July 19, 2012

Dear Friday

 tank: target  shorts: loft

wedges: old navy  necklace: ebay

Dear Friday letters. This is my first time participating in you, and I feel like I am betraying High Five for Friday.  Dear Old Navy.  Thank you for having yet another amazing sale and giving me these shoes for under $4.  Dear Lauren in Law. I am jealous of your long beautiful hair.  I'm happy to play with it, but wish I could do the same to mine. 

Dear Target. Please do not remind me that school is starting again soon. I do not care about your back to school deals.  Now if you want to entice me with deals on shoes, dresses and s'mores goldfish you may continue to do so. 

Dear chocolate chip banana bread. In my effort to eat less desserts I am counting you as left over breakfast when I eat you throughout the day.

(recipe coming next week)

Dear Goodwill.  Every time I enter you I feel optimistic and like a thrifty blogger ready to find a good deal and then leave with nothing.

Dear Lovely Readers.  Please do not forget to enter my July Giveaway for a chance to win some sweet prizes!


  1. you are too cute! and i feel the same way about thrift stores...I LOVE yard sales a lot more:) love the necklace! love Katie

  2. Mmmm, that bread looks good!!

  3. i love chocolate chip banana bread.
    also, i hate that target put their school stuff up. seriously. haha
    love this outfit.


  4. That bread looks delicious! And I soooo want your wedges and scalloped shorts...you have the cutest clothes!

  5. Ah! I love her hair! I have got to try that!!

    I feel the same way about Goodwill... : (

  6. i love your shorts! were they a recent buy or no? the scallops on them are adorable.

  7. You are too funny :) Your under $4 sandals were quite a steal! And I'm looking forward to that recipe, yum!

  8. every time I do either Friday's Letters or H54F I always feel like I'm cheating on the other, haha :) so I get it! cute shoes for so cheap! wish I could find deals like that!

  9. haha i love it - i always want to try new link ups but then i feel like i'm betraying my "regulars" LOL :) you look adorable! and now i want a piece of that bread

  10. ...I bought 30 plastic folders, 10 boxes of crayons, and 5 packs of markers..plus, a binder today. At Target.

    Let's not talk about it, lest the depression set in.

    (I didn't want them to run out before I got the good deal!)

  11. You seriously find the best deals!! I need you to be my shopping buddy!;)

  12. I want that necklace! I see it everywhereeee and it's so cute and versatile! I'll have to look on eBay like you did!

  13. Dear Katie aka Soul Sister!
    Love those shorts! You look fab as usual! The offer to play with my hair still stands. I LA LA LOVE me the school supply section and walk around and around breathing it in. Please send some banana bread over and now I'm off to check out the giveaway #idoasimtold Love ya! #youknewthat

  14. Those wedges are so cute, I love the bright stripes! YUM, the chocolate chip banana bread looks delicious :D

  15. Check out those hair dos - amazing! Im a bit slack with my hair its long enough to do lots with but Im a bit uninspired in the mornings to do what you have done. Id love it if I had someone style my hair for me each morning, just like when I was little :)

  16. There's that awesome necklace again! And, wow, those braids are so cool. I'm always envious of girls with straight hair because you can actually braid your locks without it looking like a mess of frizzy knots :D

    Happy weekend!

  17. I am absolutely loving your shorts!
    I'm a sucker for anything scalloped :)

    Looking cute as always, girl!

  18. your banana bread looks amaze - i should try trading in my ice cream for this! and i feel the SAME way about school. i'm not a teacher or going back to school but that just means that fall is closing in on us...boooooo! hope you have a great weekend chica - you look amazing in those shorts!

  19. Those scalloped shorts are SO cute! I want a pair :) That braid came out awesome..I wish I was better at french braiding. Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  20. i'm so excited that you did your first Friday Letter! it suits you. i am sure high five for friday understands, hehe.

    you look so fabulous. i want those shorts. i'll be coming over to borrow them, fyi. the whole outfit is perfection!

    yeah that's the story of my life when i enter a goodwill.

    Lauren's hair looks amazing! wow, you have some talent!

  21. I hear you on the back to school stuff ....blahhhh !

  22. I want some of that banana bread too!!! Everytime I bake bread I do the same thing - literally slice after slice until before I know it half the loaf is gone and it's only 4pm.

    I don't know how you scored those shoes for less than $4. You have some kind of super power!! Cute outfit, as always :)

  23. You are so cute!!

    I feel the same way about school starting... not yet, please! I'm transitioning to teaching and still haven't found a job, so when I think that the start of school is only 4 weeks away, I kind of start to panic. lol

  24. i love those shorts and the shoes are so cute!! they look comfortable too which is always a major plus! and those braided hairstyles are so amazing!!


  25. I wish someone would do that to my hair! I love it. And all these back to school things are making me sad. Didn't summer just start?

  26. Great outfit! Love the shorts :)
    When do you start the school?
    That chocolate bread looks delicious!

  27. $4 wedges?? Awesome deal!! Good call on that chocolate chip banana bread :) And look at you lil miss hair stylist! Have a wonderful weekend dear!

  28. Love the shoes girl! :) Great find!!!


  29. Hahaha... This was my first time to link up for friday letters also and I also felt guilty for abandoning "High Five for Friday" But hey a little variety is good for everyone.

  30. This is also my first week taking part in the Friday Letters linky. On another note- I too, made the chocolate chip banana bread this week. Didn't last very long though since I have 3 kids & a husband who managed to chow down on it. {lol}

    Have a great weekend & feel free to swing by sometime:

    {Sugar in My Grits}

  31. You are looking super adorable! Seriously I walked into a store the other day and saw Halloween decorations.. I almost died. Hope you have a fabulous weekend! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  32. Lovely post & cute blog!
    I`m a new follower now.
    And I will be SOO happy, if you follow my blog:-)
    Have a good weekend:*

  33. Target?!?! Why do they have to remind us that the school year is coming when we are trying to relax? And I completely agree that it would be much nice if they had deals on shoes instead. By the way, I'm in love with your shorts. They are so cute and feminine!

  34. Love your Friday letters :) and the bubble necklace of course! Lovely blog!


  35. love those shoes! & those scalloped shorts!

    happy weekend

  36. I love the hair! It looks incredible-- great job :)

  37. This is so cute and I LOVE the bubble necklace - you're rocking it! :)

  38. Love the scalloped shorts! I have been searching for a cute pair!

  39. it's my first Friday Letters too!


  40. Katie - I was catching up on blog comments today, and one you left a few weeks ago led me to your blog, which I LOVE! You have such a fun spirit and fashion and writing style. Happy new follower and I'm looking forward to digging through your older posts.

  41. Well you already know I love the necklace & s'more fishies are my favorite too, but have you tried the vanilla cupcake ones yet?!

  42. crazy it's back to school already! I'm jealous of your 'lauren in law' too, that braided hairstyle is awesome!

  43. So pretty! Love your style!

    PS. We’ve a $100 Giveaway to Skinny Bitch Apparel on our blog! Check it out, if you’d like :)

    ox from NYC!

  44. Hmmm, I want some of that bread for dessert!!! :)

  45. gorgeous necklace!! I love the shorts too! xo


  46. hey there!! newest follower to your awesome blog :) that choc chip banana bread looks amazing... i need the recipe! cant wait to read more from ya & would love if you followed back :)

  47. I like this outfit, so summery! :]

  48. Love your shorts!!! This is the perfect summer outfit.


  49. So pretty! LOVE the necklace!


  50. I love that necklace (I need to cave and just buy it already) and those scalloped shorts! I made my own from an old pair of seersuckers, it's on my blog- check it out if you get a chance!



  51. Thanks for always doing my hair. I may show up in the mornings before school and have you do it :) I also made chocolate chip banana bread yesterday because I had a craving for it after you made it on Tuesday.

  52. love the outfit! those shorts are so cute!

  53. those shorts are so cute! and i love a great old navy sale too!

  54. Oh Back to School time is here. I finally have no school supply list to shop for, YAY! But, I know we will have fees.

    I found you through weekend wanderings and I hope you visit me at msqueensfashionista.com


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