August 5, 2012

DIY Maxi Dress - Round 2

(I apologize for the extremely tired face. It was too early to be taking pictures.)

Earlier this summer I made this maxi dress
The directions said it would take 30 minutes, but ended up taking me over two hours.  
Now this skirt probably was a little more than 30 minutes, but definitely easier than the last one. 

 All you need is an old tank top & 2 yards of knit/jersey fabric.
(I guess your tank top doesn't have to be old. Mine definitely was.)

First cut your tank top, leaving about an inch more than you want to show on your dress.

Then take your two yards of fabric and cut off one of the sides to make it as wide as you'd like it. 

(What I wish I would have done here is lay a maxi skirt that I like on top and cut out the sides, using it as a pattern.  I ended up having to take mine in around the waist after I was done.  It would have been much easier to do that here.)

Using a zigzag stitch sew up both sides of your rectangle. 

I tried mine on and it was way to wide.  I could have done a gathered stitch around the waist, which would've work.  But instead I just cut the extra off and sewed the side again. 

If you want your skirt more gathered around the waist (and then it would be looser the rest of the length) you can follow this tutorial here.

Next slide your tank top inside your skirt. 

Then pin your tank top to your skirt. 
Now my skirt was still a little wider than my tank top.
(This is where a doing a gathered/ruffled stitch would help).
But I just folder over the fabric - like little pleats and pinned it down. 

Sew around the circle, using a zigzag stitch. 

And turn it inside out.
Since it is knit fabric you don't need to hem it, although I may end up doing it later. 

And that's it!
I also think I will end up wearing it with a belt too. 
(Which comes in handy to cover up any mistakes on the waist line!) 

I'm always a little nervous doing a sewing tutorial, as I am no expert, so let me know if something doesn't make sense!

Hope you all had a good weekend!


  1. Seriously, can you just make all of my clothes for me?

  2. This is brilliant! i LOVE your style.

  3. This turned out SO GOOD! I love it! And it looks even better with the belt! I wish I could sew :)


  4. This is too cute! I have really been wanting to try my hand at sewing a maxi skirt, but I'm so scared!

  5. oh my GOSH katie this is so awesome. i REALLY wish i could sew...

  6. So cute! I am going to borrow this dress along with the other 100 dresses that you own. :)

  7. This is gorgeous!!! Love the red paired with the white tank top and that brown belt totally pulls the entire look together!

  8. Oh my goodness...SO cute!!! I especially love it with the belt!!!!

  9. LOVE this- so cool! You are quite the crafty one in the summers missy!

    ps. How'd you get your "pin it" button to work!?!?!

    It's an Easy Life

  10. SO cute! Super impressed! Love it with the belt, too!!

  11. Hey Mrs Talented! You did a great job and that flower belt looks adorable with the dress.

  12. OMGoodness, that is darling! My girls would love it. Mom REALLY needs to dust off the sewing machine! When do you report back to school? The kids here start tomorrow. Sooooo thankful we have an extra week before heading to Texas!

  13. Oh my goodness! Cutest maxi skirt EVER! I really love it with the belt! :)

  14. This is beautiful! You did amazing!

  15. I cannot believe you did this yourself!!! AWESOME job! You look beautiful :)

  16. this is amazing! i love love love the way it turned out! despite your phenomenal instructions, i want to pay you to make me one :)

  17. What a clever way to repurpose some old items. Awesome job!!

  18. Gorgeousness!!! Love it with the belt too, great job Katie!

  19. Wow, you made this, so awesome! It looks amazing with the belt!

  20. Wow, this looks amazing...Would never guess it was DIY!!
    xo Annie

  21. I love the dress :) Your soo pretty .

  22. Cuuuuuuuuuuute! Looks great Katie, love it with the belt :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  23. i think it all makes perfect sense, and you did a great job! and the dress looks fantastic on you!

  24. You are a sewing machine!! LOL! Get it?? ;) Seriously though, I need to learn your skills! This is so stinkin' adorable! Love it!
    Giveaway @ Because Shanna Said So

  25. Found you from your #YOLO Monday link! I did a maxi dress tutorial post today too! How awesome!

  26. Wow, you make it look so easy! Just found your blog and love it!

    xo Ashley

  27. omg, I would have never thought of that. great look and blog!

  28. My husband dreams that I could do stuff like this. Maybe someday...
    I think it looks great. I love that it has more shape than a lot of the maxi dresses in the stores.

  29. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT YOUR BLOG UNTIL NOW?!!!! your fashion sense is about to rub off on me....hopefully. :) love you KJ!!

  30. That is SUCH a cute idea, Lauren! You look adorable!

  31. It turned out so well! I wish I was better with a sewing machine :)

  32. this is so cute, you are a wizard on the sewing machine!! i love the belt you added to it for an extra floral touch.

  33. Oh wow, you did a fabulous job! It looks so cute on you!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  34. This is amazing -- what a great idea and a good way to repurpose an old tank! I love this -- you look great!


  35. That is such a cute dress! Good job! Where did you get the belt?

  36. Great job! Love it with the belt. ;) You look amazing. ;)

  37. Adorable! Love it with the belt!
    xo, Katie

  38. what a cute and simple idea. I can't wait to try!


  39. Your DIY maxi looks so good! Who knew you were a clothing designer :)

  40. wow you Made that?? It looks amazing. So sleek and fits you so well! This is such a good idea, thanks for the diy!

    Giveaway!! atThe House of Shoes

  41. Wow! The dress turned out great! Must have something to do with you being a great sewer...not sure it would turn out like this if I attempted it :) But I just might!!


  42. You are so amazing! Wow! It looks amazing! I really love it with the belt too!

  43. Very creative DIY, it turned out so well! That brown belt just pulls it all together. You look fabulous- what tired face?!

  44. This is such an awesome idea! I'm short so maxi's are not in my comfort zone,but I love this idea. And I love it with the belt! I found you via the blog hop btw, I'm a new follower :)

  45. The maxi is just too cute~! I love how you made the maxi what a neat idea:) The belt really pulls it altogether!!!

  46. This is an awesome DIY!

    -Mary @

  47. Oh honey...that belt is the greatest addition ever. What a nice maxi. I love how it turned out!

  48. Hello,
    This above post is just awesome along with beautiful Maxi Dresses...I loved this dress and making procedure... Nice post dear. Thank you too much.......


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