August 29, 2012

Fall Accessories and a giveaway

I'm really excited to share with you one of my favorite blogging friends today!
Carly is a fellow teacher, who shares my love for clothes and I'm sure for Target too. But who doesn't?
I still need to learn a thing or two from her about beauty products.  I could use some serious help in that department.  Her husband is also in a band and I'm pretty sure he is becoming famous.  In that case then so will Carly, which is another reason to become friends with her. :)
She also has a sweet giveaway at the end too!

Today Carly is sharing some of her favorite fall accessories with you today.
My favorite fall accessory this year will most likely be my new fringe boots,
but now I want what Carly is sharing too!

Hello fabulous For Lauren & Lauren readers! I'm extra excited to be guest posting for Katie today, because she was my VERY first blog friend.  She wrote me the sweetest emails, and was so encouraging! 

I'm Carly....and I blog over at Lipgloss & Crayons.  I write about fashion obsessions, beauty products, teaching, and my life in the City of Angels.  

As much as I love summer......I'm READY for fall.....I'm crushing on fall accessories....a few in particular.  I've rounded up a few of my favorite fall accessories for you to enjoy.  The best part.....they're available at prices everyone can afford! 
1. Leopard Scarf // 2. Red Satchel // 3. Tortoiseshell Necklace // 4. Brown Riding Boots

What fall accessories are you loving? Stop by Lipgloss & Crayons and tell me your favorites!

Thank you so much for your post Carly - I am impatiently waiting for Fall weather.   And I love all of them, but I'm pretty sure my cheap self will be after the ATM items.  I'm so excited because Carly is giving one of you a $10 gift card to Sephora AND a medium ad space on her blog.  Enter below!

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! I'm doing a giveaway this week also and I would love to see you stop by and enter!

  2. I love your fringe boots! They are so cute!

    I love how Carly found similar pieces at all different price brackets! Really awesome.

    I'm off to check out her blog now!

  3. Such cute boots, Katie! I am SO ready for fall! And I would definitely be shopping in the ATM bracket too!

  4. Those boots with that skirt... so precious!

  5. I love this post. I am a sucker for a cheap find, but I will also spend some $ on classic pieces.
    Penniless Socialite

  6. We just moved to Nashville and a pair of cowboy boots is definitely on my list! Great picks :)

  7. love it and i LOVE CARLY! she's awesome!

  8. she is such a doll! Leopard scarf is a Fall accessory I am so excited about, and actually just scooped up! Next I would LOVE to find a pair of flat boots... Tory Burch style on a Target budget :)

  9. I love the different accessories in the 3 price ranges! I can't wait to wear boots this fall! Great giveaway :)


  10. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! :]

  11. Hi! I love stopping by to read your blog. I really like how Carly showed how to make the same styles work for different price ranges.
    Also, I really like your striped blazer from 8/28, I wish I was confident enough to wear such fabulous things!

  12. Hey girl!
    Love the boots and I like you and Carly (love her blog!) are ready for fall!!!
    I have been wearing jeans pretending its almost fall.
    Happy Thursday!!!

  13. i want all of those riding boots seriously i love the look of riding boots!

  14. love these fall looks! and Katie I love your boots!!


  15. I feel like I keep saying this on blogs, but why are we so ready for fall? Wait for summer to finish its thing! Haha. I wear boots whenever I want, anyway.

  16. I definitely crushing for that leopard scarf!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  17. I LOVE my riding boots, and I'm so relieved to hear they're still in style! Not that I would stop wearing them, but it's nice to know I'm not completely out of it. I'm really starting to like fringed boots like yours too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. What a fun giveaway, love connecting with new bloggers! Thanks!


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