July 23, 2012

If you knew me . . .

scarf & shorts: old navy  shoes: target  shirt: loft

If you knew me . . .

You would know that the thought of wearing a turtle neck, scarf or anything around my neck used to freak me out.

You would know that it is rare that an hour goes by when I don't think about being pregnant. 

 You would know that patience is something I so badly need but struggle with - from small things like the internet loading to big things like waiting for God's timing.

You would know that I think that I have the best husband in the world.

You would know that I have a lot of insecurities, especially around big groups of people.

You would know that I can become too dependent on sticking to a routine.

You would know that I would almost always choose a night at home than anywhere else.

You would know that if I had three wishes one of them would be that my sister and her family lived close to me.

You would know that one of my best qualities is being loyal.

You would know that my favorite flavor of jelly beans are licorice and buttered popcorn. 


  1. Love the outfit!! Totally something I would wear!
    I used to feel the exact same way about turtle necks--I still feel suffocated at times. haha

  2. I love these posts that are floating around right now :) It's so fun getting to know the little quirks of everyone! Now I need to get my post up!

    And I'm a little jealous that you get to wear cute scarves in July...I'd DIE if I did that, haha!


  3. This is such a sweet post! I would wish the same thing about my sister...although an hour away is not all that bad.

  4. I can say that I did know just about all of those things except the jelly bean flavors!

  5. Licorice jelly beans are my fave, too! Waiting for God's timing, especially when you're impatient (me, too!)is no easy matter...praying for you <3

  6. Such a cute outfit! Loving these posts, so fun getting to know you!

  7. You and I have a lot in common. I guess it comes with being a female 20 something :)

  8. You are just gorgeous! I love your outfit!

    That picture of you and your hubby is beautiful! I love it!

  9. You seem like such a sweetheart and I think we have a ton in common! I would rather have a night at home with my husband than almost anything in the world. Your outfit is really cute, loving the scarf!

  10. Love seeing into your world a bit more... and I have a post quite similar coming up! :) Hope you're enjoying your summer!

    It's an Easy Life

  11. i love that scarf! you look great :)

  12. I love how open you are about your life...and UM buttered popcorn is DELISH! love it!

  13. As always loving your outfit!
    Awesome Post! I wish my family lived closer too

  14. I freak out about anything around my neck !! And being loyal is an amazing quality!!!

  15. yum, licorice jelly beans! Will pray for patience, and God's timing to hurry up! :-)


  16. Love your scarf and leopard flats! I always love adding fun prints to a great basic outfit! :)


  17. Scarves and shorts look really cute together, in my opinion. We're all working on our patience, friend! Eat some jelly beans and you might feel better :)

  18. Scarves and shorts look really cute together, in my opinion. We're all working on our patience, friend! Eat some jelly beans and you might feel better :)

  19. very cute! I love your leopard flats, I think I have the same pair :)


  20. Glad you got over the wearing things around your neck fear because the scarf looks so cute with the shorts! I read all these and kept saying "me too...me too" :) Happy Tuesday Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. Love your outfit! Cute post!

  22. omg girl!!! licorice is so nasty lol! no offense! hahah!! love this post! i actually have the same one scheduled for tmrw lol!

  23. love the scarf!!
    I feel the same way about my family! Although they are only about 3 hours away it sometimes feels like forever. I struggle with patience too, hang in there, everything will happen in HIS own time.

  24. Loved this post until I got to the licorice jellybeans. Icky!

  25. I have never really been a fan of jelly beans..weird? Great outfit though!


  26. Um...I still panic when I come upon a turtleneck. ACK!

  27. Ack, I can't stand turtlenecks! I do love scarves though and yours is so cute with your matching shorts.

    The Tiny Heart

  28. this is such a sweet post, katie. you are so amazing!

  29. This is such a great post, I love it :)


  30. Love your scarf. Polka dots are a trend this fall. :)

    I feel the same way about my family living close--I have a sister coming home in a few days from two years in the Philippines and I can't wait to see her!!!

  31. I love the outfit you put together! I love scarfs and can't stop wearing them!
    I have a very close friend who just struggled with infertility, I will pray for you the same I did her!
    Stay strong!

  32. I just did one of these! I loved your post. It was beautiful.


    stopping in from Auniesauce's "On Your Heart"

  33. Love your scarf, it looks cute on you! Um, I am pretty much the same as you on almost all of these points. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  34. Hey there! I am visiting from Thee Blog Hop. I am a little bit late but wanted to stop by. I am a new follower! I blog over at http://www.garagesalesrus.blogspot.com/ I hope you will stop by and do the same. I also have an awesome giveaway going on with a Cricut machine! I would love it if you would enter! Hope you have a great day!


  35. i don't think anyone has patience for internet loading!! and buttered popcorn jelly bellies are the best!!

  36. We have so much in common! Well, except for the jelly bean thing. lol Those flavors are a little gross. But my husband, the sister moving closer thing, the routine, the insecurities, the stuff on your neck. It's like we're twins. =)

    I always love the look of a simple scarf and tee shirt, but can never really pull it off for the reason that I start feeling all claustrophobic when I wear too much material around my neck. I love your leopard flats, too!

  37. it's nice getting to know you better. you are just too cute, girl! and being loyal is definitely a big quality to have!
    xo TJ

  38. Ewwww!! Those are th worst flavOrs! I could def share a bag with you! :)

  39. You are such a sweetheart - open and honest, and I like you even more as I get to know you better through blogging. I need to work on my patience too... and certainly wish all my family lived in the same town!

  40. Cheers to buttered popcorn jelly bellies! They are my favorites too, and my friends think I'm nuts. Glad I found another Katie who loves them as much as me! :)


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