July 12, 2012

High Five for Friday

 dress: old navy  shoes: payless

1.  I got some great deals at Old Navy this week.  Thanks to a 40% off coupon I bought this dress for $8.
I also got a sweet pair of wedges for $4 and a sailboat shirt for $3.
 I'm sure I'll be sharing them next week!

2. New hat and new sunglasses. 
I think I look way cooler than I probably should feel in this picture.
Please don't tell me otherwise.  I rarely feel cool.

3.  Things don't always turn out.
First time - success.  Second time - fail.

Baking failures like this used to make me cry.  Maybe I'm growing up!
And let's not even talk about how desperately I need a new baking pan.

4.  I finally feel like I had a fun week of summer.
After a really rough June, it was nice to relax and actually do things.
I spent Wednesday in Lake Geneva and had such a great time.

Sunglasses, fedora hat and a boat?  Seriously, this may be the coolest I've felt.

5.  Was that an appropriate use of a hashtag? I still don't really understand twitter.
 But want to follow me anyways?


That might actually make me feel cool too.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. That dress was $8? Love it!!

    Glad you had a blast at the lake, you deserve it!


  2. oh my gosh, katie, that dress is AMAZING. what a steal!!!!!!!!! i love it. and i'm so glad you got to relax a bit. you deserve it!

  3. what a cute dress!! wish it was in my closet :) and the dessert (the first picture of course :)) looks delicious!!!
    Yey for the weekend!!

  4. I don't know how to use hash tags either, lol

    I think you look very cool! Fedora hat and all :)

    And that dress from ON is gorgeous on you!

  5. You are beautiful. And I officially want your closet. The boat always makes me happy. I am so glad you had a good time. Love the hat and dress I need to hit up
    Old navy!!

  6. Love the hat! I just started tweeting and I too have no Idea what I'm doing but would love to follow! MAYBE WE CAN LEARN TOGETHER!LOL

  7. What a great buy on that dress. It looks fantastic on you. Can't wait to see what else you scored!

    I have lots of baking fails. I blame them on my kids distracting me. Hey it works!

    Glad you finally are enjoying some summer fun. Boats and water always make me happy :)

    Have a good weekend!!!

  8. I loved all of your pictures from the lake on Instagram :)
    SO FUN!

    Have a wonderful weekend, girl!

  9. Again, jealous! $8 from Old Navy, swoon.

  10. I love that dress and have it in blue :)


  11. You seriously have the cutest clothes and find the best deals! I'm so jealous! Also, you're looking tan! I need a tan...BADLY! haha

  12. OH MY GOSH. i need to go to old navy... tomorrow... your dress is absolutely stunning! you look amazing in pink, too!

  13. So glad you were able to have some fun this week ! And for the record, you are way more mature than me with baking failures..lim still a poor sport in this area..happy weekend!

  14. Your dress is soo pretty, I LOVE the bright colors! And your hat is pretty cool :)

  15. Oh. emm. gee. You are too cool for words. Like, no joke ;) Love the hat! And you're wearing the shoes that I liked from yesterday's post.


  16. Oh. emm. gee. You are too cool for words. Like, no joke ;) Love the hat! And you're wearing the shoes that I liked from yesterday's post.


  17. Just saying....burnt marshmallows taste pretty good! (talking about the second dessert)


  18. Wow that dress was a steal at $8! :) Your blog is awesome-just became a member/follower of your blog. I hope you'll follow me back and we can keep in touch. Happy Blogging!!! 

    Elle xoxo


  19. Love the dress...pink and orange colorblocking, can't get any better!

  20. You are so cute.. love the hat & sunglasses!

    I also scored some awesome deals at Old Navy with 40% off. Hooray for great sales

    happy friday xo

  21. You seriously look too cool in your fedora, I always feel that way when I can finally pull off a cute hat.
    Even when I used to show horses all the time, I loved wearing my cowboy hat.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
    Happy Happy Friday!!

  22. You do look super cool in that boating pic - LOVE your new hat! And that pink dress is so pretty on you - you are queen of bargain shopping :) Have a great weekend Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  23. Your hashtag was certainly appropriate -- and totally hilarious. Love that dress.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  24. I have that same dress! Mine is in a different color though and I have yet to wear it. You look so cute in your new hat!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. Your colorblock maxi is gorgeous! I'm so jealous you got it for $8! I'm really new to Twitter so I have no idea about the hashtags either :) Have a great weekend, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  26. I was so jealous all week long when I saw your pictures on the lake. You looked so happy and relaxed, which you completely deserved. My mom got the same dress but in blue/green and I was super bummed they didn't have it in my size. Love Old Navy and their killer clearance section :)

  27. Okay you just need to stop with all these cute deals at Old Navy! I just ended my tribal skirt journey that I became obsessed with thanks to you (glad to say I scored one finally for $8!!) and now this????? I love, love that dress!

    PS. I still don't quite get Twitter yet either, but hopping over now to follow you.

  28. that dress looks great on you! xo


  29. love the colors of that dress!! funny about the sweets :)

  30. What a cute dress! Thanks for linking up for Find + Follow Friday! I'm your newest follower via GFC:)

    -Nicole @ http://meandthem00n.blogspot.com

  31. Love the Old Navy dresss! Super super cute, love the blog girl!!!

  32. oooohhhhh....i LOVE the dress!! and the fedora hat!!! youre so cute!!

  33. that pink dress is just beautiful! :)

  34. loving the new hat and sunglasses!

    can I borrow the hat until I get my hair done Sunday? ;)

  35. I think you look really cool! And cute! I love the Old Navy dress, and whatever you baked looked yummy! Was it smores something or other?

  36. LOVE that dress. You do look totally cool in the fedora, not everyone can pull them off, but you.. you can :) Bummer about the baking fail, we've all been there! Have a lovely weekend friend!

  37. What a beautiful dress!! I always make cooking mistakes like that, just need to keep trying! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    Twirling Clare

  38. baking failures should be my middle name. It's alright.

    visit nichollvincent.blogspot.com :)


  39. I'm loving the maxi and sometimes, well those disasters can be just the sweetest variation. =)

    I'm following ya now from the wiegand's, another blog that is so full of light and love and goodness. If you're up for a bit of a ride I'd love it if you'd join me at localsugarhawaii.com where we're riding the wave of life one little adventure at a time and are writing the stories as we go along. Every Friday we link up and share aloha if you're up for it we'd love to have you with us.

    Happiness Everyday.

  40. I made those brownies yesterday. I don't think I ever even looked at the recipe, just remembered your picture of what they looked like. I watched mine rather meticulously. Broiling disasters can happen to anyone.
    I love the yellow swimsuit. And I must hit up Old Navy this week.

  41. yay for finally having a fun summer adventure! I've done nothing but work all summer but we're Finally taking a lake trip soon as well! cannot wait. vacations are never long enough! Awesome deals on that cute old navy stuff :)

    The House of Shoes

  42. Man, I just went to Old Navy and didn't find anything! You totally pull that dress off...I just can't do it!

    Glad you had some summer fun and relaxation! You deserve it!

  43. you ARE seriously cool!! i LOVE that yellow on you and the fedora - you are rocking it! seriously, i love all the colors in this post - so pretty! and glad you had a relaxing weekend!

  44. Gorgeous fedora! Why not feel cool. :) Hope you're having a great week this week too. :D

  45. you look cool, honeslty. i love the whole scene of the sea, the fedora, and the bikini! lol.

    found you in h54f and is following you via GFC now. i hope you can drop by my blog and find something you'd be interested about. :)

    jen @ whyyyjen.blogspot.com

  46. great dress!! you look cute :)

  47. That is a very lovely & colorful maxidress....I'm also a huge fan of maxis!


  48. So pretty!! I love your style and ability to work with stores I can afford :) Lovin that fedora and bikini! So cute! And the lake --- LOVE!

  49. love the pink maxi dress from old navy!

  50. Hey hun I love your blog, great work. Come check out my blog, follow me and I’ll follow you back :) xx


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