July 11, 2012

It's OK

dress: target  shoes: payless

It's OK that this dress is most likely a beach cover-up but I wear it as a real dress.
It's OK that when I wore this on vacation in Mexico, 
I sat next to a woman in her 50's wearing the same dress.

 shirt: target  skirt: Old Navy

It's OK that I feel like I belong on the set of Little House on the Prairie in this skirt.
I can't decide if I should keep it. Be honest.
 A little too Laura Ingalls Wilder?

It's OK that I had a dream the other day that I had a meeting with my students' parents to wrap up the school year and at the end, one of them stood up and said that I was the best teacher in the world and then everyone clapped and cheered.
Wishful thinking.

It's OK that my toes currently look like this:

It's OK that I heard an Avril Lavigne song on the radio the other day and realized that was the first and one of the only CDs I've ever purchased.

It's OK that I was at the store Discovery the other day and the fact that you can't try on their clothes didn't stop me from trying to put a romper on under the dress I was wearing.
Flashing your underwear to an employee = NOT OK.


  1. That last one made me laugh out loud!

  2. Hehe, too funny! But what a dumb rule!

    I think the skirt is cute but maybe with a lighter top?

    And my toes look just like that!

  3. What's the waistband of the skirt like? I'd probably tuck in a tank top. Maybe? Nothing can every be TOO LHontheP :)

  4. It is TOTALLY ok for your piggies to look like that because mine do too!!! ;) And the skirt is cute, try tucking in a neon tank and add some accessories....

  5. Ha ha! Avril Lavigne's cd is one of the first cd's I ever bought as well :)
    And that skirt looks perfect for this crazy summer heat!

  6. Hahaha okay, but you look way better in that dress than the 50 year old woman! I'm sure of it.


  7. Hahahaha flashing the public, are we? Hilarious! But way to be a rebel! That dress is SUPER cute, who cares if it is a cover up? You rock that thang.

  8. hahah love that last part. So funny. Also, I LOVE those outfits!!

  9. hahaha oh avril lavigne!! i like the skirt i just think you need a brighter top to balance the muted tone? maybe? i love that purple dress, katie!!

  10. My toes look just like yours right now too! Absolutely love your purple dress!!


  11. cute outfits! :)

    so happy to have found your blog via the GFC blog hop!

    Caroline @ www.sewcaroline.com

  12. I like the skirt, but with a tank top and wedges!

    The purple dress is cute, it's totally allowed....it's HOT out!


  13. no WAY a 50 year old was wearing that same dress. she should be the one embarrassed, not you. unless she still had the body for it. then that just deserves a slow hand clap that gradually picks up and everyone joins in ;)
    xo TJ

  14. LOL! I love the one about you wearing the same dress a fifty year old was wearing. Sounds like something I would do. In your defense, I think the dress is very cute. Obviously both you and the older woman have good taste :)

  15. You crack me up Katie! Love the purple dress...that lady in her 50s must be SUPER stylish :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. Haha Katie, I think the woman in her 50s just has really good taste because that dress is awfully cute!

    The Tiny Heart

  17. what a great dream!!! and i hope when i'm 50 i'm still wearing super cute clothes like you! and as for the skirt, i think it's super cute. i think it would look really cute with a white tank tucked in and belted a little higher on your waist. plus it has pockets, and if i'm not mistaken, hearts on it.

  18. My toes look the exact same... and hey! thats ok!!
    i love the maxi skirt! too cute!!

  19. I almost purchased the same skirt from Old Navy but thought the same thing! Now that I see it on someone else I think it looks cute! I think it would also look great with a belt!

  20. Haha, loved the last one, so funny. Clearly the 50 year old woman has great style! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. Love the purple dress (swim cover-up/whatever). I hope I'm still rocking cute clothes when I'm 50! ;)
    Not sure about the skirt - I'd like to see it with a pink tank, maybe?
    And I'm not sure I've ever heard of a clothing store not allowing try-ons? I too would be flashing my underoos while trying things on. :) Remind me not to shop there, 'kay. ;)
    Happy Thursday!

  22. Oh girl, I have a shirt that is supposed to be a beach cover up, but I wear it like a normal shirt all the time. It's just so cute! :)

  23. The skirt looks comfy...I say keep it! But maybe with a lighter colored top :)

  24. I love that dress, and the nails, and the shoes!

    Oh, and Katie, did you get my email about swapping? I haven't heard from you, so I didn't know if it had bounced or anything.


  25. Hi!:) love your look,so pretty! Just found today your blog and i´m a new follower:) Hope you can follow my baby blog back! Kisses


  26. confession - i LOVE some averal lavigne! and girl - i swear every time i buy something i really love, i no doubt see someone in their 50s wearing it the same week! haha it's totally OK!

  27. I am currently wearing those exact same shoes except the flowers are black :] & your toes look a whole lot better than mine do!



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