorful top.

  14. Haha, sometimes my hubby complains about this too! I guess it's what happens after you've been with someone for a while, oops. I LOVE your cute neon tee!

    The Tiny Heart
    Win a custom clutch!

  15. I have this shirt too! Hubby calls it my highlighter shirt!


  16. I need to start doing this more too. I've been with my husband for 8 years now, and the things I used to laugh at, I find myself rolling my eyes at now. I think he would feel better if I laughed instead at his antics. Thanks for the reminder :-)

  17. Haha, I think I'm actually the ONLY person who finds my husband to be funny. I try not to laugh at him sometimes because I feel I am only enabling his silly behavior, but hey, at least he makes me laugh right!? :)

    Following you on instagram!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. laughter is the best medicine. ;)
    follow me on instagram, im kinda obsessed!! (saramontanas)
    Happy 4th Week!!


  19. cute skirt...I love laughing at my husband...even when he isn't being funny...lol...thats how I roll :)

  20. Cute outfit girl!
    I really love your blog!
    Please enter my giveaway :). xo


  21. Love the casual cute vibe going here! And, I have those sandals in the same color too. they're great for a pop of color.

  22. I laugh at my husband all of the time! Although sometimes I just roll my eyes. :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  23. Loving the neon tee!!! I'm definitely the same way about my husbands jokes too. Following you on instagram :) @AKeeleyWhite


  24. Haha...geez that sounds exactly like my hubby. On any given day you hear me say at least twenty times a day "Obviously, your in need of some attention right now so instead of dancing around with a crock pot on your head why don't you just tell me you want attention?" LOL...they're like children.

  25. Laughter is good for the soul and the mister will appreciate it! Whatever helps make them feel more manly and worthy! ;) I am looking you up on Instagram now! :)

  26. Love the neon green! You look so cute :)

    Rachel’s Lookbook

  27. they always say that the things you love about your partners at first are the things that come to annoy you after time. you are a good wife for at least trying to laugh!! i love this outfit on you. the neons and stripes work great together. oh, and i am @meglets and nora is @mrsbeyers if you want to see pics of our kids, feet and food!

  28. ow ow! look at you hot stuff! and SOOO glad you are laying down a laugh for your man! seriously, laughter IS the best medicine!!! love Katie

  29. Cute outfit! Love the striped skirt. ;)

  30. aww love it. i laugh at my husband all the time! he is really funny though LOL :) and i LOVE that neon shirt!

    still being [molly]

  31. Just discovered your blog and love your style! I'm your newest follower - I hope you can check mine out as well!


  32. The brights looks so good on you!

  33. ha, you are too funny. yay for laughing at husbands more often. loving that pop of neon with the stripes. just perfect!
    xo TJ

  34. I love that shirt! so bright and cheery!

    followme@ www.studentswife.com

  35. I completely get this post!!
    My husband and I have been together for 6 years.
    I completely understand all of this.
    He's a funny man, but after a while he's not so funny to me anymore.
    Great post!!

  36. Lovin your neon and stripes! I bought that same skirt but ended up returning it cuz I thought it looked funny on my hips. Looks wonderful on you though! :)

  37. Lovin your neon and stripes! I bought that same skirt but ended up returning it cuz I thought it looked funny on my hips. Looks wonderful on you though! :)

  38. That's a great idea. I wish my husband would laugh at my impressions more. :) Cute outfit!
    Carolyn http://sillyhappysweet.blogspot.com

  39. Hey lady, I just wanted to know that I finally figured out how to make a blogger button, and since your blog is one of my favorites I grabbed your button and added it to my "blog love" page. If you want to see the page or grab my button you can check it out here: http://www.myhereandnowlife.co...

  40. Love the bright neon with the striped skirt! You have great style :)


  41. Those are way cute sandals!! $6 from Target, Wow.
    I'm having a your choose cashmere giveaway on my blog, would love for you to pass by and enter I think you'll love it.



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