August 28, 2012

Boys & Superheros

jeans: JCP (similar)  blazer: tjmaxx (similar) wedges: target (similar)

Last weekend Chris and I watched The Avengers.  
He had already seen it but was excited to watch it again. 
I have to say that it was pretty funny and I did enjoy it, 
but what I enjoyed way more was watching and hearing Chris enjoy it. 
Something about the flying, fighting and transforming into superheros made it appear that this was quite possibly one of the best movies he's seen.  

Here's just a few of his comments during the movie:
(and add is many spurts of serious laughter in between these)

They just killed that and it was nothing.

He's like a hundred times his size.

Look - He's just flying around killing all of them.

I love the hulk Katie!

I love all these guys so much. 

Look how angry he is. 

Watch! Watch! Look at that. 

And hulk smash.

Did you see that? You're missing this.

This part is really funny. Watch this. It's my favorite part.

Aren't you so happy Kate? 

Must be something about boys and superheros . . . .

p.s.  This is my first collage using three pictures.  Is three of me too many?
I think maybe. 

Oh and if you haven't entered Amanda's August giveaway you should!
I'm giving away a large ad space!


  1. there can never be too many katies!! you look gorgeous! i have that blazer!!!

  2. Awww, how cute is hubs' commentary?! haha too funny :) and 3 isn't too much - you look fab!

  3. It's so cute what makes our simple boys so happy!! And I love the outfit and the 3 pics!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Nothing wrong with 3 Katie's! I love it!

    Haha to your hubs reaction to the movie!

    Loving your blazer so much!

  5. love this outfit! i can totally hear chris saying all these things, so funny! :)

  6. I love the collage! And I love the outfit! That blazer is uber fabulous and with those pants *swoon* You look comfortable, classy and chic.


  7. The more Katie's the better...3 is definitely not too many! But can you send one to VT please? : ) This made me laugh hard, because I could hear Chris saying all these things!

  8. haha, that's so cute and sounds JUST like my husband!! He gets so excited about things!! :) It's one of my favorite things, makes life sweeter! :)

  9. HAHA! Aren't you so happy?!? How cute.

  10. I saw the Avenger also and I really enjoyed it, lots of action and it was pretty funny. Love the bright pants, I have a similar pair. I'm having an end of summer giveaway on my blog, would love it if you could pass by and check it out!


  11. Hahaha Chris is hilarious! That sounds like me and Nate during a movie, we always talk instead of just sitting and watching the movie... it's just too good! Want those blue jeans! And three photos isn't too much, love the collage look!

  12. i LOVE that outfit Katie! And I don't think 3 is too many. It looks good :) Isn't it amazing how grown men turn into boys with movies like that? And then my husband makes fun of me for liking Twilight. Pu-leeeze!

  13. This sounds soooo much like my hubby!! Cute blazer! I need for blazers. Love your big smile. ;)

  14. Fabulous blazer!! So pretty paired with the blue skinnies. And I think the collage look great!

    Zach wants to see Avengers soooo bad...maybe I'll give in and go after reading this :)

  15. 3 looks good! You can always alternate between 2 and 3. Those are ALMOST the pants I bought, but then I saw the navy.
    Scott used to watch a horrible sci-fi show called "Legend of the Seeker". I still make fun of him for that. Boys are weird.

  16. I'm loving that blazer with your blue pants! So pretty!


  17. Don't they say good things come in threes? Love the collage, not too many Katies! Guys crack me's like that and making forts still excite them no matter how old they get.

  18. Haha that was how my husband was before, during and after the movie! It was pretty awesome though. The Hulk was the best! Great outfit combo.

  19. hahah! this is so true!!! about guys and movies!! and no...three o you is NOT too many bc you are just gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! loving the outfit as always! xoxo have a great day!!

  20. What's funny is that I get that way about superhero movies too...

    That blazer is GREAT! What a great TJMaxx find!

    <3 Daryl
    Roots, Wings & Other Things
    $100 Anthropologie Giveaway

  21. OH! I want that blazer! Soo adorable, I love what you paired it with too!

  22. That striped blazer is adorable, and I LOVE it with the cobalt pants!

    lace, etc.

  23. Haha this does not surprise me one bit. Of course Chris would say all of those things! And I agree with Lauren, the more Katie's the better!

  24. Love that outfit! I still need to see that movie!

  25. The stripes just pop against the cobalt, love it! Chris sounds just like my hubby. He watches all those superhero movies...I think he must've seen Iron Man 100 times.

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my jewelry giveaway!

  26. Love your blazer with colored jeans! You look amazing! Also, there is def something about boys and superheroes :-)

  27. The blazer looks adorable paired with fun colored pants :)

  28. haha aww this is awesome! i loved that you remembered all his quotes! such a guy movie!! but still so good!

  29. Haha! Sounds just like Christopher when he was watching it! That really was a great movie! One of my fav recent super hero movies for certain! :)

  30. Boys are so funny with their superheros! I don't think three pictures is too many, I like it! LOVE this blazer and I want blue skinnies now!

  31. Awe, too cute!! Ross gets like this when it comes to movies like Braveheart, Tombstone and Wyatt Earp...boys will be boys!! Love the blazer and three pics looks great! I don't think it's too many!

  32. Haha! My husband is the same way! He's a huge superhero fan (Superman in particular) and he has to rewind almost every scene to make sure I "caught it." :-) Love the striped blazer!

    Dainty and Decadent

  33. haha love it! We banned our son from the movie b/c well it was awful lol but we took him to see the avengers...he loved it...seriously what is it with boys and super heroes!?

  34. You look so super cute! Haha, my husband made me watch that movie with him too, and I honestly enjoyed it as well. After the movie, he went into this whole discussion about which avenger he would be in 'real life' and why. Boys!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  35. Love this outfit! The colored jeans look perfect with the black and white stripe jacket!


  36. Such gorgeous inspiration pictures!
    I'm Your New Follower,Hoping That you Will FOLLOW me too.

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    I'll wait you on my blog dear.Have a Nice Day!

  37. Those cobalt blue pants are amazing!! I've been looking for a pair and these are perfect. Love :)

  38. Hahaha he's so funny!
    Love your outfit!

  39. Lol! That's too funny! And I don't think three pictures is too much :) Especially when you have on such a great outfit!

  40. I love that outfit!

    And I was laughing so hard at those comments. It sounds exactly like Luke! Luke saw the movie twice because he went to see it with his friends, but just HAD to take me to see it too :-) And I agree, it was pretty funny and entertaining.

  41. Haha! How cute. Love the black, white and blue combo :)

  42. I still don't know what The Avengers is about. We're not a super hero family, I guess. :)

    Love the black and white stripes with the cobalt blue!

  43. Sounds a lot like my husband! lol I adore your outfit...I need some new cobalt colored jeans for Fall!!

  44. I love you whole outfit!!!! Especially that jacket it is so fierce!

  45. I love you whole outfit!!!! Especially that jacket it is so fierce!

  46. That blazer!!!!!!!!!! and guys are pretty funny when it comes to superheros and such. lol


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