October 16, 2012


dress: target (recent clearance)  boots: dsw (similar)  scarf: ? 

First let's acknowledge my need for a haircut and color.  
Well it's only going to get worse because my appointment isn't until November 8th. 

Second I've attempted pattern mixing again and am much happier with the result this time. 

And third I think it's time to talk about my dislike for certain words and phrases.
I have a pretty large hatred toward a handful of them.
Two of them being "reimbursement" and "it's all relative."
And I guarantee I'm not alone in my need to cringe when I hear the word "moist."

But I also have a dislike for abbreviations.
Now I will have to say when I saw the episode on Happy Endings where one of the characters uses all kinds of abbreviations and calls them abbrevs I thought it was pretty funny.
Okay really funny.

But the daily use of them in real life.  I am not a fan.

When I read blog posts that make me laugh I sometimes think about writing LOL but just can't bring myself to do it.

I feel the same way about the words cray-cray or adorbs or delish.
I do have to say there may be about three people that I've seen that can pull these off and I am not one of them.  

And lastly I should be embarrassed to admit that I spend too much time deciding if I should center my text or put on the left.  I wish I was just j/k. 


  1. Love your muted mix. So pretty. And I totally get you. Why must everything be abbreviated these days? Of course, I am the oddball whose text messages are spelled out with correct grammar and punctuation. :) It drives my friends crazy.

  2. Haha you're so funny! I feel the same way about "LOL"... it's just wrong! If I've used it before... yikes. But I really hope I haven't ever used it in a blog post!

  3. Loved this. I confess. I use delish alllllll the time. Love that dress scarf combo!!

  4. LOL <-- hee hee just for you!

    haaaaaate the word moist (yuck!!)
    and some of those "abbrevs" drive me CRAY (including that one), but I am guilty from time to time for using ones like delish... that's a little more main stream maybe?

    ...or maybe I'm just guilty like the rest of 'em hee hee.

    happy wednesday

  5. I feel ya on the LOL.

    I am also not a fan of 'touching base'. Ugh.

  6. That is totes the best dress eva! (See what I did there??)
    Truly though, I want to wear it every week!
    I paid full price and hated myself for it, but it may have been worth it.

  7. I am always debating my text position as well...too funny. Type A..yes I think so!

  8. 1. I love this dress.
    2. I cannnnnooooot say any of those terms either. Can't do it. But others can!
    3. Left align text. Always. Allllways.
    4. I like you. You make me smile.

  9. Love this pattern mix! I have to admit, I throw "cray" and others into the occasional (joking) conversation in attempts to hold on to the last bits of youth :P I agree, though, it can get annoying. I can't stand "vacay". Ick!

  10. So funny! I'm kinda with you though, especiallly LOL. I NEVER use that, it's always bugged me. Cute outfit!

  11. A few thoughts...
    1. Great pattern mixing!
    2. That dress looks AMAZING on you!
    3. We were just talking about how moist is such a gross word at work the other day!!

  12. Loving the back zipper on that dress!
    And I'm also a fan of the left aligned text!

    Annnnd I'll admit it...I use abbrevs ;)
    Especially cray cray...ha!

    Hope you had a great night, girl!

  13. I love your pattern mixing - this scarf is phenom! Can you tell that I am in the camp of abbreviators?

  14. That dress looks amaaaazing on you! You have the best little figure!!

  15. I wish I could wear full-body stripes like you! Adorbs!

    I actually say, "But, whatevs!" about 20 times a day. Don't judge! ;)

  16. Oh, I will add that one thing I hate is FroYo. My husband said that to me the other day and I'm still making fun of him for it!

  17. I've never written LOL on something. I have said in person that I am LOLing. Ha. Or I will spell it out. That was el-oh-el funny.

  18. Oh gosh. My sister is the WORST abbreviate-r! EVERYTHING is abbrev-ed and it's so irritating!

    Also, moist is the WORST! Especially when someone is praying and thanking God for the "moisture." ICK. No bueno!

  19. I am with you with the abbreviations. Some people really can make them sound cute, but I definitely do not have that gift. There won't be any adorbs or totes coming out of this mouth! ;) xoxo

  20. LOOOOOOOOOVE.THIS.OUTFIT! So cute Katie - that dress looks amazing on you :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. i must admit i like the word cray ;) also loving the boots!


  22. Stopping by from The Pleated Poppy. I, too, struggle with the "to center" or "not to center" my blog posts disease. I thought I was the only one!! Love that dress!

  23. Love this! ha I don't like abbreviations either!!

  24. A friend of mine always says "totes" as short for "totally." So I tried it out once as a joke, but I wrote it in an email and spelled it "tots" like four times. Now it's a big joke. I say "tots" and she says "tater tots?" haha. That's what happens when I try to abbreviate words.

  25. I love the pattern mixing. Can I just say perfect? I don't really use abbreviations either :) I mean, I type out my texts and everything! Is there a back story behind "reimbursement?" Or is just that it sounds bad?
    You're not alone in the text centering problem. Every day.


  26. You look ADORABLE in this outfit, love the dress and scarf! And I'm the same way about 'LOL', I can't bring myself to use it. But other abbreviations I can handle. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. Love the striped dress on you! I know what you mean about the abbreviations. I really hate the word totes, and sunnies annoys me too. Ewww just reading the word moist makes me want to gag!

    I use LOL at work in IM's with people, so I'm used to it now, but I used to cringe when I typed it out :D

  28. Haha Katie! I do like some abbreviations like delish :)

    Cute pattern mixing! I love the exposed back zipper on the dress.

    The Tiny Heart
    1000 Followers Giveaway Extravaganza!

  29. You are hilarious!!! I think it's super funny when my mom uses LOL...it just doesn't fit :-)

    Love your dress with the scarf. The color combo is great!!


  30. Haircut & color. Check.
    Hate the word "moist". Check.
    Love your dress. Check.
    Hmmmm.....abbrevs don't bother me too much (and I know I'm guilty of using them alot but that's only because I get bored with the american langauage!) I have to agree about the whole LOL thing. I cringe everytime I write it (along with haha) but I find myself doing it ALOT. Only because I can be extremally sarcastic and I feel as if I always have to clarify that I was kidding by putting LOL or something. Cray cray I know;)

  31. I have a friend who hates the word moist too! I have actually started to cringe when I hear it because of how much she hates it!

    And you did great with the mixed prints! I love your outfit! And your hair looks awesome but I feel the same way, I'm way overdue!

  32. lol. ( I meant I don't really like it either but I don't know what to write?!...I'll take suggestions )

    this was great. just great. I hear your on centering text or putting it on the left.

    I so agree on the word moist.gag.

  33. ha sorry i'm one of those then you must hate! Although i say them more out of joking.. I would never "say" those words out loud.. just really write them..

  34. No lie, my very masculine husband says "totes adorbs" every now and then and it makes me die laughing every time. I'm definitely one of those people who abbreviate words (and names!) all the time. I blame it on the fact that I spend so much time mentoring teenagers... it's hard not to pick stuff up from them. ;)

  35. Can I say LOL right now without you getting mad at me!! Because that's what I did.

    Abbrevs is so incredibly brilliant...love it. I really hate "cray cray" but when I hear certain people say just "cray" I really think it's hilarious.

    Loving this dress...the zipper in the back is so great!

  36. so cute! love the scarf


  37. Completely agree. Although I often find myself using abbreviations when I'm mocking the abbreviation...but the more I do it I guess I'm actually just using abbreviations?! Uh-oh. :)

  38. Cute! Loving the mix of prints with you scarf! Fun combo!


  39. I almost bought this dress (twice) but somehow talked myself out of it. I may be going back to Target this week to see if they still have my size. Also I'm totes with you on hating abbrevs :)

  40. I'm the same way with abbreviations! I don't mind "LOL" but I can't stand when people say cray-cray or delish or anything like that. But I do love Happy Endings and I'm ok with them talking in abbreviations :)

    P.S. Cute outfit!


  41. super cute look! i love happy endings and it's coming back soon, can't wait!

    C's Evolution of Style

  42. Girl I LOVEEE this striped dress!!! Gorgeous! And I laughed out loud (NOT lol) with your comment about centering your text hahah.

  43. Love your outfit pairing!! Also, I hate when people use LOL after every sentence they write & the sentence is not funny...such as, I went to the store..LOL. I have a hard time writing it and if I do use it, I say... this made me LOL. Still makes me cringe a bit.;)

  44. Love the dress. I love abbrevs...cause they make me laugh

  45. You're not alone on the word "moist" I think someone on the Hills said that once! LC? LO? Someone!

  46. I hate abbreviations in texts. Is it really that hard to write out the word? Really?

  47. things i adore:
    your mixing of prints
    your hair...this is totally ombre and i love it

    things i'm not a fan of
    Moist....why?! just why?
    cray-cray...OMG who decided this was ok
    and Peeps...i feel weird calling my friends marshmallow chicks ;)

  48. hahaha okay first you are adorable. and second, i am TOTALLY guilty of using abbrevs. i says totes, adorbs, delish, cray cray ALL THE TIME. oh man. i need to stop!!

  49. I'm so glad I came across this post... I agree 100%!


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