September 2, 2012

So long summer . . .

tee: old navy  short& sandals: old navy  bracelets: chloe vs. tank  necklace: groopdealz

I'm thinking this will be my last time wearing shorts this year.
 Whether the weather agrees with me or not, now that it is September I want to put my shorts away and move onto Fall clothes. 

Even though school has started and I feel like summer is already over, 
this weekend seems to make it more official.  
Here are some of my summer highlights:

taking my niece to Medieval Times for her birthday

getting an extra week with some alone time with my nephew and niece

trying to be more adventurous

accomplishing some successful projects (sailboat tee, maxi dress, statement necklace)

I hope you had a great summer and are ready for Fall!

Now when is it an appropriate time to put up Fall decorations?  
because I am ready. 


  1. I love this recap! I can't believe summer is already over. TOO weird! I think we can put Fall decorations up now, right??

    Enjoy your holiday tomorrow! :)

    It's an Easy Life

  2. Looks like a fun summer! And i put my decorations up yesterday!

  3. I was just asking the boyfriend if it was ok if pumpkins started appearing around the house! I'm so ready for fall weather even though it is a hot and humid 90 here in MO. Even though I lurve the summer, I want my cozy sweaters, tall boots, and bonfires.

  4. I put my fall decor up on Friday! I just wish the candy corn would hop out onto the store shelves...
    I really love the mini-bubble-necklace.

  5. I put my fall decor up on Friday! I just wish the candy corn would hop out onto the store shelves...
    I really love the mini-bubble-necklace.

  6. I cannot believe Summer is over. It went rather quickly.

    Love your summer recap! I want to do this. I just might steal this idea :)

  7. It looks like you had an amazing summer! And I'm with you, who says we have to wait until September 21 (?) to start decorating for fall? I want to do it NOW :)

  8. Looks like you had many a fabulous adventure this summer! I am so ready to pull out my pumpkin spice fall candles!

  9. Sounds and looks like the end of your summer is going well and I am SO ready for fall time to be here! I can't wait!!

  10. I am so ready for fall. I dug out my fall wreath but I think I will wait until at least the 15th before I put it up! I already have our trips to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch planned. It's still so incredibly hot here so I am really waiting for it to cool down before its "official"

  11. You are SO cute! Seems like you had a fabulous summer. I'm with you though...bring on the sweaters and boots!

  12. My Fall decor is already trickling in too! Love this time of year :) You look great! Heading to Old Navy tomorrow and fingers crossed they have those tees! Looks like you had a BLAST this summer! GO YOU!

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  13. Great recap and super cute tee! I totally believe September 1st is an appropriate time to start the fall decorations! Working on a wreath now! haha

  14. Bring on FALLLLLLL!!!!!!!! I am so over summer :)

  15. Everyone is saying summer is over but for me it still means lots of beach time! I've already seen Halloween candy in stores which means you can probably decorate now :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter my jewelry giveaway!

  16. looks like you had a beautiful summer, thanks for sharing your nice summery pics =D

    love from the NANA girls xoxo

  17. Love all your summer pics and your outfit is adorable! It always amazes me how fast summer goes by, we wait for it al year long and then boom, its over. Looks like you have some amazing summer memories!


  18. I am right there with you. Ready for all things fall!!

  19. I'm jealous you got the groopdealz necklace! I saw it but didn't have the money for it at the time. Looks great on you!

  20. That striped too is too cute :) I'm sad to see summer go, but I'm looking forward to the fun that fall brings!

  21. What a fun summer! I must admit that I'm ready for fall too... can't wait for cozy sweatshirts and hot mugs of pumpkin spiced lattes!

  22. I feel ya, it's never too early for fall decorations to go up! we just moved from cold idaho to sizzling hot arizona though and I fear it'll never get hot enough to whip out my thick sweaters! anyway, it looks like you've had such a great summer, I love all your outfits especially that diy sailboat tee! ceee-ute!

    The House of Shoes

  23. I can not wait until the weather is "fall-ish"! We thought it was cooling down here in Denver but the last couple of days have been in the 90's. Ridiculous! I'm glad you had such a fun summer, I hope fall will be just as great!

  24. looks like you guys had a super fun summer! that dress on the last pic is just adorable!

    do you want to follow each other (on bloglovin' and gfc)? let me know.
    see you around! xx

  25. All three of your outfits in the last photo are so trendy! I cannot believe you made that sailboat shirt it is too cute!

  26. I'm not ready for fall, I'm such a fan of summer. And I love your sailboat tee! I never saw that post before!

  27. Love that red necklace you made! It turned out so great! ;) Hope you have a great fall! I am ready for fall too, but with the weather still in the upper 90's it may be a while! ;)

  28. Loved getting to spend my summer with you and loved spending it with you as my sister. You're so beautiful!

  29. Very cute outfits! I adore the sailboat tee :) I'm a sucker for anything sailing or nautical!


  30. Love the top in the first pic, so cute! Summer is pretty much gone, isn't it? Looks like you had a great (and productive) one :) I say hold off putting up fall decorations till the leaves start to change!

  31. I really like those longer shorts... and that's what I said last week... and then it's been in the 90's - summer is sticking around (at least in MN!)


  32. totally ok to put fall decor up!!


  33. I already have my fall decorations up!

    ~jen dakin

  34. Amazing pictures! I adore your blog :)

    Check out my fashion corner!

  35. love your mini yellow bauble :) Adorable. We're twinsies!!! Get yours off Groupdealz???


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