July 9, 2012


dress: ?  shoes: gap 

Overall I don't think I am a fearful person, but I do have my handful of things I'm afraid of, 
some irrational and some more legitimate.  


the song Carol of the Bells

sleeping at my house alone

scary movies

running by myself in a forest preserve

not being able to have my own children

the dentist

driving at night while it's raining

What are some of your fears? rational or not? 


  1. I'm also afraid of bees. Especially wasps! And I'm terrified of spiders. I had to kill one at work last week and I was screaming like a child the entire time.

  2. Love the dress, it's adorable!

    Fears, huh? I'm deathly scared of the movie Contagion, horror movies in general, bees (I'm allergic, I think), being home alone at night, and rabid animals.

    Mostly irrational I think....OH, and parenthood, but I've got a while to get over that


  3. I am terrified by thunderstorms. I HATE thunder and lightening. Tornados are also a fear!

    Love that dress!!!

  4. those are all very rational :) i also DESPISE/fear the dentist. and birds - i am absolutely terrified of them. and fish. and sponges. i am so weird haha.

  5. Your dress is so pretty! Perfect with your shoes!

    I have a huge fear of bees and scary movies.

    I also am afraid of losing people I love. I try not to think about it but sometimes I do and I start to freak out.

    Fears are an annoying thing.

  6. Such a cute dress! Fears include: being alone (for a moment or forever), storms/dark clouds, bugs/snakes/critters!

  7. Carol of the Bells, what???? haha Oh Katie, you crack me up! I'm afraid of spider, snakes, and thunderstorms. Hardcore. I get sick to my stomach every time it storms at night. I make my husband sleep in the basement with me, I'm such a freak about that!

  8. That dress is absolutely adorable!!! And we share many of the same fears...driving in the rain at night, sleeping at my house alone (without my pup I don't think I could do it!) and I am still to this day terrified of the dark!!! Unfortunately we also share the same fear or not being able to have our own children. Thinking of you and just love your blog :)

  9. I am so afraid of the dentist! Probably my worst, most irrational fear. I had lots of dental work done when I was little (my mom was a dental assistant for years and made sure we went to the dentist often) and had braces for 2 years, and somehow that was all traumatic for me and I've carried those fears into adulthood! ha! I'm also afraid of sleeping at home alone, and have only had to do it twice since I've been married, thank goodness.

    One of my major fears is also that I won't have children, but I'm working on giving that one up to God. I can't let myself think about it!

  10. I fear having another stroke, but, I believe God will take care of me, and not let that happen.

  11. Spiders
    Being alone in a church at night!
    closed spaces
    something happening to my kid or hubby
    bacon in my ice cream (huh?)

  12. I love this dress!! It looks amazing with your wedges. I seriously agree with 6 out of 8 of your fears.


  13. Bats and giant Christmas trees.
    is that song the African bell carol???
    If it is, I actually love that one. (To each their own :)

  14. Hey we all have them! And I HATE driving at night, right there with ya on that one sister! Or being at home alone at night.... I find all sorts of noises and then imagine myself in a killer movie and then things go down hill, real fast! HA hope you have a great week, Katie!

    It's an Easy Life

  15. Too many fears to name! 1. Cockroaches 2. Driving in icy weather 3. Kidney stones (I've passed 3 and they were brutal)......that dress is so cute! You look cute in everything.

  16. twins!!! i used to have that dress!!! i got mine from JC Penny! you look fabulous in it!! and you know i am TERRIFIED of bees. oh man. terrified.

    still being [molly]

  17. That dress is so cute! I also don't like sleeping at my house alone...while Angel worked nights for a year I had to do it all the time, but I never liked it!

  18. That sundress is SO cute, Katie! I'm with you on the driving at night in the rain. Actually, I hate driving in the rain during the day too if it's a bad storm. My other fear is never being able to own a home. They're crazy expensive here (as in, half a million and up).

    The Tiny Heart

  19. Linking up via GFC blog hop, as your newest follower. BTW, cute shoes! Now my fears...okay the dentist for sure. I'm sure everyone shares these same fears beside you and me, right? Being alone in my golden years. You know women out live men and this really bothers me a lot! I don't like thinking about being by myself. Other fears? Hmm, I know I have them but nothing is stirring inside my tiny brain this morning. It was great meeting you! ^.^

  20. Hi Katie. Thanks for joining with us for today's GFC hop. Following you know (duh!) I'm dreadfully afraid of hospitals. It's the #2 reason why I had a home birth. Silly, but true.

  21. Um I think I need to go listen to this song your afraid of, haha. I hate scary movies too - and sleeping alone. When Nick travels for work I always check the closets like a big huge dork :) LOVE that dress on you Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  22. i don't know what carol of the bells is, but now i want to listen and see if it scares me. i am scared of tight spaces, heights, dark windows at night...the usual. (right?)

  23. #1 fear--needles. oy vey! But I'm working on it (had to get pricked 3 times already this year! --more than I've ever had in one year ever!)

    #2--umbrellas in windy weather. Something about that wind tugging on the umbrella makes me cringe and freak out.

    #3 balloons in windy weather. see #2.

    i'm weird.

  24. One thing I definitely do not fear is this cute dress!! ;) Love it! I am crazy fearful of heights!! I get slight panic attacks!

  25. I have to admit that I'm afraid of birds. Something about the sharp beaks and the fact that they can fly around and come at you from an unexpected direction just freaks me out. That, and they can poop on you! Just a few weeks ago I thought I had gotten over this fear, but of course I almost got attacked by an angry squawking bird leaving my office the other day. I think she was an aggressive mother bird protecting her nest- we actually got an office-wide email about this. Apparently there were other reports of attacks. The fear has returned, ugh!

    Sorry this comment is already way too long. Love your dress and wedges!

  26. You look so cute in this dress! I fear all bugs.. I'm afraid they are going to fly into my ear, haha. I don't like to drive at night in general, I feel like my old eyes can't see anything. Ha. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. haha hmm. I've literally never heard of anyone scared of Carol of the Bells before. No shame! Split ends scare me... haha kind of weird too!

  28. Adorable dress! Love the fun pops of color!

  29. Love the dress :)

    Love your honsety.. I'm afraid of bees too...

  30. Okay, running by yourself in a forest preserve is definitely a legitimate fear! Heck, even running by myself through the quiet industrial park near my house at 5:00 in the morning even scares me. And there are probably people with in scream distance! lol

    I love that dress!!

  31. Thanks for linking up at the GFC Blog Hop today!!

  32. I'm in love with this whole outfit!

    I'm afraid walking through dark parking garages alone, getting teeth pulled, and frogs.

  33. i hate driving in the rain at night too! and i totally fear someone breaking into my apartment - no bueno! and i agree about the kids too...but it WILL happen for you!! thinking and praying for ya chica ;)


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