July 15, 2012

I'd rather

shirt, skirt & shoes: target

First of all please ignore our incredibly dead grass, as well as my bra strap - opps.

As I mentioned last week in my fears post, I am afraid of the dentist.
I even take pretty good care of my teeth, but they don't care and always have some sort of problem every time I go.
I should be too embarrassed to admit this but once I even had 8 cavaties at one time.

Well the dreaded time has come and I will be going to to the dentist on Friday.

Due to the sad fact that I think about it a lot, here is a list of
things I'd rather do than go to the dentist:

Pull the weeds in my parents' pasture in the middle of summer with mosquitos surronding me. 

Go to the gynecologist multiple times.

Listen to Carol of the Bells on repeat all. day. long.

Vacuum my stairs every day for two weeks. 

Go to work on a Saturday.

Play chess for many hours. 

Eat a jar of olives.

Watch 4 episodes of South Park.

Doubtful, but am hoping for a good report on Friday. 


  1. haha oh man - you really do hate the dentist! hope you had a cavity-free appointment and an awesome weekend to make you forget it all! :)

  2. okay 1) you are adorable. 2) I HATE THE DENTIST. seriously. i avoid it at all cost. good luck, girl! you'll be in my thoughts :)

  3. oh so sorry you have to go, girl! :( hope it's a good report. love this idea - you're so creative!

  4. Cute outfit! And I know what you mean. My dentist retired and I loved him. He's been my dentist since I was around 5 years old. I'm afraid to find a new one!

  5. Cute outfit! And I know what you mean. My dentist retired and I loved him. He's been my dentist since I was around 5 years old. I'm afraid to find a new one!

  6. Haha! I think my hubby would totally agree with you! Don't hate me but I have never had a cavity....I know, I know, I'm that person..LOL

    PS. Glad we aren't the only ones who have dead, yellow grass!

  7. HAHAHA I absolutely LOVE this.. I am the same way! I always have something going on with my teeth too, so no worries on that one! Hope all goes well and I will be thinking about ya!

    It's an Easy Life

  8. I go every 6 months and last year I had 3 cavities in one visit. I don't understand how they didn't see them 6 months earlier. The first cavities I'd ever had. That was a fun bill to pay.

  9. Oh dear, good luck with the dentist! I hope they give you some silly gas to make it easier! And I LOVE olives, so I would really enjoy doing that one :)

  10. Hahahahaha you're hilarious! I sound about the same... h-a-t-e the dentist, they always get mad at you for not cleaning/flossing properly... Um, I'm not a dentist. That's why I pay you to do it. Hmph. Good luck!

  11. I'm sorry you've had such bad experience with dentists! I would definitely choose a dentist over gyno! lol

  12. Hahaha! I despise the dentist too...hope you get a good report pretty lady! And what a cute Target ensemble :)

  13. Aww, I'm so sorry that you have to go to the dentist, they really are not that much fun so I'm sorry! Hang in there and you should treat yourself after. ;)

    Love your sweet and casual outfit - reminds me of my style! So glad I came across your blog, xoxo.

  14. Hi! I am your newest follower from the Sunday Social. My daughter's name is Lauren, and I am a teacher, too. :)

    Kathy@ http:www.lifeonlakeshoredrive.blogspot.com

  15. Oh man...I'm not fond of the dentist, but out of all of those options...I'd have to pick dentist! Hope it goes well!

  16. I'd hate to be a dentist. No one likes them!! Last time I went I had a cavity and my husband was appalled! He said, "Adults don't get cavities, only children have them." He was absolutely serious. Not joking at all. Wow.

  17. Ugh, I'm with you, I hate going to the dentist too! (But I love this outfit). However, the gynecologist is way worse in my opinion!! Ick.

  18. I don't like going to the dentist either and I don't even have any cavities! I'm with Megan though, I'd rather go to any doctor but the gynecologist!

    The Tiny Heart

  19. Dang, you must REALLY hate that dentist! haha good luck dear :)

  20. Ugh! I'm sorry. Try to think of good things until then :-/ Good luck!

  21. UGh I had two cavities last year- but I also hadn't gone to the dentist for a few years! OOPS! I was moving around a lot and didn't find a dentist all the time. OH well - they are good now! (I think) Good luck!! Love hte outfit!

  22. I love this outfit! Good luck at the dentist, you'll do great!

  23. Haha, I'm right there with you. There are so many things I'd rather do than go to the dentist, and I always try to avoid them for as long as possible, which really just makes the visit worst. It's a vicious cycle that I can't get out of.

    At least you will be looking adorable while going to the dentist! :)

    xo, Yi-chia

  24. This made me laugh. I hate the dentist but not as much as you!!!

  25. i have never disliked going to the dentist...but your post is hilarious regardless. Carol of the Bells on repeat all. day. long. made me laugh!

  26. ahh the dentist sucks! but i'm not sure i'd want to vaccum stairs every day for two weeks....heck i don't even vaccum them once a year ;) oops!

  27. Cute look, love ths skirt

  28. I'm sorry you're so dreading it :-( I know how you feel, I hate the dentist too! I always have said I would much rather have an appointment at the gynecologist than the dentist, and people think I'm crazy. But it's so true! haha...I am actually way past due for a dentist appointment, but I'm really dragging my feet about scheduling one. Good luck on Friday!

  29. Girl, I am right there with you! I HATE the dentist!!! Good luck! Glad it's you and not me! ;)
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  30. Wow, you really, really hate the dentist! Hahaha. I was like that too!

    Hope you had a good visit :)

  31. me too. I learned to close my eyes and breathe as slowly as I can and let my jaw loose by not letting my tongue touch anything inside my mouth.....works!!!!

  32. Oh wow, I hope you get good news!!

  33. HAHAHA Oh Lordy this made me giggle. I hate going to the dentist too! I always tell Garrett I'd rather go to the gyno than the dentist. But really, I hate both. Cute outfit pretty lady!

  34. This is too funny! I think everyone feels that way about the dentist.. if not, then something must be off!


  35. found you through mingle monday! so glad i found your blog. your outfits are too cute!

  36. The dentist and I don't get along, either. And I do everything I can. Then they tell me to do what I'm already doing. --.--

    Good news: I love the color combo you're sporting here!

  37. oh gosh, i've never had a cavity, but going to the dentist always freaks me out!!!!
    xo TJ

  38. Ahhahaah this post cracked me up!!

    Come to my dentist, he's a dear.

    Good luck at your appointment :)


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