August 6, 2012


dress & shirt: old navy   sandals: target

It's been far too long since I had been running outside and while I was camping I was reminded how much I miss it.  I think I've avoided "quiet" time a lot this summer as I often end of feeling sad, scared and upset when I just sit and think about what I am going through, and what our future may be.

I was reminded while running how important it is to continually process what I'm going through and open my heart to whatever the Lord wants to teach me.

I believe that God uses trials to bring us closer to Him and to teach us. 
As I've been in the same trial for over a year, I believe the most important thing I've learned is to surrender. 

my plans
my desires
my control
my timing 

and to trust that God has His perfect plan and His perfect timing.

And whether I learn one more thing or ten more things before he blesses us with a baby, 
I need to give up trying to figure it out. 
I need to stop planning after each "lesson" I feel I learn and think that maybe now God will give me what I want.
I need to surrender my frustrations and anger that we have been in this same place for what seems like so long. 
I need to stop planning out my future month by month of what I think would be the perfect plan. 

This song continually ran through my head while running and is a great reminder of what I need to do. 

  1. All to Jesus I surrender;
    All to Him I freely give;
    I will ever love and trust Him,
    In His presence daily live.
    • I surrender all,
      I surrender all;
      All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
      I surrender all.
  2. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Humbly at His feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
    Take me, Jesus, take me now.

    All to Jesus I surrender;
    Now I feel the sacred flame.
    Oh, the joy of full salvation!
    Glory, glory, to His Name!

    I surrender all, 
    I surrender all;
    All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 
    I surrender all. 

    I need to open my hands and surrender to Him.  


  1. This is such a great post - so encouraging! I'm definitely learning surrender now too.

  2. Katie, that is one of my very favorite hymns. I start bawling just reading the words to it. We all find ourselves planning our lives, most of the time not realizing or remembering that it has already been mapped out for us. We just need to trust and obey, and let God's plan take shape. Easier said than done, I know. I have to say however, if we are willing and are still during those quiet moments, we will hear Him speaking to us, loving on us if we would just let it happen rather than let the fears and worry and disappointment set in. Sending up prayers for you!

  3. That is one of my favorite songs.

    I absolutely loved reading this. You are beautiful!

  4. what a great post! those are some wise words.

  5. What a great and honest post. Those are important words to live by, but I know too that it's not always easy. Stay positive, it seems like sometimes this is the only thing we can control.


  6. Beautifully written, girl!
    I think we can all relate to surrendering!

    I admire your positive attitude :)

  7. Amen sister: love that hymn, we truly need to surrender all to Jesus and He will comfort us! Love your faith!

  8. What a great reminder, Katie. Thank you for sharing! I hope that His timing for you is soon. ;)

  9. Such a beautiful song and you are such a beautiful girl. I really need to try the knotted make it look so good!

    Your faith is truly inspiring...I admire you for giving your worries up to God and trusting in His timing. It's the hardest thing to do but ultimately the most rewarding.

  10. Thanks for sharing :) Continuing to pray for you, sweet friend. Love you!

  11. such an amazing post, katie. that's one of my favorite hymns - i am praying for you all the time, girl. you know that you are on my heart and i know that the Lord has great plans for you. i know it. Hugs, girl.

  12. I love that skirt, Katie!
    These kind of posts just make me ache. My friend is in your situation and every time I talk to her I feel for her, yet I'm amazed by her faith too.
    God's timing is a tough one. There's so much that we're obviously not meant to understand.
    Everything will come in God's timing though. It eventually has to.. one way or another!

  13. SOOO true! I completely agree! God knows exactly what we need and at the right time we need it! It's SOO hard though! Patience is not easy.

  14. Thank you, thank you for posting this. This is so perfectly timed for me right now...and I need all the reminders I can get to just let go. Keeping you guys in our prayers!

  15. That's such a cute dress worn as a skirt <3 and loved the pop of color from the sandals

    Enter to win 20$ at Blaque Muse
    Sabrilett's Armoire

  16. Makes me cry! I'm sitting here reading this on my break at work and tears are just rolling. We sang that hymn at church on always hits me hard. I am such a control freak, and I always need His reminder to just surrender to Him, let go, and let Him take over! Amen, sister. Thanks for the reminder!

  17. i tend to avoid running outside or alone when i'm going through tough stuff too....too much time to think and hear God. this post is really awesome Katie.....praying for you daily friend and hoping that God blesses you guys with a little bambino soon!

    PS - this may be one of my favorite outfits ever. you look so naturally beautiful!

  18. Surrendering control is SUCH a hard thing to do...but it's a lesson we probably all need to learn. I'm sure I would be much happier if I could learn to do it too :) Good luck with it Katie, I know everything will work out for you. And love the way you tied the tee with the skirt - so cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  19. lovely post and so humbling. Runs do that to me too, make me think.

  20. I always think on runs too! They're always the best thing for me in hard times! Know that we are all praying for you!

    I hope camping was relaxing!!


  21. Katie, I am right there with you. I'm such a control freak that I can't handle times when I don't have the reins. It's so hard to let go and just trust that things will work out, but I'm working on it! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  22. Such a pretty post! He's listening!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  23. OMG! That skirt is to die for!

    love from Northern Style Exposure

  24. This brings tears to my eyes, Katie. One of the things I love about running in the early morning is that there are no distractions to just pouring your heart out to God. When you want something so badly, it's really hard to surrender those desires to Christ. I totally understand. *hugs*

    On a more superficial note, you look adorable! =)

  25. fabulous katie! this is just what i needed today! stopping by from the link up and i'm so glad i did! i love your blog by the way! i can't wait to read more! happy tuesday!

  26. Beautiful hymn. Love the perfect summer outfit too!

  27. what a strong and beautiful and mature post! i remember that living month to month's not easy. but you are strong and surrounded by so many people who love you. and it will happen for you!! stay positive!!

  28. Thank you for sharing this post :-) God has a plan for our lives. It can be so hard sometimes to let go and let God. I pray that he brings you peace through these trials and that your quiet times turn into positive parts of your day. We all need quiet time with God.

  29. love it! and love the blog too girl! keep 'em comin'.

    love, rach.

  30. Knotted tees are my new favorite thing! You look great!

  31. Great post, Katie. Thank you. Although, not for the same reasons, we are in a similar place of waiting right now. And it is so hard not to keep planning and wanting what we want. (My husband has been unemployed since November and we are having a hard time finding where the Lord wants us.)
    I am praying for you, girl! ;)

  32. Hello Katie from Australia. I am much older than you are and yet I recognise the need to surrender. I love that hymn you quoted, "I surrender all." I believe until the day we die, we will continue to try to do this.. Much love CML

  33. Visiting from Casey's "what is on your heart" Following you! :)



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