July 24, 2012

Target Therapy

shirt: old navy  skirt & sandals: target  necklace: discovery

I just bought this skirt at Target, and figured it was time I talk about my slight addiction to their store.

I don't even want to know how many times I have been to Target this summer and
I should probably be embarrassed to admit how often I go there.

This would be an accurate face when I realized the other day I had been to Target three days in a row.  

Many days during the summer when I was in a sad, lonely or in bad mood one thing I often resorted to was taking a trip to Target.

It was the perfect place to go by myself and spend a long time wandering aisles, trying on clothes, shoes, looking at home decorations and most likely buying some sort of goldfish to eat in the car.

So thank you Target for cheering me up.

If you would ever like to hire me to promote your products, you can pay me in clothes.

Want to know if you won the July Giveaway?
Check here and email me with your address if you are the winner!


  1. gorgeous outfit!! love the color.

    come by and enter my Custom Beanie Giveaway!!

  2. Oh my gosh, I love Target! I have 2 that are pretty close to me, so I split my time between the two. Makes me feel a little better about my addiction :)

  3. Love that maxi skirt.

  4. Ugh! I wish we had a Target in my town...
    I almost bought that exact sure but didn't know what I'd pair it with...

  5. i love this skirt, seriously. you are lucky, our target sucks and never has anything i swear!


  6. Yeah I'm addicted too, it is such a great store to be addicted to! Good thing hubs works for Target! Discount!!! :)

    Love the outfit!

  7. I was JUST there today!!! I would be lost without it!! BEST place on earth!!! Love that maxi!

  8. Target is the best! We live literally right across the street from one so you can imagine how many times I go there! The skirt you bought is so cute! I love that they have fashionable and cheaper clothing.

  9. Haha this post made me laugh, we seem so much alike. Never mind going to target 3 days in a row, I have actually driven around to 3 different targets in the same day!!! Usually it is because I am looking for something specific, but there are times it's not haha. I absolutely love your outfit today...

  10. We used to live less than 5 minutes away from a SUPER Target... Then we moved four hours away and now the closet Super Target is 50 minutes away... Ugh. My favorite place definitely! Super cute skirt, actually the entire outfit!

  11. your outfits are all so adorable i can't stand it. when you're finished with them, feel free to ship my way ;) love coming back to your blog!

  12. you are seriously so adorable, katie! love it! and i, too, am a target addict. for reals.

  13. You look so good in blue :)
    And hey, nothing wrong with some Target lovin!


  14. I'm also addicted to Target. One time a cashier told me I was there so much I better own some stock...oops. haha! I'm loving your skirt and every time you wear these sandals it makes me want to go buy a pair!


  15. haha i really like target too! I was just there today. I got a new bikini:) And i love the pic of you making that funny face. so cute!

  16. Love this maxi!! I want it! You look so cute!

  17. You look so cute in maxis! And I have a Target addiction too...

  18. I think being a teacher has heightened my Target addiction. It's just one of those places that I can go to get in a better mood and just fall in love. Sometimes my husband and I just go and wander around the sports or baby section and dream.

  19. I WANT THIS OUTFIT! you look stunning! and i love target. i live within walking distance... kind of bad/dangerous. i must go with you sometime because you always find the best things!

  20. Such a cute outfit! LOVE the color of blue.

    We don't have a Target nearby and it's probably a good thing. I'm such a therapy shopper. Shopping always lifts my spirits.

  21. Love the maxi Katie! And you are too funny...a trip to target sounds like the perfect way to get out of a funk...and I'm sure those goldfish help too...yum :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  22. I'm pretty sure EVERY girl is obsessed with Target...I just LOVE it. but my bank account hates it. We recently moved out to the country and my husband swears that we have SAVED money since we moved away from Target...the bad news is that when I go now, I have to stock up to get my Target fix. :)

  23. You are TOO cute! I love that outfit and they do have some mega steals :)

    It's an Easy Life

  24. I love Target and can almost always find something fun on the clearance rack ;) that skirt is just perfect for summer. I need more maxi skirts in my life!

  25. The chevron maxi is so cute, Katie! I've been avoiding Target lately because I'm trying to not spend as much money and I KNOW I will drop at least $50 every time I go in there!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my Daisy Rae giveaway!

  26. I LOVE Target too!! Just wish the closest one was less than 30 min away!!
    That skirt is so cute and it is crazy how much better a random shopping adventure can make me feel!!

  27. LOVE that skirt, I may just have to make a Target trip.

  28. Cute skirt! And I definitely visit Target multiple days in a row :)

  29. Blue is a great color for you and this a fabulous casual outfit! Great styling!

  30. Cute skirt, I love target too!!


  31. Love it!!! I am with you about Target. 90% of what I wore this week was from that awesome store :-)

  32. Love the skirt and sandals ;)

  33. I love your skirt, it is so adorable...and yes, target can be super addicting!

  34. Oh my gosh, I love this outfit!

  35. I probably love nothing more right now than maxi skirts and TARGET..umm hello?
    I def. understand going to target to clear the mind, walk up and down isles, trying clothes on packing the cart then putting half the stuff back because hubby will inevitably roll his eyes!
    It is the perfect place to think!

    Thanks for the sweet comments yesterday, it is so nice to know you have people in your corner, thanks girl!!!

  36. You look so cute! I'm the same way about Target. I just love them. I can't leave that store without buying SOMETHING. I feel like their clothes just gets better every time I'm in there!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  37. Yep, just another thing in common. lol Whenever I'm stressed out or depressed or missing my sister, that's where I go. Bonus? We have a Starbucks inside! So, I get a frappuccino and then buy myself stuff that I don't nee. =) It's the perfect remedy for my melancholy-ness.

    I wish I had gotten myself that cute skirt!! I love it!

  38. Love this outfit and the color combo. Oh Target, you strike again! I love the therapy that is walking around a store and dreaming without the necessity of buying.

  39. This outfit is perfect and completely, 100% your color! Did you get that recently at Target? I might have to make a pit-stop! I have been wanting a maxi skirt forever and one I bought, I just returned cuz I looked so frumpy in it... this one I love!

  40. Target is about 2 miles from my house. Wednesday nights are "Target Nights" around here :)
    Though, I've promised to stay out until September. I was getting in the habit of 2 or 3 days in a row too!

  41. I have been seriously eyeing this skirt at Target!! I just can't find it in my size :/ Love the all blue with a touch of orange.

  42. I love the color of this outfit! xx

  43. i was a hot mess when they opened a super target near our house. seriously, i go there all the time! it was also a block away from the kids' daycare...it's probably a good thing they will both be in a different school this year! (not that that will stop me from shopping!)

  44. Thanks for the blog love! I'm slightly obsessed with Target too so it's ok :) and now I live a hop, skip and a jump away I find myself there sometimes 2 times in one day! Love the skirt I have it in solid coral :)

    xoxo Elie

  45. Oh girl, I am obsessed with Target too! Too much - it's so easy to go in for staples like toilet paper and light bulbs and leave with a ton of other fun things like bath mats and shoes. You are not the only one with this obsession!

    P.S. Please tell me you have the RedCard?! You save 5% every time - I've already saved $35 this year :)

  46. super cute!! I LOVE target too!! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog post today! You are awesome!!

    Melissa @ The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife

  47. love love this outfit! and then the pop of color from the sandals. target is really scoring in the clothing department lately

  48. Stopping by from the WIWW link up. Today is my first time doing a WIWW post and I was so nervous. But seeing how awesome all you girls are at it, I'll definitely be linking up each week from now on hopefully!

    That skirt from Target is adorable and the shape fits you so well!

  49. Target is my own version of therapy, too. I had to laugh when I read this because my afternoon plans include a trip there. :) Great outfit, as usual!

    P.S. I nominated you for a blogging award. It's up on my site if you want to see.

    Hope you're having a great week lady!

  50. Ohhhh cute! Love the chevrony design on the skirt.

    Target is downright DANGEROUS!

  51. You are not alone in your addiction. I'd join a support group, but I don't really want help. :)

  52. my "weekend treat" is going to target on saturday mornings.....this makes me either really cool or 85 years old....but i'm going to go with the first choice. LOVE this skirt on you!

  53. You are definitely not the only one who has that issue. Target burns a hole in my pocket. I have my list of things I need (i.e. dish soap) and end up adding many, many clothing, jewelry and accessories to my cart. They just have such good stuff! You are making me want to go ASAP because that skirt is amazing! Sorry for the super long comment! Target just makes me go on and on ;)

  54. I absolutely adore this outfit...blue is def your color.

  55. Another beautiful maxi!! I love target :)

  56. This post is crackin' me up! I'm the same way. Target has like this beacon of light that I am drawn to -- like a fly. And I can't tell you how many times I end up there suddenly when I'm having a crappy day.


  57. I love how the blogging world is like a support group for people addicted to target. And by support I mean they actually "support" you to the shope there. My name is Heather and I am addicted to target....


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