August 27, 2012

All Glory

denim shirt: old navy   skirt: old navy (similiar)   necklace: ebay

I don't think there has been a recent Sunday when there wasn't a worship song that brought tears to my eyes, as they seem to be exactly what I need to hear.
Lately this worship song has been playing over and over in my mind. 

Let your kingdom come, and your will be done
Here on earth as it is in heaven.
And to your renown hear our hearts cry out
singing holy is the Lord.

All glory,
All honor, 
are yours alone forever.

What does giving God all the glory look like?
I have a pretty easy time giving glory to God when good things come. 
When I got my teaching job, when I feel extra blessed by my family, when I think about how much I love my house or how much my marriage has grown this last year. 

But to give God the glory when things don't go the way I want? 
Now that is something I struggle to do, 
but have been learning this year. 

My biggest prayer as we go through another round of fertility treatments is that whatever the outcome is,
 I give the glory to God.  
No doubt that if I get pregnant that will come easily.
The thought of giving glory to God if I'm not pregnant honestly scares me.
Mostly because I have a hard time picturing what that will look like. 
But I I do feel confident that even if I'm not pregnant, although as devastated as I'll be,
 I will be able to give glory to God. 

All glory, 
All honor, 
are yours alone forever. 


  1. Good luck with your treatments :) Whatever the outcome is, it is that way for a purpose! My parents went through so many different treatments and my dad even had major surgery. For years and years they tried and nothing worked. So they adopted. Me, and 3 others. Our lives no doubt would have been totally different (in the bad way) and the two littlest ones probably dead (their parents were prostitutes in Russia). They saved our lives and gave us the best home and family. I am forever grateful for all they went through to get me and my siblings. Good luck :) My husband and I have been trying a year with no luck so we will being going to the doctor soon.

  2. I'm thinking and praying for you. God sees your heart and knows that even when life is difficult you will still thank him and give him glory. He knows your heart desire and he will fulfill them.

    Love you friend.

  3. You're so inspiring! You are absolutely right that no matter what happens in our lives, we can give God glory, because He is so good and loves us so much! Praying for you :)

  4. reminds me of one of my favorite worship songs, "I will trust you in the pain, when I can't see past today. When it's hard to lift my hands to praise you, I will will trust you"

  5. It IS so hard to give God glory when things aren't going our way. I'm so glad that you're learning this right now... and sharing it with all of us. You are such an encouragement! Thanks for being willing to share and I'll be praying for your next round of fertility treatments!

  6. Thank you for sharing such an honest post, Katie! It is easy to give glory to God and thanks to Him when things go our way. I will be praying for you as you go through treatments, that His will be done and that you and Chris have peace and understanding no matter the outcome. During hardships, a verse I cling to is Psalm 63:8, "My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." and I literally focus on the word "cling". Cling to Him and He will guard Your heart and uphold you.

  7. Oh my sweet friend, my heart aches to read this. Will be praying for you on this time.
    Trusting that God is faithful to His people.
    Trusting that the pain we experience on earth, will not be for void. God is bigger than that.
    && trusting that God is a miracle performing God :)

    Praying for you!

  8. As always, saying a special prayer for you and your hubby. I'm so glad you can see the good God has brought into your life. Lucky girls like us have no reason to complain!

  9. I think this is one of the simplest and pureset elements of the christian faith. Which by no coincidence is also one of the hardest. Praying for you and your family

  10. This is so well written Katie! I need this reminder constantly. And I know what you mean about tearing up at doesn't take much for me either. Keeping you and your husband in our prayers!

  11. 1. Purple skirt = stroke of genius.

    2. I'm sending my best, most positive thoughts your way. In time (when it is your time) you will be given the opportunity to be an amazing mother. Until then, I hope you find within yourself the strength to be patient. <3

  12. Absolutely love the color combination!

  13. beautiful, katie. you know i was talking with someone the other day, and one of the words so often appears in the bible is the word ENDURE. and often, tough times are about endurance.

    "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope," - Romans 5:3-4

    "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." -
    1 Corinthians 13:7

    "Blessed is [s]he who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." - James 1:12

    <3 you!

  14. Love the honest of your posts. I know it's not easy but you have a lot of people (including your fellow bloggers) rooting for you and hoping for the best. Stay strong and keep believing that your time will come :)


  15. Katie, I'll be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts as you go through treatment again!

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my jewelry giveaway!

  16. Beautiful post :-) You'll be in my prayers.

  17. I always love a good church service like that. The tear to the eye kind. Here is sending strong prayers your way!

    Hosting a giveaway, would love for you to enter!

  18. you are rocking that purple skirt! I love it!


  19. Oh Katie, I can't imagine your frustrations as you go through these treatments. But you are SO right to give it up to God, no matter the outcome, because He has a greater plan. It's ridiculously hard to focus on that sometimes, but you are so wise to look to Him in your time of need. You WILL be an amazing Momma!

    That purple skirt needs to find it's way into my closet. ASAP.

  20. I am thinking about you and future treatments! Good luck and lots of love! God is good and you will be able to give him glory no matter what, you are strong.

  21. Aw, keeping you in my thoughts as you go through another round of treatments! I can't imagine how difficult that must be.

  22. Oh Katie, I'm wishing you the best of luck as you go through this round of treatments. Thinking of you and your husband!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. Molly's comment hit the nail on the head...endure, my friend. Even though we have never met IRL, I can tell through your writing that you have a big and brave heart! It is hard to remind ourselves to give Him all the glory when we don't understand why we face such hard challenges, but never give up on Him. Whatever the outcome, it is His will. I will be thinking of you and praying for positive results on your next treatment!

  24. I wish you all the best!!
    The skirt is really nice.

  25. Well written, Katie dear.
    God is on our side. Keeping you in my prayers.

  26. I love you and I'm praying for you! God's plan, God's timing, he's got a purpose. Love you so much!

  27. Cutie! Love your necklace and jean shirt!

    You are such an inspiration, you seem to let nothing shake your faith! Giving glory to God is definitely difficult in tough circumstances but just remember: he has a plan for you that is greater than yours! Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing!

  28. awesome necklace!

    ps: we're having a surprise painting giveaway on our blog this week - you're invited! :-)


  29. I love this outfit and how you tie your chambray top. I gotta try that!

  30. Your necklace goes so well with your shirt. Good luck with the treatment !

  31. Our God is faithful and it so hard to remember that when our desired outcome isn't the one that He wills for our lives.

    Praying that everything goes well. I'll be following along to see God work it out in your favor. Whatever the outcome is we know He is in control! Praise Him through the circumstance!

  32. Katie,

    As we embark on our first IVF round starting next week, I am going through a lot of feelings... but more than anything I am trying to remember "Glory to God" regardless.

    Your story is so touching and part of me thinks that God had you go through that season to reach others (like me), to give hope. Even after many failed treatments, you now have a perfect little girl. (She really is the cutest!)

    I am praying ... and praying... and PRAYING that God will give me this desire that it's my heart.

    Thanks for your hopefulness of all of these infertility blog posts.


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